#$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Import-Module -Force $PSScriptRoot\..\PSClassUtils.psm1 InModuleScope PSClassUtils -ScriptBlock { Describe "Testing Class: 'ClassConstructor'" { Context "[ClassConstructor] Constructors and Instantiation" { it '[ClassConstructor][Instantiation] (Empty ClassProperty Array) should create an instance without throwing' { $Properties = [ClassParameter[]]@() {[ClassConstructor]::New("DoStuffPlease", $Properties)} | should not throw } it '[ClassConstructor][Instantiation] (ClassParameter 1 element) should create an instance without throwing' { $Properties = [ClassParameter[]]@() $Properties += [ClassParameter]::New("PropName", "String") {[ClassConstructor]::New("DoStuffPlease", $Properties)} | should not throw } it '[ClassConstructor][Instantiation] (ClassParameter 10 elements) should create an instance without throwing' { $Properties = [ClassParameter[]]@() for ($i = 0; $i++; $i -eq 10) { $Properties += [ClassParameter]::New("Prop$1", "String") } {[ClassConstructor]::New("DoStuffPlease", $Properties)} | should not throw } } Context "[ClassConstructor] Properties" { it '[ClassConstructor][ClassParameter] Instance should have 2 Properties' { $Properties = [ClassParameter[]]@() $Instance = [ClassConstructor]::New("DoStuffPlease", $Properties) ($Instance | gm | ? {$_.MemberType -eq "Property"} | measure).Count | should be 2 } $Properties = [ClassParameter[]]@() $Properties += [ClassParameter]::New("PropName", "String") $Instance = [ClassConstructor]::New("DoStuffPlease", $Properties) $Values = @("Name", "Parameter") Foreach ($prop in $values) { it "[ClassConstructor][Properties][$($prop)] Should be present on instance" { ($Instance | gm | ? {$_.MemberType -eq "Property" -and $_.Name -eq $prop}).Name | should be $prop } } it "[ClassConstructor][Properties][Type] Should be of type 'ClassParameter[]'" { ($Instance.parameter.GetType()).FullName | should be "ClassParameter[]" } } } } |