Function Get-CUAst { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias('FullName')] [System.IO.FileInfo[]]$Path ) begin {} process { foreach($p in $Path){ Write-Verbose "Current file $p" If ( $P.Extension -in '.ps1','.psm1') { Write-Verbose "Current file $p is a PS1 or PSM1 file..." $Raw = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($p.FullName, [ref]$null, [ref]$Null) $AST = $Raw.FindAll( {$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst]}, $true) ## If AST Count -gt 1 we need to retourn each one of them separatly Switch ($AST.count) { { $AST.count -eq 1 } { Write-Verbose "Current file $p contains 1 AST..." $AST } { $AST.count -gt 1 } { Write-Verbose "Current file $p contains $($ast.count) AST..." Foreach ( $x in $AST ) { $x } } Default { Write-Verbose "Current file $p contains $($ast.count) AST..." } } } Else { Write-Verbose "Current file $p is not a PS1 or PSM1 file..." } } } end { } } |