
function Merge-RedundantEnvPathFromCurrentMachineToCurrentUser{
    Merge redundant items form the current machine level `$Env:PATH` to the current user level.
    Before merging, the function will check and de-duplicate the current machine level and the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    Only support Windows.
    Need Administrator privilege.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Merge redundant items from the current machine level `$Env:PATH` to the current user level",'','')){

function Add-PathToCurrentProcessEnvPath{
    Add a path to the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before adding, the function will check and de-duplicate the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    The default behavior is to prepend. It can be changed by the given the switch `-IsAppend`.
    If the path already exists, it will be moved to the head or the tail according to `-IsAppend`.
    The path to be appended.
    If the switch is specified, the path will be appended.
    Add-PathToCurrentProcessEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Append $Path to process level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){
function Add-PathToCurrentUserEnvPath{
    Add a path to the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before adding, the function will check and de-duplicate the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    The default behavior is to prepend. It can be changed by the given the switch `-IsAppend`.
    If the path already exists, it will be moved to the head or the tail according to `-IsAppend`.
    The path to be appended.
    If the switch is specified, the path will be appended.
    Add-PathToCurrentUserEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'
    Only support Windows.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Append $Path to user level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Add-PathToCurrentMachineEnvPath{
    Add a path to the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before adding, the function will check and de-duplicate the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    The default behavior is to prepend. It can be changed by the given the switch `-IsAppend`.
    If the path already exists, it will be moved to the head or the tail according to `-IsAppend`.
    The path to be appended.
    If the switch is specified, the path will be appended.
    Add-PathToCurrentMachineEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'
    Only support Windows.
    Need Administrator privilege.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Append $Path to machine level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Remove-PathFromCurrentProcessEnvPath{
    Remove a path from the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    The path to be removed.
    Remove-PathFromCurrentProcessEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $false
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove $Path from process level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Remove-PathFromCurrentUserEnvPath{
    Remove a path from the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    The path to be removed.
    Remove-PathFromCurrentUserEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'
    Only support Windows.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $false
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove $Path from user level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Remove-PathFromCurrentMachineEnvPath{
    Remove a path from the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    The path to be removed.
    Remove-PathFromCurrentMachineEnvPath -Path 'C:\Program Files\Git\cmd'
    Only support Windows.
    Need Administrator privilege.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $false
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove $Path from machine level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){
function Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentProcessEnvPath{
    Remove matched paths from the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current process level `$Env:PATH`.
    The pattern to be matched to represent the items to be removed.
    Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentProcessEnvPath -Pattern 'Git'
    # It will remove all the paths that match the pattern 'Git' in the process level `$Env:PATH`.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $true
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove items that match ``$($Pattern)`` from process level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentUserEnvPath{
    Remove matched paths from the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current user level `$Env:PATH`.
    The pattern to be matched to represent the items to be removed.
    Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentUserEnvPath -Pattern 'Git'
    # It will remove all the paths that match the pattern 'Git' in the user level `$Env:PATH`.
    Only support Windows.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $true
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove items that match ``$($Pattern)`` from user level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){

function Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentMachineEnvPath{
    Remove matched paths from the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    Before removing, the function will check and de-duplicate the current machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    The pattern to be matched to represent the items to be removed.
    Remove-MatchedPathsFromCurrentMachineEnvPath -Pattern 'Git'
    # It will remove all the paths that match the pattern 'Git' in the machine level `$Env:PATH`.
    Only support Windows.
    Need Administrator privilege.

    $env_paths = [EnvPath]::new()
    $IsPattern = $true
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove items that match ``$($Pattern)`` from machine level `$Env:PATH`.",'','')){