
    Generates weekly on-call schedules for a manager’s direct reports based on geographical location and team membership, efficiently managing on-call responsibilities.
    The Get-XMatterStaff function queries Active Directory to fetch direct reports for a specified manager, filtering them by a given continent.
    It schedules on-call duties over specified dates, organizing the schedule into week-long intervals from Saturday to Sunday.
    The function gives scheduling priority to members of the Linux team and ensures that on-call duties are rotated to prevent consecutive assignments to the same staff members.
    The sAMAccountName of the manager.
.PARAMETER Continent
    The continent used to filter the direct reports.
    Specifies the end date for the on-call schedule period. The function will schedule on-call duties up to this date.
    An array of names identifying members of the Linux team, who will be given priority in the on-call schedule.
   Get-XMatterStaff -sAMAccountName "atanasan" -Continent "Europe" -EndDate "09/28/2024" -LinuxTeam @("Jane Smith","John Doe")
    This example generates an on-call schedule for the staff under manager 'jdoe' based in Europe, prioritizing the Linux team members Jane Smith and John Doe.
    Get-XMatterStaff -sAMAccountName "atanasan" -Continent "Asia" -EndDate "09/28/2024" -LinuxTeam @("John Che","Will Smith")
    This example generates an on-call schedule for the staff under manager 'jdoes' based in Asia, prioritizing the Linux team members Will Smith and John Che.
    Requires Active Directory module and appropriate permissions to read Active Directory objects.

Function Get-XMatterStaff {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Asia", "Europe", "Americas")]
        [string]$Continent = "Europe",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    process {
        $staffList = @()

        if ($Continent -eq "Asia") {
           $directReports = Get-ADDirectReports -sAMAccountName $sAMAccountName -Continent $Continent -OnlyIT | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName


        $directReports = Get-ADDirectReports -sAMAccountName $sAMAccountName -Continent $Continent -ExcludeJobTitle | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName 

        $excludedAdmins = Get-ADDirectReports -sAMAccountName $sAMAccountName -Continent $Continent -ExcludeManager | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }

        if(($null -ne $excludedAdmins)){$staffList += $excludedAdmins}

        foreach ($name in $directReports) {
            $additionalReports = Get-ADDirectReports -sAMAccountName $name -Continent $Continent | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            $staffList += $additionalReports

        $staffDetails = foreach ($user in $staffList) {
                Name         = $user
                Priority     = if ($user -in $LinuxTeam) { 1 } else { 0 }
                LastOnCall   = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14)
                BlockedDates = @()
                Primary      = 0  # Initialize the Primary count
                Secondary    = 0  # Initialize the Secondary count

        $currentDate = (Get-Date).Date
        $weekSchedules = @()

        while ($currentDate -le $EndDate) {
            if ($currentDate.DayOfWeek -eq 'Saturday') {
                $weekEnd = $currentDate.AddDays(1)

                $primary = $staffDetails | Where-Object { $_.LastOnCall -lt $currentDate.AddDays(-7) } | Sort-Object Priority, {Get-Random} | Select-Object -First 1
                $secondary = $staffDetails | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $primary.Name -and $_.LastOnCall -lt $currentDate.AddDays(-7) } | Sort-Object {Get-Random} | Select-Object -First 1

                if ($primary) {
                    $primary.LastOnCall = $weekEnd
                if ($secondary) {
                    $secondary.LastOnCall = $weekEnd

                $weekSchedules += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Date       = "$($currentDate.ToString('dd-MM-yyyy')) - $($weekEnd.ToString('dd-MM-yyyy'))"
                    Primary    = $primary.Name
                    Secondary  = $secondary.Name
            $currentDate = $currentDate.AddDays(1)

        $weekSchedules | Write-Output