function New-TemplateDynamicParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Create PowerShell dynamic parameters from template parameters. .DESCRIPTION Loads/downloads the template and parses the template body to extract arguments. Turns these parameters into PowerShell dynamic parameters for the New-PSCFNStack and Update-PSCCFNtack CmdLets, also applying any constraints indicated by AllowedPattern or AllowedValues, and creating regex contraints to validate AWS types like AWS::EC2::Image::Id .PARAMETER Dictionary RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary to add CF template parameters to. .PARAMETER TemplateLocation Location of the template. May be either - Path to local file - S3 URI (which is converted to HTTPS URI for the current region) - HTTP(S) Uri .PARAMETER UsePreviousTemplate Reuse the existing template that is associated with the stack that you are updating. Conditional: You must specify only TemplateLocationL, or set the UsePreviousTemplate to true. .PARAMETER StackName Used if -UsePreviousTemplate is true .PARAMETER EnforceMandatory This will be set for New-PSCFNStack, as parameters with no defaults must be given a value For Update-PSCFNStack, it is not set as we will tell the stack to use previous values for any missing parameters .OUTPUTS [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary] The dictionary that was passed in with new dynamic parameters to apply to caller added. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]$Dictionary, [string]$TemplateLocation, [bool]$UsePreviousTemplate, [string]$StackName, [switch]$EnforceMandatory ) begin { # Assert only one of TemplateLocation or UsePreviousTemplate is passed if (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TemplateLocation') -xor $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UsePreviousTemplate'))) { throw 'Must specify either TemplateLocation or UsePreviousTemplate, bot not both or neither.' } $templateArguments = @{} $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { ('TemplateLocation', 'StackName') -icontains $_.Key } | ForEach-Object { $templateArguments.Add($_.Key, $_.Value) } } end { Initialize-RegionInfo (Get-TemplateParameters -TemplateResolver (New-TemplateResolver @templateArguments)).PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ $paramDefinition = @{ 'Name' = $param.Name 'DPDictionary' = $Dictionary } if (-not $param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Type']) { # All template parameters require a Type property throw "Malformed parameter definition. Type is required" } $awsType = $param.Value.Type if ($Script:TemplateParameterValidators.ContainsKey($awsType)) { # One of the defined AWS special parameter types $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String') $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $Script:TemplateParameterValidators[$awstype]) } elseif ($awsType -imatch 'List\<(?<ResourceId>[A-Z0-9\:]+)\>' -and $Script:TemplateParameterValidators.ContainsKey($Matches.ResourceId)) { # List of one of the defined AWS special parameter types $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String[]') $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $Script:TemplateParameterValidators[$Matches.ResourceId]) } else { # Basic types with optional AllowedValues/AllowedPattern switch ($awsType) { 'Number' { $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'Double') } 'List<Number>' { $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'Double[]') } 'CommaDelimitedList' { $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String[]') } Default { $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String') } } if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['AllowedValues']) { $paramDefinition.Add('ValidateSet', $param.Value.AllowedValues); } if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['AllowedPattern']) { $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $param.Value.AllowedPattern); } } if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Description']) { # Description becomes help test if the parameter is mandatory $paramDefinition.Add('HelpMessage', $param.Value.Description); } if ($EnforceMandatory -and -not $param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Default']) { # If no default in the template, parameter is mandatory $paramDefinition.Add('Mandatory', $true); } New-DynamicParam @paramDefinition } #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $Dictionary } } |