function New-CommanderSimplePerformanceInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a simple performance info bar. .DESCRIPTION Creates a simple performance info bar. .PARAMETER Height Height .PARAMETER Width Width .PARAMETER Top Top position. .PARAMETER Left Left position #> param( [Parameter()] [int]$Height = 200, [Parameter()] [int]$Width = 1400, [Parameter()] [int]$Top = 20, [Parameter()] [int]$Left = 100 ) Register-CommanderDataSource -Name 'ComputerInfo' -LoadData { $Stats = Get-NetAdapterStatistics $NetworkDown = 0 $Stats.ReceivedBytes | Foreach-Object { $NetworkDown += $_ } $NetworkUp = 0 $Stats.SentBytes | Foreach-Object { $NetworkUp += $_ } @{ CPU = Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average | Select-Object -Expand Average Memory = (Get-Counter '\Memory\Available MBytes').CounterSamples.CookedValue NetworkUp = $NetworkUp / 1KB NetworkDown = $NetworkDown / 1KB Space = (Get-PSDrive C).Free / 1GB } } -RefreshInterval 5 New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget { [xml]$Form = Get-Content ("$PSScriptRoot\XAML\SimplePerformanceInfo.xaml") -Raw $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form) [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($XMLReader) } -Height $Height -Width $Width -Top $Top -Left $Left -DataSource 'ComputerInfo' } function New-CommanderDriveSpaceGauge { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a simple gauge to display drive space. .DESCRIPTION Creates a simple gauge to display drive space. .PARAMETER DriveLetter The drive letter to display the space for. .PARAMETER Height Widget height .PARAMETER Width Widget width .PARAMETER Top Widget top offset .PARAMETER Left Widget left offset. .EXAMPLE New-CommanderDriveSpaceGauage -DriveLetter C #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [char]$DriveLetter, [Parameter()] [int]$Height = 200, [Parameter()] [int]$Width = 200, [Parameter()] [int]$Top = 50, [Parameter()] [int]$Left = 50 ) Register-CommanderDataSource -Name "DriveSpace_$DriveLetter" -LoadData { $Drive = Get-PSDrive $args[0] @{ Used = [Math]::Round($Drive.Used / 1GB) Total = [Math]::Round(($Drive.Free + $Drive.Used) / 1GB) Drive = $args[0] } } -RefreshInterval 60 -ArgumentList @($DriveLetter) New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget { [xml]$Form = Get-Content ("$PSScriptRoot\XAML\DriveSpace.xaml") -Raw $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form) [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($XMLReader) } -Height $Height -Width $Width -Top $Top -Left $Left -DataSource "DriveSpace_$DriveLetter" } function New-CommanderTimeAndDate { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays the date and time .DESCRIPTION Displays the date and time .PARAMETER Height Widget height .PARAMETER Width Widget width .PARAMETER Top Widget top offset .PARAMETER Left Widget left offset. .EXAMPLE New-CommanderTimeAndDate #> param( [Parameter()] [int]$Height = 200, [Parameter()] [int]$Width = 300, [Parameter()] [int]$Top = 50, [Parameter()] [int]$Left = 50, [Parameter()] [System.TimeZoneInfo]$TimeZone ) Register-CommanderDataSource -Name "Time" -LoadData { if ($args[0] -ne $null) { $Date = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime((Get-Date), $args[0]) @{ TimeZone = $args[0].Id Date = $Date } } else { @{ Date = Get-Date } } } -RefreshInterval 60 -ArgumentList @($TimeZone) New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget { [xml]$Form = Get-Content ("$PSScriptRoot\XAML\Clock.xaml") -Raw $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form) [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($XMLReader) } -Height $Height -Width $Width -Top $Top -Left $Left -DataSource "Time" } function New-CommanderComputerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays computer information. .DESCRIPTION Displays computer information. .PARAMETER Height Widget height .PARAMETER Width Widget width .PARAMETER Top Widget top offset .PARAMETER Left Widget left offset. .EXAMPLE New-CommanderComputerInfo #> param( [Parameter()] [int]$Height = 600, [Parameter()] [int]$Width = 400, [Parameter()] [int]$Top = 50, [Parameter()] [int]$Left = 50 ) Register-CommanderDataSource -Name "ComputerInfo" -LoadData { Get-ComputerInfo } -RefreshInterval 60 New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget { [xml]$Form = Get-Content ("$PSScriptRoot\XAML\ComputerInfo.xaml") -Raw $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form) [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($XMLReader) } -Height $Height -Width $Width -Top $Top -Left $Left -DataSource "ComputerInfo" } function New-CommanderTicker { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a stock or crypto ticker .DESCRIPTION Displays a stock or crypto ticker .PARAMETER Height Widget height .PARAMETER Width Widget width .PARAMETER Top Widget top offset .PARAMETER Left Widget left offset. .PARAMETER StockSymbol Stock symbol .PARAMETER CryptoSymbol Crypto symbol .EXAMPLE New-CommanderTicker -StockSymbol MSFT -ApiKey '' #> param( [Parameter()] [int]$Height = 600, [Parameter()] [int]$Width = 400, [Parameter()] [int]$Top = 50, [Parameter()] [int]$Left = 50, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Stock")] [string]$StockSymbol, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Crypto")] [string]$CryptoSymbol, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Crypto")] [string]$CryptoTarget = 'USD', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ApiKey ) $Symbol = $CryptoSymbol if ($StockSymbol) { $Symbol = $StockSymbol } Register-CommanderDataSource -Name "Stock_$Symbol" -LoadData { $Symbol = $Args[0] $ApiKey = $Args[1] $Type = $Args[2] $CryptoTarget = $Args[3] $Date = Get-Date if ($Date.DayOfWeek -eq [DayOfWeek]::Monday) { $Date = $Date.AddDays(-2) } if ($Date.DayOfWeek -eq [DayOfWeek]::Saturday) { $Date = $Date.AddDays(-1) } $StrDate = $Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") if ($Type -eq 'Crypto') { $Uri = "v1/open-close/crypto/$Symbol/USD/$($StrDate)?apiKey=$ApiKey" } else { $Uri = "v1/open-close/$Symbol/$($StrDate)?unadjusted=true&apiKey=$ApiKey" } $Result = Invoke-RestMethod "$Uri" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Result.Close -lt $Result.Open) { $ForegroundColor = "#c63629" } else { $ForegroundColor = "#28bf37" } if ($Type -eq 'Crypto') { $Symbol = "$Symbol-$CryptoTarget" } @{ Symbol = $Symbol Close = $Result.Close Open = $Result.Open ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor } } -RefreshInterval 86400 -ArgumentList @($Symbol, $ApiKey, $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName, $CryptoTarget) New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget { [xml]$Form = Get-Content ("$PSScriptRoot\XAML\Ticker.xaml") -Raw $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form) [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($XMLReader) } -Height $Height -Width $Width -Top $Top -Left $Left -DataSource "Stock_$Symbol" } |