
    Retrieves a list of enabled applications from XenApp 7 along with their associated delivery groups and other relevant details.
    This function queries XenApp 7 servers for applications that are enabled and lists them along with associated delivery groups, user groups, and server counts.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    The address of the admin server for the Citrix environment from where the data is to be fetched.
    Specifies whether to export the output to a CSV file. The default is $false.
    Get-XA7ApplicationList -ComputerName "ServerAddress"
    Lists all enabled applications on the specified XenApp 7 server.
    Get-XA7ApplicationList -ComputerName "ServerAddress" -ExportToCsv $true
    Lists all enabled applications and exports the data to a CSV file.
    Requires Citrix PowerShell SDK and appropriate administrative credentials.

Function Get-XA7ApplicationList {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$ExportToCsv = $false

    process {
        # Adding Citrix PowerShell snap-in is assumed to be done outside this function.
        $DeliveryGroups = Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -SessionSupport MultiSession -AdminAddress $ComputerName

        $applications = Get-BrokerApplication -AdminAddress $ComputerName | 
                        Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} |
                        ForEach-Object {
                            $App = $_
                            $DGs = $DeliveryGroups | Where-Object {$App.AssociatedDesktopGroupUids -contains $_.Uid}
                            foreach ($DG in $DGs) {
                                $AssociatedAppsFiltered = if ($null -eq $App.AssociatedUserNames) {
                                    $x = Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -DesktopGroupName $DG.Name -AllowedConnections ViaAG
                                    ($x.IncludedUsers.Name | Where-Object {@('AMERICAS\CitrixApplicationAccess') -notcontains $_}) -join ', '
                                } else {
                                    ($App.AssociatedUserNames | Where-Object {@('AMERICAS\CitrixApplicationAccess') -notcontains $_}) -join ', '

                                    HostedOn         = "XenApp 7"
                                    DeliveryGroup    = $DG.Name
                                    ApplicationName  = $App.ApplicationName
                                    Enabled          = $App.Enabled
                                    GroupName        = $AssociatedAppsFiltered 
                                    TotalServers     = $DG.TotalDesktops

        if ($ExportToCsv) {
            $path = "C:\temp\CitrixApps_$(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy').csv"
            $applications | Export-Csv -Path $path -NoTypeInformation -Append
            Write-Host "Data exported to $path"
        } else {