if ($IsWindows -OR $PSEdition -eq 'desktop') { Try { Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework -ErrorAction Stop Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore -ErrorAction Stop Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { #Failsafe error handling Throw $_ Return } } else { Write-Warning 'This requires Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core on Windows.' #Bail out Return } Function Show-FontPreview { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The default text to display")] [string]$SampleText = $(Get-Date -Format F) ) Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Verbose "Running under PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" Write-Verbose "Loading font families" $Families = [System.Drawing.text.installedFontCollection]::new().Families $defaultText = @" $sampleText "@ Write-Verbose "Using default text: $defaultText" Write-Verbose "Defining the WPF form and controls" $window = [System.Windows.Window]@{ Title = 'Font Family Preview [Ctrl+Q to close]' Height = 325 Width = 400 WindowStartupLocation = 'CenterScreen' icon = [System.Windows.Media.ImageSource]"$PSScriptRoot\fonts.ico" } #add a handler to resize controls if the window is resized $window.Add_SizeChanged({ $txtPreview.Height = $window.Height - 200 }) #add a handler to go to next font if the > key is pressed $window.Add_KeyDown({ if ($_.Key -eq 'Right' -OR $_.Key -eq 'Down') { $comboFont.SelectedIndex++ } }) #add a handler to go to previous font if the < key is pressed $window.Add_KeyDown({ if (($comboFont.SelectedIndex -gt 0) -AND ($_.Key -eq 'Up' -OR $_.Key -eq 'Left' )) { $comboFont.SelectedIndex-- } }) #add a handler to close window with Ctrl+Q $window.Add_KeyDown({ if ($_.Key -eq 'Q' -AND $_.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers -eq 'Control') { $window.Close() } }) $Stack = [System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel]@{ Orientation = 'Vertical' Background = 'CornSilk' } $comboStyle = [System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox]@{ ItemsSource = 'Normal', 'Italic', 'Oblique' SelectedIndex = 0 FontSize = 14 Height = 25 Width = 100 ToolTip = 'Select a font style' HorizontalAlignment = 'Left' Margin = '5,5,0,0' } $comboStyle.Add_SelectionChanged({ $txtPreview.FontStyle = $comboStyle.SelectedItem }) $stack.AddChild($comboStyle) $comboFont = [System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox]@{ ItemsSource = $Families.Name SelectedIndex = 0 FontSize = 14 Height = 25 Width = 250 HorizontalAlignment = 'left' ToolTip = 'Select a font family' Margin = '5,5,0,0' } #change the text box to use the selected font $comboFont.Add_SelectionChanged({ $txtPreview.FontFamily = $comboFont.SelectedItem }) $Stack.AddChild($comboFont) $grid = [System.Windows.Controls.Grid]@{ Height = 25 } $btnPrevious = [System.Windows.Controls.Button]@{ Content = '<' Width = 20 HorizontalAlignment = 'Left' VerticalAlignment = 'Center' ToolTip = 'Previous Font' Margin = '10,5,0,0' } $btnPrevious.Add_Click({ if ($comboFont.SelectedIndex -gt 0) { $comboFont.SelectedIndex-- } }) $grid.AddChild($btnPrevious) $btnNext = [System.Windows.Controls.Button]@{ Content = '>' Width = 20 HorizontalAlignment = 'Left' VerticalAlignment = 'Center' ToolTip = 'Next Font' Margin = '40,5,0,0' } $btnNext.Add_Click({ $comboFont.SelectedIndex++ }) $grid.AddChild($btnNext) $Stack.AddChild($grid) $txtPreview = [System.Windows.Controls.TextBox]@{ TextWrapping = 'Wrap' AcceptsReturn = $true VerticalScrollBarVisibility = 'Auto' HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = 'Auto' FontSize = 24 Height = $window.Height - 200 Width = $window.Width - 50 FontFamily = $comboFont.SelectedItem FontStyle = 'Normal' Text = $DefaultText TextAlignment = 'Center' VerticalAlignment = 'Center' HorizontalAlignment = 'Center' Margin = '5,10,5,5' } $stack.AddChild($txtPreview) $btnReset = [System.Windows.Controls.Button]@{ Content = 'Reset' Width = 75 HorizontalAlignment = 'Left' VerticalAlignment = 'Bottom' Margin = '5,25,0,0' ToolTip = 'Reset to default text and font' } $btnReset.Add_Click({ $txtPreview.Text = $defaultText $comboStyle.SelectedIndex = 0 $comboFont.SelectedIndex = 0 }) $stack.AddChild($btnReset) $window.AddChild($Stack) Write-Verbose "Showing the form" [void]$Window.ShowDialog() Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } |