Function Get-PSClock { [cmdletbinding()] [Outputtype("psclock")] Param() #verify the OS. This should never be needed. Added as a failsafe. if ($IsLinux -OR $isMacOS) { Write-Warning "This command requires a Windows platform" return } #gtest if there is a settings hashtable if ($global:PSClockSettings) { #remove runspace setting if not running if ( -not ($global:PSClockSettings.running)) { $global:PSClockSettings.remove("Runspace") } [pscustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = "PSClock" Started = $global:PSClockSettings.Started Format = $global:PSClockSettings.DateFormat Output = (Get-Date -Format $global:PSClockSettings.DateFormat) Running = $global:PSClockSettings.Running FontFamily = $global:PSClockSettings.FontFamily Size = $global:PSClockSettings.fontSize Weight = $global:PSClockSettings.FontWeight Color = $global:PSClockSettings.Color Style = $global:PSClockSettings.FontStyle OnTop = $global:PSClockSettings.OnTop CurrentPosition = $global:PSClockSettings.CurrentPosition RunspaceID = $ } } Else { Write-Warning "Can't find a PSClock. Do you need to start one?" } } |