#requires -Version 3 function Write-ColorText { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes text to the console using tags in the string itself to indicate the output color of the text. Can replace Write-Host cmdlet. .DESCRIPTION This script allows you to use custom markup to more easily write multi-colored text to the console. Can replace Write-Host cmdlet. It uses the general format of: !(foreground,background) to define a color setting. both background and foreground can be omitted, but the comma is required if you specify a background color. The following are all valid: !(red) !(,red) !(blue,) !(yellow,black) If you don't specify a color it will continue using the current color. If you specify "*" as a color it will revert to the default color. You can escape the markup using an additional '!': !!(red) .PARAMETER String The string to write out. .PARAMETER NoColor Disable color output. .PARAMETER NoNewLine Do not append a newline after writing out text. .PARAMETER ForegroundColor Initial Foreground color. .PARAMETER BackgroundColor Initial Background color. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-ColorText "This is a test !(gray)[ !(red)fail!(gray) ]" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Write-ColorText "This is a test !(gray)[!(black,green) fail !(gray,*)]" .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS None #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.String] $String, [ConsoleColor] $ForegroundColor, [ConsoleColor] $BackgroundColor, [switch] $NoNewline, [switch] $NoColor ) begin { function Test-Values { $matches = @($script:regex.Matches($String)) # do some validation foreach ($match in $matches) { $foreground = $match.Groups['foreground'].Value.ToLower() $background = $match.Groups['background'].Value.ToLower() $success = $script:colors.Contains($foreground) -or $foreground -eq '*' -or $foreground -eq [string]::Empty if (!$success) { $errorString = "Unrecognised Color: '{0}' : char: {1}`n" -f $foreground, $match.Index $errorString += $String + "`n" $errorString += (' ' * $match.Index) + ('~' * $match.Length) throw $errorString } $success = $script:colors.Contains($background) -or $background -eq '*' -or $background -eq [string]::Empty if (!$success) { $errorString = "Unrecognised Color: '{0}' : char: {1}`n" -f $background, $match.Index $errorString += $String + "`n" $errorString += (' ' * $match.Index) + ('~' * $match.Length) throw $errorString } } } # function Test-Values function Resolve-Color { param($value, $bg = $false) if ($value -eq '*') { if ($bg) { return $script:initialBackground } else { return $script:initialForeground } } elseif ($value -eq [string]::Empty) { if ($bg) { return $script:currentBackground } else { return $script:currentForeground } } return $value } # Resolve-Color try { $script:regex = [regex] '(?im)(?<!!)!\((?<foreground>(?:\w*|\*))(?:,(?<background>(?:\w*|\*)))?\)' $script:initialForeground = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor $script:initialBackground = $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor $script:colors = [ConsoleColor].GetEnumNames() | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.ToLower() } } catch { throw } } process { try { if ($ForegroundColor) { $script:currentForeground = $ForegroundColor } else { $script:currentForeground = $script:initialForeground } if ($BackgroundColor) { $script:currentBackground = $BackgroundColor } else { $script:currentBackground = $script:initialBackground } Test-Values $matches = @($script:regex.Matches($String)) $lastPos = 0 foreach ($match in $matches) { if ($NoColor -or ($script:currentForeground.ToString() -eq '-1' -and $script:currentBackground.ToString() -eq '-1')) { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos) -NoNewline } elseif ($script:currentForeground.ToString() -eq '-1') { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos) -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $script:currentBackground } elseif ($script:currentBackground.ToString() -eq '-1') { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $script:currentForeground } else { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos, $match.Index - $lastPos) -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $script:currentBackground -ForegroundColor $script:currentForeground } $lastPos = $match.Index + $match.Length $script:currentForeground = Resolve-Color $match.Groups['foreground'].Value $false $script:currentBackground = Resolve-Color $match.Groups['background'].Value $true } if ($NoColor -or ($script:currentForeground.ToString() -eq '-1' -and $script:currentBackground.ToString() -eq '-1')) { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos) -NoNewline } elseif ($script:currentForeground.ToString() -eq '-1') { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos) -BackgroundColor $script:currentBackground -NoNewline } elseif ($script:currentBackground.ToString() -eq '-1') { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos) -ForegroundColor $script:currentForeground -NoNewline } else { Write-Host -Object $String.Substring($lastPos) -BackgroundColor $script:currentBackground -ForegroundColor $script:currentForeground -NoNewline } if (!$NoNewline.IsPresent) { Write-Host -Object '' } } catch { throw } } end { try { $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $script:initialForeground $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = $script:initialBackground } catch { throw } } } Function Write-ColorLine { <# .SYNOPSIS Utility to assemble a single line of colored text from component items. .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE .INPUTS ColorLine Item(s) cf. New-ColorLineItem .OUTPUTS .NOTES A "powerline compatible" font is required to really benefit from this function. #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [psobject[]]$items, [ConsoleColor]$defaultBackgroundColor = 'black', [Switch]$NoNewLine ) $sym = '' $back = $defaultBackgroundColor foreach ($item in $items) { $fore = $back $back = $ Write-ColorText "!($fore,$back)$sym" -NoNewLine $fore = $item.fg $back = $ Write-ColorText ("!($fore,$back)" + $item.text) -NoNewline } Write-ColorText "!($back,$defaultBackgroundColor)$sym" -NoNewLine:$NoNewLine } Function New-ColorLineItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Utility to create a ColorLineItem custom object. .DESCRIPTION Easily create a color line obkect. These objects have the structure @{ bg, fg, text } where bg is the background color fg is the foreground color and text is the display text. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> <example usage> Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS .OUTPUTS PsCustomObject #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('fg')] [ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('bg')] [ConsoleColor]$BackgroundColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Text ) [PSCustomObject]@{fg = $ForegroundColor; bg = $BackgroundColor; text = $text}; } Export-ModuleMember Write-ColorText, Write-ColorLine, New-ColorLineItem |