
#these are private helper functions

Function PlayTune {

    Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

The first number is the reciprocal of the duration and the rest is the
note and octave (which we use for getting the frequency).
For example, 4A4 is a quarter A note

    #first verse only
    $notes = Write-Output 4A4 4A4 2A4        4A4 4A4 2A4        4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3             1A4 `
        4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4     4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4    4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4    2G3 2C4 `
        4A4 4A4 2A4       4A4 4A4 2A4    4A4 4C4 4F3 4G3     1A4        4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 `
        4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4    4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3     1F3

    function Play([int] $freq, [int] $duration) {
        [console]::Beep($freq, $duration)

    function GetNoteFreq([string]$note) {
        # n is the number of half steps from the fixed note.
        $note -match '([A-G#]{1,2})(\d+)' | Out-Null
        $octave = ([int] $matches[2]) - 4
        $n = $octave * 12 + ( GetHalfStepsFromA $matches[1] )
        $freq = $f0 * [math]::Pow($a, $n)

        return $freq

    function GetHalfStepsFromA([string] $note) {
        switch ($note) {
            'A' { 0 }
            'A#' { 1 }
            'Bb' { 1 }
            'B' { 2 }
            'C' { 3 }
            'C#' { 4 }
            'Db' { 4 }
            'D' { 5 }
            'D#' { 6 }
            'Eb' { 6 }
            'E' { 7 }
            'F' { 8 }
            'F#' { 9 }
            'Gb' { 9 }
            'G' { 10 }
            'G#' { 11 }
            'Ab' { 11 }

    # Note is given by fn=f0 * (a)^n
    # a is the twelfth root of 2
    # n is the number of half steps from f0, positive or negative.
    # f0 used here is A4 at 440 Hz
    $f0 = 440;
    $a = [math]::pow(2, (1 / 12)) # Twelfth root of 2

    $StandardDuration = 1000
    foreach ($note in $notes) {

        $note -match '(\d)(.+)' | Out-Null
        $duration = $StandardDuration / ([int] $matches[1])
        $playNote = $matches[2]
        $freq = GetNoteFreq $playNote

        Play $freq $duration
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

    Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"


Function ShowGraphic {

    # Clear-Host

    Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    $Msg1 =
. * .
. /.\ Merry Christmas .
. /..'\ from all of us .
. /'.'\ in PowerShell .
. /.''.'\ .
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    $Msg2 =
              o_.-"` `\
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     .' \`_\_ {_.-a"a-} _ / \
   _/ .-' '. {c-._o_.){\|` |
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     |>:< '-.__/ '._,} \_/ / ())
     | >:< `'---. ____'-.|(`"`
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      \ \\-{}-\/ \
       \ '._\\' /)
        '. /(
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     ,==' `---` '---' '---' )

    $msg3 =
             /` `'.
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         | '-.--';/'/__ | | ( `|
         | '. \ )"";--`\ /
         \ ; |--' `;.-'
         |`-.__ ..-'--'`;..--'`

    $msg4 =
           * ,
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     * /`,@ ;+& () o*`;-';\
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               o( )_-\
                 `"""` `

    $msg5 =
   * . |________| . *
                        | __|/\
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               |||||| / (o) (o) \
               |||||| | _ O _ | .
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    $msg6 =
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             / `88, |88| ,88' \
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        / |88| \============, \
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       |;:. |88| | CHRISTMAS! | |
       |;;:. |88| '============' |
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       |;;:' |88| |
       |:;, |88| |

    $i = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 6

    $selected = ($msg1, $msg2, $msg3, $msg4, $msg5, $msg6 | Get-Random)
    If ([bool]!($i % 2)) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object $selected

    else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -Object $selected

    Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
