$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' #. "$here\utilities.Tattoo.psm1" Import-Module -Force $PSScriptRoot\..\PSClassUtils.psm1 Describe "Testing Get-ClassConstructors"{ InModuleScope PSClassUtils { $TestCaseClass = @' Class Woop { [String]$String [int]$number Woop(){ } Woop([String]$String,[int]$Number){ } Woop([String]$String,[int]$Number,[DateTime]$Time){ } [String]DoSomething(){ return $this.String } } Class Wap :Woop { [String]$prop3 DoChildthing(){} [int]DoChildthing2(){ return 3 } DoChildthing3([int]$Param1,[bool]$Param2){ #Does stuff } [Bool] DoChildthing4([String]$MyString,[int]$MyInt,[DateTime]$MyDate){ return $true } } Class Wep : Woop { [String]$prop4 DoOtherChildThing(){ } } '@ $ClassScript = Join-Path -Path $Testdrive -ChildPath "WoopClass.ps1" $TestCaseClass | Out-File -FilePath $ClassScript -Force . $ClassScript it 'Should Return 3 Constructors' { (Get-ClassConstructors -ClassName "Woop" | measure).Count | should be 3 } Context 'Validating Properties' { $Properties = @("String","Number","Time") $Constructors = Get-ClassConstructors -ClassName "Woop" foreach ($prop in $Properties){ it "Should have Property: $($Prop)" { ($Constructors | gm).Name -contains $prop } } foreach($w in $Constructors){ if($w.Properties){ it "$($w.Name) should have property of type 'ClassProperty[]'" { $w.Properties.GetType().Name | should be 'ClassProperty[]' } } } } } } |