
# Id is a required field. It MUST include the publisher name and application name separated by a period.
# The Id convention and folder convention MUST match. Therefore all entries MUST look like this:
# ID: PublisherName.ApplicationName
# and the folder structure PublisherName\ApplicationName\ApplicationName-Version.YAML
# Restrictions: No white spaces allowed. [min: 4, max:255]
Id: microsoft.msixsdk
# Name is a required field. It should be the friendly name of the application.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:128]
# AppMoniker is the common name someone may use to search for the application.
# Restrictions: No white spaces allowed. [min: 1, max:40]
AppMoniker: msixsdk
# Version is a required field. It is the specific version of this copy of the application.
# Versions should be separated by a period, but we will support other delimiters.
# Versions should be limited to four fields: Major.Minor.Build.Update.
# Versions will be sorted as integers following the following pattern: Major.Minor.Build.Patch.
# Restrictions: 4 sections with max value of 65535. For example:65535.65535.65535.65535
Version: 1.7.32
# Publisher is a required field. It should be the legal company name.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:128]
Publisher: Microsoft
# Channel a string representing the flight ring. For example: stable, beta, canary.
# By default searches will not expose results with the channel specified.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
Channel: Prerelease
# The person or company responsible for authoring the tool.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
Author: Microsoft
# License is a required field. License provides the type of license the application is provided under.
# For example: BSD, MIT, Apache, Microsoft Public License, commercial
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
License: MIT License
# LicenseURL provides a link to the license for the user to read.
# Restrictions: The LicenseUrl must be a valid secure URL, for example beginning with https and
# followed by a hostname. [min: 10, max:2000]
# MinOSVersion uses the Windows version to limit installations on unsupported platforms.
# For example specifying 10.0.18362.0 will only allows this tool to be installed on Windows build 1903 or greater.
# Restrictions: must follow Windows versioning model. 4 sections with max value of 65535. For example:65535.65535.65535.65535
# Description should be friendly providing insights into the value of the tool.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:500]
  The MSIX SDK project is an effort to enable developers
  on a variety of platforms to pack and unpack packages
  for the purposes of distribution from either the Microsoft
  Store, or their own content distribution networks.
# Homepage is a URL where the user can find more information on the tool.
# Restrictions: The Homepage must be a valid secure URL, for example beginning with https and
# followed by a hostname. [min: 10, max:2000]
# Tags are comma separated list. They represent strings that the user may use to search for a given tool.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
Tags: "msix, appx"
# FileExtensions is a comma separated list. FileExtensions provides the list of extensions the application could support.
# FileExtensions are not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
FileExtensions: "docx, doc"
# Protocols is a comma separated list. Protocols provides the list of protocols the application provides a handler for.
# Protocols are not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
Protocols: "ms-winget"
# Commands are the common executable or alias that the user might type trying to run the application.
# For example "code" for VSCode. If multiple commands are supported, the commands must be separated by a comma.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
Commands: "code"
# InstallerType is a required field. Supported types are inno, wix, msi, nullsoft, zip, appx, msix and exe.
# The winget command tool uses this value to assist in installing this application.
# If the value is an exe, you will need to provide the quiet switches.
# zip is not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
InstallerType: msix
# winget by default specifies silent or quiet mode to the installers. The following additional
# switches can be used to change the install behavior if supported by the InstallerType.
# When scripting, custom switches may also be passed on the command line to winget.
# The following switches are supported: Custom, Silent, SilentWithProgress, Interactive, Language, Log and InstallLocation.
# Custom switches will be passed directly to the installer by winget.
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:128]
  Custom: MyCustomString
# During any installation, only one of the next three switches [Silent, SilentWithProgress, Interactive] will be passed to the
# installer when provided by the user.
# Silent represents the value that should be passed to the installer when the user chooses a silent or quiet install.
# For example, some installers support "/s".
# Restrictions: [min: 1, max:40]
  Silent: /s
# SilentWithProgress represents the value that should be passed to the installer when the user chooses to install a non-interactive install.
# For example, some installers support "passive".
  SilentWithProgress: passive
# Interactive represents the value that should be passed to the installer when the tool requires user interaction. If the installer has a flag
# that when passed to the installer, causes it to require user input, it should be provided here. This flag will be used when the user passes the
# --interactive switch to the installer.
# Interactive is not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
  Interactive: /ShowEula
# Some installers include all localized resources. By specifying a Language switch, winget will pass the value of language to the installer,
# when the installer is called.
# Language is not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
  Language: en-US
# Installers often write logging files. A user may want to redirect the log to a different location. In order to redirect the log file, the user will
# pass in a log file path to the installer. For example: --log "%temp%\mylog.txt". The file will be saved as a token in the client: <LOGPATH>. Therefore,
# if the installer supports log redirection, then the Log switch should be the flag that the installer expects to provide the path to the log
# file. For example: /LOG=<LOGPATH>.
# Log must include the <LOGPATH> token.
# Some installers allow for installing to an alternate location. A user may want to redirect the default install to a different location.
# In order to redirect the install location, the user will pass in a installation path to the installer. For example: --installlocation "c:\mytool".
# The folder path will be saved as a token in the client: <INSTALLPATH>. Therefore, if the installer supports install location redirection,
# then the InstallLocation switch must be the flag that the installer expects to redirect the installation path.
# For example: /InstallLocation=<INSTALLPATH>.
# InstallLocation must include the <INSTALLPATH> token.
  InstallLocation: /DIR=<INSTALLPATH>
# ======================= Installers ==================
# Installers represents the collection of entries that define the actual installer. The installer provides the architecture, url and hash that
# ensure that the installer has not been tampered with.
    # Arch is a required field. Arch is the architecture of the tool, and is a required field to ensure that the tool will install correctly.
    # Supported values: arm, arm64, x86, x64 and neutral
  - Arch: x86
    # Url is a required field. This provides the path to the installer.
    # The Url must begin with https:// and followed by a hostname.
    # Restrictions: [min: 10, max:2000]
    # Sha256 is a required field. The value is the hash of the installer and used to verify the executable
    # Restrictions: [valid sha256 hash]
    Sha256: 69D84CA8899800A5575CE31798293CD4FEBAB1D734A07C2E51E56A28E0DF8C82
    # SignatureSha256 is a recommended field for MSIX files only. The value is the signature file's hash of the MSIX file.
    # By providing the SignatureSha256, you can improve the installation performance of the application.
    # The SignatureSha256 can be found by typing winget create hash -msix <MSIX file>. For more details see:
    # Restrictions: [valid sha256 hash]
    SignatureSha256: 69D84CA8899800A5575CE31798293CD4FEBAB1D734A07C2E51E56A28E0DF8C82
    # Language is the specific language of the installer. If no language is specified, the installer will display for all users.
    # Language must follow IETF language tag guidelines.
    # Language is not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
    Language: en-US
    # InstallerType is a required field if not defined at the root. Unless specified, the InstallerType will be assumed to be the same InstallerType as the root.
    # See further restrictions on InstallerType earlier in this document.
    InstallerType: msix
    # Scope indicates if the installer is per user or per machine.
    # Supported values: user and machine
    # Unless specified, user is the default.
    # Scope is not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
    Scope: user
    # ProductCode will be used in upgrade scenarios and to locate the uninstall string to uninstall the application.
    # For MSI there is an explicit product code. Typically a GUID that is typically found in the uninstall registry location and includes the brackets.
    # For example: {5740BD44-B58D-321A-AFC0-6D3D4556DD6C}
    # [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3740BD44-B58D-321A-AFC0-6D3D4556DD6C}]
    # [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3740BD44-B58D-321A-AFC0-6D3D4556DD6C}]
    # For inno, wix, nullsoft, and exe, the ProductCode should be a string that is located in either of the Uninstall keys above.
    ProductCode: "{05321FDB-BBA2-497D-99C6-C440E184C043}"
    # PackageFamilyName will be used in upgrade scenarios and to locate the uninstall string to uninstall the application.
    # MSIX installers have an explicit PackageFamilyName. For example: Contoso.Toolbox.Finance_7wekyb3d8bbwe
    # Restrictions: [min: 3, max:128]
    PackageFamilyName: Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe
    # Switches in installers can override the root specified switches. See definition earlier in this document.
      Language: /en-US
      Custom: /s
    # This is an example of an additional installer.
    # See further restrictions earlier in this document.
    # Support for multiple installers are not supported in this preview (5/24/2020)
  - Arch: x64
    Sha256: 69D84CA8899800A5575CE31798293CD4FEBAB1D734A07C2E51E56A28E0DF8C83
    Language: en-US
    Scope: user
    # Localized values will provide links and text to match the users settings. For example the following links and text will be displayed instead.
  - Language: es-MX
    Description: Text to display for es-MX
# ManifestVersion: 0.1.0
# ManifestVersion is a required field. ManifestVersion will allow the client to detect updated manifests and treat it differently.