function Get-TemporaryIPV6ByPattern{ <# .DESCRIPTION Get one of the temporary IPV6 address by pattern. .PARAMETER AdapterPattern The adapter pattern help to recognize the adapter. .PARAMETER AdressPattern The address pattern help to recognize the address. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS String. .NOTES Only support IPV6. Only support Windows. .LINK [GetHostAddresses]( #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AdapterPattern, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AdressPattern ) Assert-IsWindows $addresses = Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv6 |` Where-Object {($_.InterfaceAlias -match $AdapterPattern) -and ($_.IPAddress -match $AdressPattern) -and (($_.PrefixOrigin -eq 'Random') -or ($_.SuffixOrigin -eq 'Random'))}|` ForEach-Object {$_.IPAddress} if ($addresses.Count -eq 0){ throw "No IPV6 address is found by the pattern, AdapterPattern: $AdapterPattern, AdressPattern: $AdressPattern." exit -1 }elseif ($addresses.Count -gt 1){ return $addresses[0] }else{ return $addresses } } function Add-OrUpdateDnsDomainRecord4Aliyun{ <# .DESCRIPTION Add or update a DNS domain record for Aliyun. .PARAMETER DomainName The domain name. .PARAMETER RecordName The record name. .PARAMETER RecordType The record type. .PARAMETER RecordValue The record value. .NOTES Only 4 (mandatory) parameters are supported for customization, the rest will follow the default settings. .LINK [Aliyun DNS API]( [AddDomainRecord]( [UpdateDomainRecord]( [Redirection]( #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$DomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RecordName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RecordType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$RecordValue ) Assert-AliyunCLIAvailable $DescribeDomainRecords = aliyun alidns DescribeDomainRecords --DomainName | ConvertFrom-Json $name_type_records = @() foreach($item in $DescribeDomainRecords.DomainRecords.Record){ $name_type_records += $item.RR+$item.Type } $records = $DescribeDomainRecords.DomainRecords.Record | Foreach-Object {$_.RR+$_.Type} $index = $records.IndexOf($RecordName+$RecordType) Write-Log "Try to add or update the DNS domain record, DomainName: $DomainName, RecordName: $RecordName, RecordType: $RecordType, RecordValue: $RecordValue." -ShowVerbose if ($index -eq -1){ # add $command = "aliyun alidns AddDomainRecord --DomainName $DomainName --RR $RecordName --Type $RecordType --Value $RecordValue" $output = (Invoke-Expression $command) 2>&1 | Out-String Write-Log $output -ShowVerbose }elseif ($RecordValue -ne $DescribeDomainRecords.DomainRecords.Record[$index].Value ){ # update $RecordId = $DescribeDomainRecords.DomainRecords.Record[$index].RecordId $command = "aliyun alidns UpdateDomainRecord --RecordId $RecordId --RR $RecordName --Type $RecordType --Value $RecordValue" $output = (Invoke-Expression $command) 2>&1 | Out-String Write-Log $output -ShowVerbose }else{ # do nothing Write-Log "The DNS domain record does not need to be updated, do nothing." -ShowVerbose } } |