.SYNOPSIS Fetches Delivery Groups from a Citrix Delivery Controller using the Monitor Service API. .DESCRIPTION This function makes an API call to retrieve the list of all Delivery Groups from a specified Citrix Delivery Controller. The data is fetched using the OData v3 endpoint and returned as a collection of custom objects. .PARAMETER DeliveryController The hostname or IP address of the Citrix Delivery Controller from which to fetch the Delivery Groups. .EXAMPLE $deliveryGroups = Invoke-CitrixDeliveryGroupsApi -DeliveryController "" $deliveryGroups | ConvertTo-Json This example fetches the Delivery Groups from the specified Delivery Controller and stores them in the variable $deliveryGroups. .NOTES This function requires that the user running it has the appropriate permissions to access the Citrix Monitor Service API. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject Returns a collection of objects where each object represents a Delivery Group containing properties like ID and name. #> function Invoke-CitrixDeliveryGroupsApi { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('PSCustomObject')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DeliveryController ) # Helper function to invoke REST query $invokeRestQuery = { param($Uri) try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType "application/json" -ErrorAction Stop $response.value # Directly return the 'value' property of the JSON response } catch { Write-Error "Failed to invoke REST query: $($_.Exception.Message)" return $null } } # Construct URI for API request to fetch Desktop Groups $desktopGroupsUri = "http://$DeliveryController/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v3/Data/DesktopGroups?`$format=json" # Fetch and return the Desktop Groups & $invokeRestQuery $desktopGroupsUri } |