Class DirectoryADGroups { [String]$FolderName [String]$Owner [string]$GroupeRead [string]$GroupeWrite [string]$GroupeOwner [string]$GroupeTransverse = $null [string]$FirstLevelParent = $null [string]$SecondLevelParent = $null [string]$FirstLevelParentTransverseGroup = $null [string]$SecondLevelParentTransverseGroup = $null [Nullable[boolean]]$DoGroupsExistsInAD [Hashtable]$GroupeSids = @{} [String]$Prefix = $null [ValidatePattern("[1-3]")][int] $Depth [Log]$Log = $null hidden [String]$OUSource = "OU=test,DC=contoso,DC=net" ## Constructeur niveau 1 DirectoryADGroups ([String]$FolderName, [int]$Depth, [String]$Owner, [String]$Prefix) { $this.FolderName = $FolderName.ToUpper() $this.Prefix = $Prefix.ToUpper() $this.GroupeRead = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-L' $this.GroupeWrite = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-M' $this.GroupeOwner = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-O' $this.GroupeTransverse = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-T' $this.Depth = $Depth $this.Owner = $Owner } ## Constructeur niveau 2 DirectoryADGroups ([String]$FolderName, [String]$DirectParentName, [int]$Depth, [String]$Owner, [String]$Prefix) { $this.FolderName = $FolderName.ToUpper() $this.Prefix = $Prefix.ToUpper() $this.FirstLevelParent = $DirectParentName.ToUpper() $this.GroupeRead = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-L' $this.GroupeWrite = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-M' $this.GroupeOwner = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-O' $this.GroupeTransverse = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-T' $this.FirstLevelParentTransverseGroup = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-T' $this.Depth = $Depth $this.Owner = $Owner } ## Constructeur niveau 3 DirectoryADGroups ([String]$FolderName, [String]$UpperParentName, [String]$DirectParentName, [int]$Depth, [String]$Owner, [String]$Prefix) { $this.FolderName = $FolderName.ToUpper() $this.Prefix = $this.Prefix.ToUpper() $this.FirstLevelParent = $UpperParentName.ToUpper() $this.SecondLevelParent = $DirectParentName.ToUpper() $this.GroupeRead = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.SecondLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-L' $this.GroupeWrite = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.SecondLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-M' $this.GroupeOwner = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.SecondLevelParent+'-'+$this.FolderName+'-O' $this.FirstLevelParentTransverseGroup = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-T' $this.SecondLevelParentTransverseGroup = $this.Prefix+'-'+$this.FirstLevelParent+'-'+$this.SecondLevelParent+'-T' $this.Depth = $Depth $this.Owner = $Owner } [Bool]CheckADGroups () { If ( $this.Depth -in 1..2 ) { [array]$a = $this.GroupeRead,$this.GroupeWrite,$this.GroupeOwner,$this.GroupeTransverse | Get-ADGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Else { [array]$a = $this.GroupeRead,$this.GroupeWrite,$this.GroupeOwner | Get-ADGroup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } If ( $a.count -eq 0 ) { $this.DoGroupsExistsInAD = $False If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Les groupes a crees n existent pas dans l'AD -> SUCCESS",$true) } return $True } Else { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Certains groupes a crees existent dans l'AD -> FAILURE",$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } $this.DoGroupsExistsInAD = $True return $False } } ## creation des groupes dans l'AD [Bool]CreateADGroups () { Try { New-ADGroup -Name $This.GroupeOwner -SamAccountName $This.GroupeOwner -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $This.GroupeOwner -Path $This.OUSource -ErrorAction Stop New-ADGroup -Name $This.GroupeWrite -SamAccountName $This.GroupeWrite -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $This.GroupeWrite -Path $This.OUSource -ErrorAction Stop New-ADGroup -Name $This.GroupeRead -SamAccountName $This.GroupeRead -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $This.GroupeRead -Path $This.OUSource -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Creation des groupes O/R/W: "+($This.GroupeRead -replace '-R$','')+" -> SUCCESS",$true) } If ($this.depth -in 1..2) { New-ADGroup -Name $This.GroupeTransverse -SamAccountName $This.GroupeTransverse -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName $This.GroupeTransverse -Path $This.OUSource -Description "Members of this groups have a list access to the following folder $($this.GroupeTransverse)" -ErrorAction stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Creation du groupe T: "+$This.GroupeTransverse+" -> SUCCESS",$true) } If ($this.Depth -eq 2) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $this.FirstLevelParentTransverseGroup -Members $This.GroupeTransverse,$This.GroupeRead,$This.GroupeWrite -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Ajout des groupes R/W/T dans le groupe parent : "+$This.FirstLevelParentTransverseGroup+" -> SUCCESS",$true) } } } Else { If ($this.depth -eq 3) { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $this.SecondLevelParentTransverseGroup -Members $This.GroupeRead,$This.GroupeWrite -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Ajout des groupes R/W dans le groupe parent : "+$This.SecondLevelParentTransverseGroup+" -> SUCCESS",$true) } } } Return $True } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Problemes rencontrer lors des creations/imbrications des groupes -> FAILURE",$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $False } } ## Methode de recuperation des SID des groupes afin d'eviter tout probleme de replication AD, lors du positionnement des ACL [Void]GetGroupsSIDs (){ $this.GroupeSids.Add('Read',$(New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $((Get-ADGroup -Identity $this.GroupeRead -ErrorAction Stop).Sid.Value))) $this.GroupeSids.Add('Modify',$(New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $((Get-ADGroup -Identity $this.GroupeWrite -ErrorAction Stop).Sid.Value))) If ( $this.Depth -in 1..2) { $this.GroupeSids.Add('List',$(New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $((Get-ADGroup -Identity $this.GroupeTransverse -ErrorAction Stop).Sid.Value))) } } ## Methode qui positionne le owner dans le groupe -O [Bool]SetOwnerMembership () { Try{ Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $This.GroupeOwner -Members $This.Owner -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Ajout du compte "+$This.Owner+" dans le groupe O: "+$This.GroupeOwner+" -> SUCCESS",$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $True } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Ajout du compte "+$This.Owner+" dans le groupe O: "+$This.GroupeOwner+" -> FAILURE",$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $False } } ## Methode qui remplit le champ description des groupes [Void]SetDescription ([String]$String){ Get-ADGroup $this.GroupeOwner | Set-ADGroup -Description "Groupe de Gestion pour le repertoire $String" Get-ADGroup $this.GroupeRead | Set-ADGroup -Description "Groupe en Lecture sur le repertoire $String" Get-ADGroup $this.GroupeWrite | Set-ADGroup -Description "Groupe en Modification sur le repertoire $String" If ( $this.Depth -in 1..2 ) { Get-ADGroup $this.GroupeTransverse | Set-ADGroup -Description "Groupe pour Traverser le repretoire $String" } } ## Methode tout en un [PSObject]OneForAll(){ If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Class DirectoryADGroups, Method OneForAll",$true) } If ( $This.CheckADGroups() ) { If ( $This.CreateADGroups() ) { If ( $This.SetOwnerMembership() ) { $This.GetGroupsSIDs() Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$True;ActionType="OverAll Result";Message="Creating groups "+($This.GroupeRead -replace '-L$','')+" O/L/M (T), and setting owner in group "+$this.GroupeOwner+" SUCCEDED";Log=$This.Log.LogPath} } Else { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$False;ActionType="Setting Owner";Message="Setting "+$this.Owner+" in group "+$this.GroupeOwner+" O/L/M (T) FAILED, Check Logs...";Log=$This.Log.LogPath} } } Else { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$False;ActionType="Group(s) Creation";Message="Creating Groups "+($This.GroupeRead -replace '-L$','')+" O/L/M (T) FAILED, Check ADDS and Logs...";Log=$This.Log.LogPath} } } Else { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$False;ActionType="Testing Group(s) Presence";Message="Some groups "+($This.GroupeRead -replace '-L$','')+" O/L/M (T) already exists in ADDS, Check ADDS...";Log=$This.Log.LogPath} } } } Class DirectoryCreation { [String]$DirectoryName [String]$DirectoryPath [String]$DirectoryFullPath [DirectoryADGroups]$DirectoryGroups hidden [Log]$Log = $null ## Constructeur de description du repertoire a cree DirectoryCreation ([DirectoryADGroups]$GroupsObject, [String]$DirectoryPath){ $this.DirectoryGroups = $GroupsObject Switch ($this.DirectoryGroups.Depth) { 1 { $this.DirectoryPath = ($DirectoryPath -replace '\\$','').ToUpper() } 2 { $this.DirectoryPath = ($DirectoryPath -replace '\\$','').ToUpper() + '\'+ $this.DirectoryGroups.FirstLevelParent } 3 { $this.DirectoryPath = ($DirectoryPath -replace '\\$','').ToUpper() + '\' +$this.DirectoryGroups.FirstLevelParent + '\' + $this.DirectoryGroups.SecondLevelParent } } #$this.DirectoryPath = ($DirectoryPath -replace '\\$','').ToUpper() $this.DirectoryName = $this.DirectoryGroups.FolderName $this.DirectoryFullPath = $this.DirectoryPath +'\'+$this.DirectoryName } ## Methode pour construire le repertoire, retour un booleen de succes ou failure [Bool] SetDirectory () { Try { New-Item -Path $this.DirectoryFullPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Creation du repertoire: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> SUCCESS',$true) } Return $True } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Creation du repertoire: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> FAILURE',$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $False } } ## Methode pour positionner les bon groupes sur le repertoire [Bool] SetAcl () { Try { $acl = Get-ACL -Path $this.DirectoryFullPath -ErrorAction Stop $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$True) ## desactive l'h�ritage et copie l'acl courante $acl | Set-Acl -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Desactivation de l heritage sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> SUCCESS',$true) } } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Desactivation de l heritage sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> FAILURE',$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $False } Try{ ## Recuperation de l acl du repertoire $acl = Get-ACL -Path $this.DirectoryFullPath -ErrorAction Stop ## On retire le groupe User $acl.access | Where-Object IdentityReference -like "BUILTIN\Users" | ForEach-Object{ $acl.PurgeAccessRules($_.identityreference) } ## On retire le compte CREATOR OWNER $acl.access | Where-Object IdentityReference -like "CREATOR OWNER" | ForEach-Object{ $acl.PurgeAccessRules($_.identityreference) } ## On retire les groupes de 1� ou 2� niveau If ( $this.DirectoryGroups.Depth -in 2..3 ) { $acl.access | Where-Object IdentityReference -like "*$($this.DirectoryGroups.Prefix)*" | ForEach-Object{ $acl.PurgeAccessRules($_.identityreference) } } $acl | Set-Acl -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Suppression des ACE de type BUILtin\Users & CREATOR OWNER sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> SUCCESS',$true) } } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Suppression des ACE de type BUILtin\Users & CREATOR OWNER sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> FAILURE',$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } Return $False } Try{ ## Recuperation de l acl du repertoire $acl = Get-ACL -Path $this.DirectoryFullPath -ErrorAction Stop ## Creation des regles ## Read : groupe L $acl.SetAccessRule($(New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList @($this.DirectoryGroups.GroupeSids['Read'],'ReadAndExecute','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow'))) If ( $this.DirectoryGroups.Depth -in 1..2 ){ ## List : groupe T level1 & 2 $acl.SetAccessRule($(New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList @($this.DirectoryGroups.GroupeSids['List'],'ReadData, Synchronize','None','None','Allow'))) ## Write : groupe M level1 & 2 $acl.SetAccessRule($(New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList @($this.DirectoryGroups.GroupeSids['Modify'],'ReadData, CreateFiles, ReadPermissions, Synchronize','None','None','Allow'))) $acl.AddAccessRule($(New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList @($this.DirectoryGroups.GroupeSids['Modify'],'Modify, Synchronize','ObjectInherit','InheritOnly','Allow'))) } else { ## Write : groupe M level3 $acl.SetAccessRule($(New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList @($this.DirectoryGroups.GroupeSids['Modify'],'Modify','ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit','None','Allow'))) } $acl | Set-Acl -ErrorAction Stop If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Posistionnement des groupes sur l ACL sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> SUCCESS',$true) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } return $True } Catch { If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage('Posistionnement des groupes sur l ACL sur: '+$this.DirectoryFullPath+' -> FAILURE',$True) ; $this.Log.WriteMessage('-------------------------',$false) } return $False } } ## Methode tout en un [PSObject]OneForAll(){ If ( $this.Log ) { $this.Log.WriteMessage("Class DirectoryCreation, Method OneForAll",$true) } If ( $This.SetDirectory() ) { If ( $This.SetAcl() ) { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$True;ActionType="OverAll Result";Message="Creating directory "+$this.DirectoryFullPath+" and Setting ACL SUCCEDED";Log=$this.Log.LogPath} } Else { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$False;ActionType="Setting ACLs";Message="Setting ACL on directory "+$this.DirectoryFullPath+" FAILED, Check Logs...";Log=$this.Log.LogPath} } } Else { Return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{Result=$False;ActionType="Creating New Directory";Message="Creating directory "+$this.DirectoryFullPath+" FAILED, Check Logs...";Log=$this.Log.LogPath} } } } Class Log { $LogPath = $null Log ([String]$a){ if ( !(test-path $a) ) { New-Item -Path $a -ItemType file $this.LogPath = $a } else { $this.LogPath = $a } } Log () {} [void] WriteMessage ([String]$m, [Bool]$n){ If ( $null -ne $this.LogPath ) { If ( $n ) { $(get-date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss") + ' - ' + $m | Out-File -FilePath $this.LogPath -Append } else { $m | Out-File -FilePath $this.LogPath -Append } } } } |