function Get-ChiaVolume { [CmdletBinding()] param() #grabbing all volumes, partitions, disks, and physicaldisks at once since it has proven to be faster $AllVolumes = Get-Volume #filter out all paritions not are not accessible to the file system $AllPartitions = Get-Partition | Where {$_.AccessPaths.Count -gt 1} $AllDisks = Get-Disk $AllphysicalDisk = Get-PhysicalDisk foreach ($volume in $AllVolumes){ try{ $partition = $AllPartitions | where AccessPaths -Contains "$($volume.UniqueId)" $disk = $AllDisks | where DiskNumber -eq $partition.DiskNumber $physicalDisk = $AllphysicalDisk | where DeviceId -eq $disk.DiskNumber if ($physicalDisk -ne $null){ $MediaType = $physicalDisk.MediaType } else{ $MediaType = "Unknown" } $Label = $volume.FileSystemLabel if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($volume.FileSystemLabel)){ $Label = "N/A" } $DriveLetter = $volume.DriveLetter if (-not[char]::IsLetter($DriveLetter)){ $DriveLetter = '?' } if ($partition){ $DirectoryPaths = $partition.AccessPaths | where {$_ -ne $volume.UniqueId} $ChiaVolume = [PSChiaPlotter.ChiaVolume]::new($volume.UniqueId,$Label,$volume.Size,$volume.SizeRemaining) $ChiaVolume.BusType = $physicalDisk.BusType $ChiaVolume.MediaType = $MediaType $MaxTempCount = [math]::Floor([decimal]($volume.size / (239 * 1gb))) $ChiaVolume.MaxConCurrentTempChiaRuns = $MaxTempCount $ChiaVolume.DriveLetter = $DriveLetter $ChiaVolume.DirectoryPath = $DirectoryPaths | select -First 1 $DirectoryPaths | foreach {$ChiaVolume.AccessPaths.Add($_)} $ChiaVolume Clear-Variable PhysicalDisk,Disk,Partition,MaxTempCount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } catch{ #Too dangerous to write to a the same log file at the moment without proper thread safe handling #Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType "Error" -LineNumber $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber -Message $_.Exception.Message -DebugLogPath $DataHash.LogPath #Write-Warning "Unable to create a ChiaVolume from driveletter $($volume.DriveLetter)" } } #volume $mappedDrives = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_MappedLogicalDisk $BusType = "Network" $MediaType = "Unknown" foreach ($drive in $mappedDrives){ try{ if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($drive.ProviderName)){ $Label = "N/A" } else{ $Label = $drive.ProviderName } if (-not[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($drive.DeviceID)){ $DriveLetter = $drive.DeviceID.TrimEnd(':') $ChiaVolume = [PSChiaPlotter.ChiaVolume]::new($drive.VolumeSerialNumber,$Label,$drive.Size,$drive.FreeSpace) $ChiaVolume.BusType = $BusType $ChiaVolume.MediaType = $MediaType $MaxTempCount = [math]::Floor([decimal]($drive.size / (239 * 1gb))) $ChiaVolume.MaxConCurrentTempChiaRuns = $MaxTempCount $ChiaVolume.DriveLetter = $DriveLetter $DirectoryPath = $DriveLetter + ':\' $ChiaVolume.DirectoryPath = $DirectoryPath $ChiaVolume.AccessPaths.Add($DirectoryPath) if (Test-Path $label){ $ChiaVolume.AccessPaths.Add($Label) } $ChiaVolume Clear-Variable DriveLetter } } catch{ #Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType "Error" -LineNumber $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber -Message $_.Exception.Message -DebugLogPath $DataHash.LogPath #Write-Warning "Unable to create a ChiaVolume from driveletter $($DriveLetter.DriveLetter)" } } } |