using namespace System.IO using namespace System.Text using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language using namespace System.Collections using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.IO.Compression # All Credits to jborean93 on the EncodingTransformation Class # Source: class EncodingTransformation : ArgumentTransformationAttribute { [object] Transform([EngineIntrinsics] $EngineIntrinsics, [object] $InputData) { $outputData = switch($InputData) { { $_ -is [Encoding] } { $_ } { $_ -is [string] } { switch ($_) { ASCII { [ASCIIEncoding]::new() } BigEndianUnicode { [UnicodeEncoding]::new($true, $true) } BigEndianUTF32 { [UTF32Encoding]::new($true, $true) } ANSI { $raw = Add-Type -Namespace Encoding -Name Native -PassThru -MemberDefinition ' [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] public static extern Int32 GetACP(); ' [Encoding]::GetEncoding($raw::GetACP()) } OEM { [Console]::OutputEncoding } Unicode { [UnicodeEncoding]::new() } UTF8 { [UTF8Encoding]::new($false) } UTF8BOM { [UTF8Encoding]::new($true) } UTF8NoBOM { [UTF8Encoding]::new($false) } UTF32 { [UTF32Encoding]::new() } default { [Encoding]::GetEncoding($_) } } } { $_ -is [int] } { [Encoding]::GetEncoding($_) } default { throw [ArgumentTransformationMetadataException]::new( "Could not convert input '$_' to a valid Encoding object." ) } } return $outputData } } class EncodingCompleter : IArgumentCompleter { [string[]] $EncodingSet = @( 'ascii' 'bigendianutf32' 'unicode' 'utf8' 'utf8NoBOM' 'bigendianunicode' 'oem' 'utf7' 'utf8BOM' 'utf32' 'ansi' ) [IEnumerable[CompletionResult]] CompleteArgument ( [string] $commandName, [string] $ParameterName, [string] $wordToComplete, [CommandAst] $commandAst, [IDictionary] $fakeBoundParameters ) { [CompletionResult[]] $arguments = foreach($enc in $this.EncodingSet) { if($enc.StartsWith($wordToComplete)) { [CompletionResult]::new($enc) } } return $arguments } } |