
function New-UIRunspace{
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
        Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        #Import required assemblies and private functions
            Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.PrivateFunctions -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName}
            Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.Classes -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName}
            #Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.Assemblies -File | ForEach-Object {Add-Type -Path $_.FullName}
            $XAMLPath = Join-Path -Path $DataHash.WPF -ChildPath MainWindow.xaml
            $MainWindow = Import-Xaml -Path $XAMLPath

            #Assign GUI Controls To Variables
            $UIHash.MainWindow = $MainWindow
            $UIHash.Jobs_DataGrid = $MainWindow.FindName("Jobs_DataGrid")
            $UIHash.Queues_DataGrid = $MainWindow.FindName("Queues_DataGrid")
            $UIHash.Runs_DataGrid = $MainWindow.FindName("Runs_DataGrid")
            $UIHash.CompletedRuns_DataGrid = $MainWindow.FindName("CompletedRuns_DataGrid")
            $UIHash.Refreshdrives_Button = $MainWindow.FindName("RefreshdrivesButton")
            $DataHash.RefreshingDrives = $false

            $UIHash.NewJob_Button = $MainWindow.FindName("AddJob_Button")

            $DataHash.MainViewModel = [PSChiaPlotter.MainViewModel]::new()
            $UIHash.MainWindow.DataContext = $DataHash.MainViewModel

            #Add Master Copy of volumes to MainViewModel these are used to keep track of
            # all jobs that are running on the drives
            Get-ChiaVolume | foreach {

                    #Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.Classes -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName}
                    $XAMLPath = Join-Path -Path $DataHash.WPF -ChildPath NewJobWindow.xaml
                    $UIHash.NewJob_Window = Import-Xaml -Path $XAMLPath
                    $jobNumber = $DataHash.MainViewModel.AllJobs.Count + 1
                    $newJob = [PSChiaPlotter.ChiaJob]::new()
                    $newJob.JobNumber = $jobNumber
                    $newJob.JobName = "Job $jobNumber"
                    $NewJobViewModel = [PSChiaPlotter.NewJobViewModel]::new($newJob)

                    #need to run get-chiavolume twice or the temp and final drives will be the same object in the application and will update each other...
                    Get-ChiaVolume | foreach {
                    Get-ChiaVolume | foreach {

                    $newJob.Status = "Waiting"
                    $UIHash.NewJob_Window.DataContext = $NewJobViewModel
                    $CreateJob_Button = $UIHash.NewJob_Window.FindName("CreateJob_Button")
                            $Results = Test-ChiaParameters $newJob
                            if ($NewJob.DelayInMinutes -eq 60){
                                $response = Show-Messagebox -Text "You left the default delay time of 60 Minutes, continue?" -Button YesNo
                                if ($response -eq [System.Windows.MessageBoxResult]::No){
                            if ($Results -ne $true){
                                Show-Messagebox -Text $Results -Title "Invalid Parameters" -Icon Warning
                            $newJobRunSpace = New-ChiaJobRunspace -Job $newJob
                            $newJobRunSpace.Runspacepool = $ScriptsHash.RunspacePool
                            Show-Messagebox -Text $_.Exception.Message -Title "Create New Job Error" -Icon Error

                    $CancelJobCreation_Button = $UIHash.NewJob_Window.FindName("CancelJobCreation_Button")
                            Show-Messagebox -Text $_.Exception.Message -Title "Exit New Job Window Error" -Icon Error
                    Show-Messagebox -Text $_.Exception.Message -Title "Create New Job Error" -Icon Error

                    if ($DataHash.RefreshingDrives){
                        Show-Messagebox -Text "A drive refresh is currently in progress" -Icon Information
                    $DataHash.RefreshingDrives = $true
                    Update-ChiaVolume -ErrorAction Stop
                    $DataHash.RefreshingDrives = $false
                    $DataHash.RefreshingDrives = $false
                    Show-Messagebox -Text $_.Exception.Message -Title "Refresh Drives" -Icon Error

            #$ScriptsHash.QueueHandle = $ScriptsHash.QueueRunspace.BeginInvoke()

                Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.PrivateFunctions -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName}
                # end session and close runspace on window exit
                $DialogResult = Show-Messagebox -Text "Closing this window will end all Chia processes" -Title "Warning!" -Icon Warning -Buttons OKCancel
                if ($DialogResult -eq [System.Windows.MessageBoxResult]::Cancel) {
                    $PSItem.Cancel = $true


            $Message = "$($_.Exception.Message)"
            $Message += "`nLine # -$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber )"
            $Message += "`nLine - $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)"
            Show-Messagebox -Text $Message -Title "UI Runspace Error" -Icon Error