
function New-TemplateDynamicParameters
        Create PowerShell dynamic parameters from template parameters.

        Loads/downloads the template and parses the template body to extract arguments.
        Turns these parameters into PowerShell dynamic parameters for the
        New-PSCFNStack and Update-PSCCFNtack CmdLets, also applying any
        constraints indicated by AllowedPattern or AllowedValues, and
        creating regex contraints to validate AWS types like AWS::EC2::Image::Id

    .PARAMETER Dictionary
        RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary to add CF template parameters to.

    .PARAMETER TemplateLocation
        Location of the template. May be either
        - Path to local file
        - S3 URI (which is converted to HTTPS URI for the current region)
        - HTTP(S) Uri

    .PARAMETER UsePreviousTemplate
        Reuse the existing template that is associated with the stack that you are updating. Conditional: You must specify only TemplateLocationL, or set the UsePreviousTemplate to true.

    .PARAMETER StackName
        Used if -UsePreviousTemplate is true

    .PARAMETER EnforceMandatory
        This will be set for New-PSCFNStack, as parameters with no defaults must be given a value
        For Update-PSCFNStack, it is not set as we will tell the stack to use previous values for any missing parameters

        The dictionary that was passed in with new dynamic parameters to apply to caller added.

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        # Assert only one of TemplateLocation or UsePreviousTemplate is passed
        if (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TemplateLocation') -xor $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UsePreviousTemplate')))
            throw 'Must specify either TemplateLocation or UsePreviousTemplate, bot not both or neither.'

        $templateArguments = @{}
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() |
        Where-Object {
            ('TemplateLocation', 'StackName') -icontains $_.Key
        } |
        ForEach-Object {
            $templateArguments.Add($_.Key, $_.Value)


        (Get-TemplateParameters -TemplateResolver (New-TemplateResolver @templateArguments)).PSObject.Properties |
            ForEach-Object {

            $param = $_

            $paramDefinition = @{
                'Name'         = $param.Name
                'DPDictionary' = $Dictionary

            if (-not $param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Type'])
                # All template parameters require a Type property
                throw "Malformed parameter definition. Type is required"

            $awsType = $param.Value.Type

            if ($Script:TemplateParameterValidators.ContainsKey($awsType))
                # One of the defined AWS special parameter types
                $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String')
                $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $Script:TemplateParameterValidators[$awstype])
            elseif ($awsType -imatch 'List\<(?<ResourceId>[A-Z0-9\:]+)\>' -and $Script:TemplateParameterValidators.ContainsKey($Matches.ResourceId))
                # List of one of the defined AWS special parameter types
                $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String[]')
                $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $Script:TemplateParameterValidators[$Matches.ResourceId])
                # Basic types with optional AllowedValues/AllowedPattern
                switch ($awsType)
                        $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'Double')

                        $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'Double[]')

                        $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String[]')

                        $paramDefinition.Add('Type', 'String')

                if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['AllowedValues'])
                    $paramDefinition.Add('ValidateSet', $param.Value.AllowedValues);

                if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['AllowedPattern'])
                    $paramDefinition.Add('ValidatePattern', $param.Value.AllowedPattern);

            if ($param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Description'])
                # Description becomes help test if the parameter is mandatory
                $paramDefinition.Add('HelpMessage', $param.Value.Description);

            if ($EnforceMandatory -and -not $param.Value.PSObject.Properties['Default'])
                # If no default in the template, parameter is mandatory
                $paramDefinition.Add('Mandatory', $true);

            New-DynamicParam @paramDefinition

        #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary