function Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param( [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Path, [switch]$File ) if($File){ if(!$Path.IsFile){ throw "The $Path should be a file." } }else{ if(!$Path.IsDir){ throw "The $Path should be a directory." } } if($Path.IsSymbolicLink -or $Path.IsJunction){ throw "The $Path should not be a symbolic link or junction point." } return $true } function Merge-DirectoryWithBackup{ <# .DESCRIPTION Backup $Source to a path based on $Backuppath Backup $Destination to a path based on $Backuppath Then, merge items from $Source to $Destination Record logs #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Source, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Backuppath ) $guid = [guid]::NewGuid() $source_name = $Source.ToShortName() $backup_source = "$Backuppath/$guid-$source_name" $destination_name = $Destination.ToShortName() $backup_destination = "$Backuppath/$guid-$destination_name" $log_file = Get-LogFileName "Robocopy Merge-DirectoryWithBackup" if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Backup $Source to $backup_source"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Backup $Destination to $backup_destination"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Then, merge items from $Source to $Destination"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Record logs to $log_file",'','')) { Assert-AdminRobocopyAvailable Robocopy $Source $backup_source /E /copyall /DCOPY:DATE /LOG:"$log_file" Robocopy $Destination $backup_destination /E /copyall /DCOPY:DATE /LOG:"$log_file" Robocopy $Source $Destination /E /copyall /DCOPY:DATE /LOG:"$log_file" } } function Move-FileWithBackup{ <# .DESCRIPTION Backup $Source to a path based on $Backuppath Backup $Destination to a path based on $Backuppath Then, move $Source to $Destination Record logs #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_ -File})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Source, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_ -File})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Backuppath ) $guid = [guid]::NewGuid() $source_name = $Source.ToShortName() $backup_source = "$Backuppath/$guid-$source_name" $destination_name = $Destination.ToShortName() $backup_destination = "$Backuppath/$guid-$destination_name" $log_file = Get-LogFileName if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Backup $Source to $backup_source"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Backup $Destination to $backup_destination"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Then, move $Source to $Destination"+[Environment]::NewLine+ "Record logs to $log_file",'','')) { Write-Logs (Copy-Item $Source $backup_source) Write-Logs (Copy-Item $Destination $backup_destination) Write-Logs (Copy-Item $Source $Destination) } } function Merge-BeforeSetDirLink{ <# .DESCRIPTION Before setting a directory link (Symbolic Link or Junction) from $Target2 to $Target1, this function should be used to merge the content in $Target1 to $Target2. Merge form $Target1 to $Target2 by the following rules: $Target1------------------------| $Target2----------------------| Opeartion non-existent | non-existent | pass(do nothing) non-existent | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error non-existent | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | pass(do nothing) dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | throw error dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | del $Target1 dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | copy $Target1 to $Target2, del $Target1 dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | backup $Target1 and $Target2 to $Backuppath, then merge $Target1 to $Target2, then del $Target1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target1, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target2, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Backuppath ) try { $_target1 = [FormattedFileSystemPath]::new($Target1) $_target1_exist = $true } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]{ $_target1_exist = $false } catch { Write-Logs "Exception caught: $_" } if ($_target1_exist){ if (!$_target1.IsDir){ throw "The $_target1 should be a directory" } } try { $_target2 = [FormattedFileSystemPath]::new($Target2) $_target2_exist = $true } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]{ $_target2_exist = $false } catch { Write-Logs "Exception caught: $_" } if ($_target2_exist){ if (!$_target2.IsDir){ throw "The $_target2 should be a directory." } } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Merge the content in $_target1 to $_target2, and backup essential items in $Backuppath",'','')){ if ($_target1_exist){ if ($_target1.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target1.IsJunction){ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsJunction){ # dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot merge $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 and $_target2 are both symbolic link or junction point." }else{ # dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | del $Target1 Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } }else{ # dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | throw error throw "Cannot merge $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target2 does not exist." } }else{ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsJunction){ # dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot merge $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 is not symbolic link or junction point, but $_target2 is." }else{ #dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | backup $Target1 and $Target2 to $Backuppath, then merge $Target1 to $Target2, then del $Target1 Merge-DirectoryWithBackup -Source $_target1 -Destination $_target2 -Backuppath $Backuppath Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } }else{ Assert-AdminRobocopyAvailable # dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | copy $Target1 to $Target2, del $Target1 Write-Logs "Robocopy $_target1 $_target2" $log_file = Get-LogFileName "Robocopy Merge-BeforeSetDirLink" Robocopy $_target1 $_target2 /E /copyall /DCOPY:DATE /LOG:"$log_file" Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } } }else{ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsJunction){ # non-existent | dir-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot merge $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 does not exist and $_target2 is symbolic link or junction point." }else{ # non-existent | dir-not-symbolic-or-hardlink | pass(do nothing) Write-Logs "Do nothing." } }else{ # non-existent | non-existent | pass(do nothing) Write-Logs "Do nothing." } } } } function Move-BeforeSetFileLink{ <# .DESCRIPTION Before setting a file link (Symbolic Link or HardLink) from $Target2 to $Target1, this function should be used to move the file $Target1 to $Target2. Move the file $Target1 to $Target2 by the following rules: $Target1------------------------| $Target2----------------------| Opeartion non-existent | non-existent | pass(do nothing) non-existent | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error non-existent | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | pass(do nothing) file-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | throw error file-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error file-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | del $Target1 file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | copy $Target1 to $Target2, del $Target1 file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | backup $Target1 and $Target2 to $Backuppath, then del $Target1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target1, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target2, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({Assert-ValidPath4LinkTools $_})] [FormattedFileSystemPath]$Backuppath ) try { $_target1 = [FormattedFileSystemPath]::new($Target1) $_target1_exist = $true } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]{ $_target1_exist = $false } catch { Write-Logs "Exception caught: $_" } if ($_target1_exist){ if (!$_target1.IsFile){ throw "The $_target1 should be a file." } } try { $_target2 = [FormattedFileSystemPath]::new($Target2) $_target2_exist = $true } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]{ $_target2_exist = $false } catch { Write-Logs "Exception caught: $_" } if ($_target2_exist){ if (!$_target2.IsFile){ throw "The $_target2 should be a file." } } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Move the content in $_target1 to $_target2, and backup essential items in $Backuppath",'','')){ if ($_target1_exist){ if ($_target1.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target1.IsHardLink){ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsHardLink){ # file-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot move $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 and $_target2 are both symbolic link or hard link." }else{ # file-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | del $Target1 Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } }else{ # file-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | throw error throw "Cannot move $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 is symbolic link or hard link while $_target2 does not exist." } }else{ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsHardLink){ # file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot move $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 is not symbolic link or hard link while $_target2 is." }else{ # file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | backup $Target1 and $Target2 to $Backuppath, then del $Target1 Move-FileWithBackup -Source $_target1 -Destination $_target2 -Backuppath $Backuppath Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } }else{ Assert-AdminRobocopyAvailable # file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | non-existent | copy $Target1 to $Target2, del $Target1 Write-Logs "Robocopy $_target1 $_target2" $log_file = Get-LogFileName "Robocopy Move-BeforeSetFileLink" Robocopy $_target1 $_target2 /copyall /DCOPY:DATE /LOG:"$log_file" Write-Logs "Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse" Remove-Item $_target1 -Force -Recurse } } }else{ if ($_target2_exist){ if ($_target2.IsSymbolicLink -or $_target2.IsHardLink){ # non-existent | file-symbolic-or-hardlink | throw error throw "Cannot move $_target1 to $_target2, because $_target1 does not exist and $_target2 is symbolic link or hard link." }else{ # non-existent | file-non-symbolic-or-hardlink | pass(do nothing) Write-Logs "Do nothing." } }else{ # non-existent | non-existent | pass(do nothing) Write-Logs "Do nothing." } } } } |