function Start-ChiaPlotting { [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateRange(32,35)] [int]$KSize = 32, [ValidateRange(1,5000)] [int]$TotalPlots = 1, [int]$Buffer, [ValidateRange(1,256)] [int]$Threads = 2, [switch]$DisableBitfield, [switch]$ExcludeFinalDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_)})] [string]$TempDirectoryPath, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_)})] [string]$SecondTempDirecoryPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_)})] [string]$FinalDirectoryPath, #$FarmerPublicKey, #$PoolPublicKey, [ValidateScript({[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_)})] [string]$LogDirectoryPath = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\.chia\mainnet\plotter", [switch]$NewWindow, [string]$QueueName = "Default_Queue", [string]$WindowTitle ) if (-not$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Buffer")){ switch ($KSize){ 32 {$Buffer = 3390} 33 {$Buffer = 7400} 34 {$Buffer = 14800} 35 {$Buffer = 29600} } Write-Information "Buffer set to: $Buffer" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WindowTitle")){ $WindowTitle = $WindowTitle + " |" } $E = if ($DisableBitfield){"-e"} $X = if ($ExcludeFinalDirectory){"-x"} #remove any trailing '\' since chia.exe hates them $TempDirectoryPath = $TempDirectoryPath.TrimEnd('\') $FinalDirectoryPath = $FinalDirectoryPath.TrimEnd('\') #path to chia.exe $ChiaPath = (Get-Item -Path "$ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\chia-blockchain\app-*\resources\app.asar.unpacked\daemon\chia.exe").FullName $ChiaArguments = "plots create -k $KSize -b $Buffer -r $Threads -t `"$TempDirectoryPath`" -d `"$FinalDirectoryPath`" $E $X" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SecondTempDirecoryPath")){ $SecondTempDirecoryPath = $SecondTempDirecoryPath.TrimEnd('\') $ChiaArguments += " -2 $SecondTempDirecoryPath" Write-Information "Added 2nd Temp Dir to Chia ArguementList" } if (Test-Path $LogDirectoryPath){ $LogPath = Join-Path $LogDirectoryPath ((Get-Date -Format yyyy_MM_dd_hh-mm-ss-tt_) + "plotlog" + ".log") } else{ $Message = "The log path provided was not found: $LogDirectoryPath" $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new($Message,$SErvicePath), 'LogPathInvalid', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound, "$LogDirectoryPath" ) $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($ErrorRecord) $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError("Invalid Log Path Directory: $LogDirectoryPath") } if ($ChiaPath){ Write-Information "Chia path exists, starting the plotting process" if (!$NewWindow){ for ($plotNumber = 1;$plotNumber -le $TotalPlots;$plotNumber++){ try{ $LogPath = Join-Path $LogDirectoryPath ((Get-Date -Format yyyy_MM_dd_hh-mm-ss-tt_) + "plotlog-" + $plotNumber + ".log") $PlottingParam = @{ FilePath = $ChiaPath ArgumentList = $ChiaArguments RedirectStandardOutput = $LogPath NoNewWindow = $true } $chiaProcess = Start-Process @PlottingParam -PassThru $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$WindowTitle $QueueName - Plot $plotNumber out of $TotalPlots | Chia Process Id - $($" #Have noticed that giving the process a second to start before checking the logs works better Start-Sleep 1 while (!$chiaProcess.HasExited){ try{ $progress = Get-ChiaPlotProgress -LogPath $LogPath -ErrorAction Stop $plotid = $progress.PlotId #write-progress will fail if secondsremaining is less than 0... $secondsRemaining = $progress.EST_TimeReamining.TotalSeconds if ($progress.EST_TimeReamining.TotalSeconds -le 0){ $secondsRemaining = 0 } Write-Progress -Activity "Queue $($QueueName): Plot $plotNumber out of $TotalPlots" -Status "$($progress.phase) - $($progress.Progress)%" -PercentComplete $progress.progress -SecondsRemaining $secondsRemaining Start-Sleep 5 } catch{ Write-Progress -Activity "Queue $($QueueName): Plot $plotNumber out of $TotalPlots" -Status "WARNING! PROGRESS UPDATES HAS FAILED! $($progress.phase) - $($progress.Progress)%" -PercentComplete $progress.progress -SecondsRemaining $secondsRemaining Start-Sleep 30 } } #while if ($chiaProcess.ExitCode -ne 0){ Get-ChildItem -Path $TempDirectoryPath -Filter "*$plotid*.tmp" | Remove-Item -Force } } catch{ $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) } } #for } #if noNewWindow else{ $ChiaArguments += " -n $TotalPlots" $PlottingParam = @{ FilePath = $ChiaPath ArgumentList = $ChiaArguments RedirectStandardOutput = $LogPath } $PlottingProcess = Start-Process @PlottingParam -PassThru [PSCustomObject]@{ KSize = $KSize Buffer = $Buffer Threads = $Threads PID = $PlottingProcess.Id StartTime = $PlottingProcess.StartTime TempDir = $TempDirectoryPath FinalDir = $FinalDirectoryPath TempDir2 = $SecondTempDirecoryPath LogPath = $LogPath TotalPlotCount = $TotalPlots BitfieldEnabled = !$DisableBitfield.IsPresent ExcludeFinalDir = $ExcludeFinalDirectory.IsPresent } Write-Information "Plotting started, PID = $PID" } # else } #if chia path exits } |