
function Test-AlternativePlotterParameters {

        $ChiaParameters = $DataHash.NewJobViewModel.NewChiaJob.InitialChiaParameters
        if ($ChiaParameters.AlternativePlotterEnabled -eq $true){
            if (-not(Test-Path -Path $ChiaParameters.AlternativePlotterPath -PathType Leaf)){
                return "The path to the alternative plotter is invalid - [$($ChiaParameters.AlternativePlotterPath)]"
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChiaParameters.PoolPublicKey)){
                return "You must supply a pool public key for the alternative plotter to use!"
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChiaParameters.FarmerPublicKey)){
                return "You must supply a farmer public key for the alternative plotter to use!"
            if ($ChiaParameters.KSize.KSizeValue -ne 32){
                return "Currently alternative plotter does not accept any KSize other than 32, please change KSize to 32"
            [void](Show-MessageBox -Text "PSChiaPlotter will not check for temp free space when using alternative plotters, so please read space requirments based on the plotter's documentation and use accordingly!" -Icon Information)
        return $true
        return $_.Exception.Message
        Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogLevel "Error" -ErrorObject $_