function Get-PSCalendarificHoliday { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [String] $APIKey, [Parameter()] [String] $Country ='US', [Parameter()] [Int] $Year, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1,12)] [Int] $Month, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1,31)] [Int] $Day, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('national','local','religious','observance')] [String] $Type ) # get the API Store defaults $calendarific = Get-PSCalendarificDefaultConfiguration # Check if API Key is provided if (!$APIKey) { if ($calendarific.APIKey -ne '') { $apiKey = $calendarific.APIKey } else { throw 'Cannot continue as API Key is neither provided nor available in the API Store' } } if ($calendarific.Country) { $country = $calendarific.Country } if (!$Year) { $Year = Get-Date -Format yyyy } # create a param hashtable $paramHashtable = @{ api_key = $APIKey country = $Country year = $Year } if ($Month) { $paramHashtable.Add('month', $Month) } if ($Day) { $paramHashtable.Add('day', $Day) } if ($Type) { $paramHashtable.Add('type', $Type) } $requestUrl = Get-APIUrl -RequestType Holidays -Parameter $paramHashtable -Verbose $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUrl -UseBasicParsing if ($response.meta.code -eq 200) { $response.response.Holidays } } |