. $PSScriptRoot\utils.ps1 $_psc = @{} $_psc.version = '2.0.5' $_psc.path = @{} $_psc.path.root = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $_psc.path.completions = $_psc.path.root + '\completions' $_psc.path.core = $_psc.path.root + '\core' $_psc.path.list = $_psc.path.core + '\.list' $_psc.path.old_list = $_psc.path.core + '\.old_list' $_psc.path.update = $_psc.path.core + '\.update' $_psc.lang = (Get-WinSystemLocale).name $_psc.langs = @('zh-CN', 'en-US') $_psc.comp_cmd = [ordered]@{} if (Get-Command Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler 'Tab' MenuComplete } if (!(Test-Path($_psc.path.list)) -or ([environment]::GetEnvironmentvariable("abgox_PSCompletions", "User") -split ';')[0] -ne $_psc.version) { if (!(Test-Path($_psc.path.completions))) { mkdir $_psc.path.completions > $null } #region move old completions $version = (Get-ChildItem (Split-Path $_psc.path.root -Parent)).Name | Sort-Object { [Version] $_ } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($version -is [array]) { $version = $version[-2] } $old = (Get-ChildItem ((Split-Path $_psc.path.root -Parent) + '\' + $version + '\' + 'completions') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -ne 'PSCompletions' }).FullName if ($old) { Move-Item $old $_psc.path.completions -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } #endregion #region init env $config = _psc_get_config if ($config.module_version) { $root_cmd = $config.root_cmd $github = $config.github $gitee = $config.gitee $language = $config.language $update = if ($config.update -eq 0) { 0 } else { 1 } } else { $root_cmd = 'psc' $github = '' $gitee = '' $language = $_psc.lang $update = 1 } [environment]::SetEnvironmentvariable('abgox_PSCompletions', (@($_psc.version, $root_cmd, $github, $gitee, $language, $update) -join ';'), 'User') #endregion $_psc.init = $true } function PSCompletions_init() { $_psc.config = _psc_get_config $_psc.root_cmd = $_psc.config.root_cmd if ($_psc.config.language) { $_psc.lang = $_psc.config.language } if (!( $_psc.lang -in $_psc.langs)) { $_psc.lang = 'en-US' } if ($_psc.config.github) { $_psc.github = $_psc.config.github.Replace('', '') + '/main' } if ($_psc.config.gitee) { $_psc.gitee = $_psc.config.gitee + '/raw/main' } function _do($i, $k) { return $(if ($_psc.config.$i) { $_psc.$i } else { $_psc.$k }) } $_psc.url = if ($_psc.lang -eq 'zh-CN') { _do 'gitee' 'github' }else { _do 'github' 'gitee' } $_psc.repo = if ($_psc.lang -eq 'zh-CN') { $_psc.config.gitee }else { $_psc.config.github } $psc_json_path = $_psc.path.completions + '\PSCompletions\json\' + $_psc.lang + '.json' $psc_alias_path = $_psc.path.completions + '\PSCompletions\.alias' try { if ($_psc.init) { $psc_temp = $env:TEMP + '\PSCompletion.json' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($_psc.url + '/completions/PSCompletions/json/' + $_psc.lang + '.json') -OutFile $psc_temp $_psc.json = (Get-Content -Path $psc_temp -Raw -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json).PSCompletions_core_info } if (!(Test-Path($psc_json_path))) { _psc_add_completion 'PSCompletions' } if (!(Test-Path($psc_alias_path))) { $_psc.root_cmd | Out-File $psc_alias_path -Force } $psc_alias = (Get-Content $psc_alias_path -Raw -Encoding utf8).Trim() if ($psc_alias -ne $_psc.root_cmd) { _psc_set_config 'root_cmd' $psc_alias $_psc.root_cmd = $_psc.config.root_cmd = $psc_alias } $_psc.json = (Get-Content -Path $psc_json_path -Raw -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSCompletions_core_info if (!(Test-Path($_psc.path.update))) { New-Item $_psc.path.update > $null } if (!(Test-Path($_psc.path.list))) { New-Item $_psc.path.list > $null if (!(_psc_download_list)) { return } } if (!(Test-Path($_psc.path.old_list))) { Copy-Item $_psc.path.list $_psc.path.old_list -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $_psc.list = _psc_get_content $_psc.path.list $_psc.update = _psc_get_content $_psc.path.update } catch { if ($_psc.json.init_err) { throw (_psc_replace $_psc.json.init_err) } else { throw 'Init error due to possible network issues.' } } $res = @() $_psc.installed = Get-ChildItem -Path $_psc.path.completions -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -Depth 1 $_psc.installed | ForEach-Object { $cmd = Split-Path (Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent) -Leaf $_psc.comp_cmd.$cmd = $cmd $res += $_.FullName } Get-ChildItem -Path $_psc.path.completions -Filter ".alias" -Recurse -Depth 1 | ForEach-Object { $cmd = Split-Path (Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent) -Leaf $_psc.comp_cmd.$cmd = (Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw).Trim() } $res | ForEach-Object { . $_ } } PSCompletions_init $_psc.comp_cmd.keys | Where-Object { $_psc.comp_cmd.$_ -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object { Set-Alias $_psc.comp_cmd.$_ $_ } if (!$_psc.config.github -and !$_psc.config.gitee) { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.repo_err) -ForegroundColor Yellow } #region init and update if ($_psc.init) { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.init_info) -f DarkCyan } if ($_psc.config.update -ne 0) { if ($_psc.config.update -ne 1) { _psc_confirm $_psc.json.module_update { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.module_updating) -f Cyan Update-Module 'PSCompletions' Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.module_update_done) -f Green } } else { $add = _psc_get_content ($_psc.path.core + '\.add') if ($_psc.update -or $add) { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.update_info ) -f Cyan if ($add) { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.update_info_add) -f Cyan } if ($_psc.update) { Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.update_info_modify) -f Cyan } Write-Host (_psc_replace $_psc.json.update_tip) -f Cyan } } } #endregion $null = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param( $_psc ) function set_config($k, $v) { $config = $_psc.config $config.$k = $v $res = @($config.module_version, $config.root_cmd, $config.github, $config.gitee, $config.language, $config.update) -join ';' [environment]::SetEnvironmentvariable('abgox_PSCompletions', $res, 'User') } function get_content($path) { return (Get-Content $path -Encoding utf8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } function _do($do) { try { & $do }catch {} } _do { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($_psc.url + '/core/.version') if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $content = ($response.Content).Trim() $versions = @($_psc.version, $content) | Sort-Object { [Version] $_ } if ($versions[-1] -ne $_psc.version) { set_config 'update' $versions[-1] $res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($_psc.url + '/core/module_log.json') if ($res.StatusCode -eq 200) { $res.Content | Out-File ($_psc.path.core + '\module_log.json') -Force } } } } (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (get_content $_psc.path.list) -DifferenceObject (get_content $_psc.path.old_list) -PassThru) | Out-File ($_psc.path.core + '\.add') -Force _do { $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($_psc.url + '/core/.list') if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { Move-Item $_psc.path.list $_psc.path.old_list -Force $response.Content | Out-File $_psc.path.list -Force } } $update_list = @() $installed = (Get-ChildItem -Path $_psc.path.completions -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -Depth 1).BaseName foreach ($_ in $installed) { $url = $_psc.url + '/completions/' + $_ + '/.guid' $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { $content = ($response.Content).Trim() $guid = (Get-Content ($_psc.path.completions + '\' + $_ + '\.guid') -Raw).Trim() if ($guid -ne $content) { $update_list += $_ } } } $update_list | Out-File $_psc.path.update -Force } -ArgumentList $_psc |