#Requires -version 5.0 <# pester tests for PSChristmas module To use this file, change to this directory and run Invoke-Pester .\psChristmas.tests.ps1 #> import-module ..\PSChristmas.psd1 -force InModuleScope PSChristmas { Describe RequiredFiles { It "Has a module file" { (Dir ..\*.psm1).count | Should Be 1 } It "Has a manifest file" { (Dir ..\*.psd1).count | Should Be 1 } It "Has a json data file" { (Dir ..\*.json).count | Should Be 1 } } Describe Data { It "JSON file can be converted into an object" { {$script:data = Get-Content ..\data.json | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop} | Should Not Throw } foreach ($item in ("FirstNames","Modifiers","LastNames","Presents","Greeting" )) { It "Data has a $item property array" { $script:data.$item -is [array] | Should Be True } } } Describe New-Christmas { It "Runs without error" { { $script:x = New-MyChristmas } | Should not Throw } It "Should be a myChristmas object" { $script:x.GetType().Name | Should Be "myChristmas" } It "Should have a string greeting" { $script:x.Greeting.GetType().Name | Should Be "String" } It "Should have a string Elf name" { $script:x.ElfName.GetType().Name | Should Be "String" } It "Should have [ListStatus] List" { $script:x.List.GetType().Name | Should Be "ListStatus" } It "Daysremaining should be an integer" { $script:x.DaysRemaining.GetType().Name | Should Be "Int32" } It "Countdown should be a string" { $script:x.Countdown.GetType().Name | Should Be "string" } } Describe Get-myChristmasPresent { It "Should run without error and return a single entry" { (Get-myChristmasPresent).Count | Should be 1 } It "Should return multiple presents with -Count" { (Get-myChristmasPresent -count 2).Count | Should be 2 } It "Should return multiple presents with a positional parameter" { (Get-myChristmasPresent 2).Count | Should be 2 } } Describe New-Elfname { It "Should run without error" { {$script:n = New-Elfname } | Should Not Throw } It "Should return a string" { $script:n.GetType().Name | Should Be "String" } It "Should have a first and last name" { $script:n.split().count | Should be 2 } } Describe New-myChristmasGreeting { It "Should run without error" { {$script:g = New-myChristmasGreeting} | Should Not Throw } It "Should return a single entry" { ($script:g).Count | Should be 1 } It "Should be a string" { $script:g.getType().name | Should be "string" } } } |