.SYNOPSIS Return an argument list for code.exe .PARAMETER resourcePath Path to the electron resource used by code.exe. See file code.cmd .PARAMETER allArgs Input arguments as an array of objects #> function GetArgs($resourcePath, [object[]]$allArgs) { # Attempt to flatten array and object type elements by resolving $flattenedArgs = @() foreach ($curArg in $allArgs) { $resolved = (Resolve-Path $curArg -ea si | Convert-Path) if ($resolved) { $flattenedArgs += $resolved } else { $flattenedArgs += [string]$curArg } } $allArgsQuoted = $flattenedArgs | % { if ($_ -like '* *') {'"{0}"' -f $_ } else {$_} } # Prepend the resource path to match behavior of code.cmd $codeArgs = @(('"{0}"' -f $resourcePath)) + $allArgsQuoted | select -uniq $codeArgs } |