Function Get-CUClassConstructor{ <# .SYNOPSIS This function returns all existing constructors of a specific powershell class. .DESCRIPTION The Powershell Class must be loaded in memory for this function to work. .EXAMPLE Get-CUClassConstructor -ClassName woop Name ReturnType Properties ---- ---------- ---------- woop woop woop woop {String, Number} .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS ClassConstructor .NOTES Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 0.7.1 Report bugs or submit feature requests here: #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$ClassName ) $Constructors = invoke-expression "[$($ClassName)].GetConstructors()" Foreach($Constructor in $Constructors){ $Parameters = $Constructor.GetParameters() If($Parameters){ [ClassProperty[]]$Params = @() foreach($Parameter in $Parameters){ $Params += [ClassProperty]::New($Parameter.Name,$Parameter.ParameterType) } } [ClassConstructor]::New($ClassName,$ClassName,$Params) } } |