
Function Measure-FunctionMaxNestingDepth {
    Gets the depth of the most deeply nested statement in the function.
    Gets the depth of the most deeply nested statement in the function.
    Measuring the maximum nesting depth in a function is a way of evaluating its complexity.
.PARAMETER FunctionDefinition
    To specify the function definition to analyze.
    PS C:\> Measure-FunctionMaxNestingDepth -FunctionDefinition $MyFunctionAst
    Gets the depth of the most deeply nested statement in the specified function definition.
    Additional information on why maximum nesting depth is an interesting measure of code complexity :

    Param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)]

    $FunctionText = $FunctionDefinition.Extent.Text
    $Tokens = $Null
    $Null = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($FunctionText, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$Null)

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NestingDepthValues = @()
    [System.Int32]$NestingDepth = 0
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CurlyBraces = $Tokens.Where({ $_.Kind -in 'AtCurly','LCurly','RCurly' })

    # Removing the first opening curly and the last closing curly because they belong to the function itself
    $CurlyBraces.RemoveAt(($CurlyBraces.Count - 1))
    If ( -not $CurlyBraces ) {
        return $NestingDepth

    Foreach ( $CurlyBrace in $CurlyBraces ) {

        If ( $CurlyBrace.Kind -in 'AtCurly','LCurly' ) {
        ElseIf ( $CurlyBrace.Kind -eq 'RCurly' ) {
        $Null = $NestingDepthValues.Add($NestingDepth)
        Write-VerboseOutput -Message "Number of nesting depth values : $($NestingDepthValues.Count)"
        $MaxDepthValue = ($NestingDepthValues | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum -as [System.Int32]
        return $MaxDepthValue