# . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Common.psm1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Bricks.ps1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Falling.ps1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Flipping.ps1" $players = @{ Falling = [Falling] Flipping = [Flipping] Bricks = [Bricks] } Function Clear-HostRaindrop { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation. .DESCRIPTION Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation. .PARAMETER Mode Type of Animation to use; If not set, the animation type will be randomly selected. Possible Modes are `Falling`, `Flipping`, or `Bricks`. .PARAMETER Speed The playback speed of the raindrop animation. .PARAMETER Framerate The framerate of the raindrop animation. .PARAMETER DebugSkipRender Skips rendering the animation to the host. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Clear-HostRaindrop -Mode 'Flipping' -Speed 0.5 Clears the host and displays a Flipping raindrop animation with a playback speed of 0.5x. .EXAMPLE Clear-HostRaindrop Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation. .EXAMPLE Clear-HostRaindrop -Speed 1.5 -Framerate 60 Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation with a speed of 1.5 and a framerate of 60. .EXAMPLE Clear-HostRaindrop -DebugSkipRender Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation, but skips rendering the animation to the host. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateSet('Falling', 'Flipping', 'Bricks')] [String]$Mode = ($players.Keys | Get-Random), [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(0.1, 10)] [Double]$Speed = 1.0, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DebugSkipRender ) Begin { # $dt = 1.0 / $Framerate $vsyncTimer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch $dtTimer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch $vsyncTimer.Start() $dtTimer.Start() } Process { if ($null -eq $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize) { # RawUI is not available (e.g. Windows PowerShell ISE). Clear-Host throw 'RawUI is not available (e.g. Windows PowerShell ISE).' } if ($DebugSkipRender) { return } Play $players[$Mode] $Speed # $windowSize = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize # $windowPosition = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowPosition # $windowWidth = $windowSize.Width # $windowHeight = $windowSize.Height } End { $vsyncTimer.Stop() $dtTimer.Stop() [Console]::CursorVisible = $prevCursorVisible } } New-Alias -Name clear -Value Clear-HostRaindrop -Option AllScope -Force New-Alias -Name cls -Value Clear-HostRaindrop -Option AllScope -Force # $player = $playerClass::New($windowRect, $speed) # $player.Init() # # $vsyncTimer.Start() # $dtTimer.Start() # while (-not $player.IsDone()) # { # $dtTimer.Stop() # $dt = $dtTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds # $dtTimer.Reset() |