function Get-COVID19Data { [CmdletBinding()] param () $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $invokeWebRequestParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { # I don't like having to do this but since some of ya'll are PowerShell 5.1 holdouts it had to be done... $invokeWebRequestParams.Add('UseBasicParsing',$true) } $githubBaseUri = '' try { Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting links to daily reports.' $baseUri = "$githubBaseUri/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/tree/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports" $dailyReports = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $baseUri @invokeWebRequestParams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Links).where({ $_.title -like '*.csv' -and $_.title -notlike 'Update*'}) Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the latest/newest csv report.' $latestReport = $dailyReports | Sort-Object -Property title | Select-Object -Last 1 Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting link to the raw CSV data.' $latestReportUri = ("$githubBaseUri{0}"-f $latestReport.href) $latestReportData = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestReportUri @invokeWebRequestParams).Links.where({ $ -eq 'raw-url' }) Write-Verbose -Message 'Parsing the latest data and deserializing into PowerShell objects.' $latestReportRawUri = ("$githubBaseUri{0}" -f $latestReportData.href) $covidData = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestReportRawUri @invokeWebRequestParams).Content | ConvertFrom-Csv } catch { Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message "Could not retreive COVID-19 CICD data from Github, error was:`n`t$_" } $output = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[Covid] foreach ($cd in $covidData) { $output.Add([Covid]::new( $cd.'Country/Region', $cd.'Province/State', $cd.'Last Update', $cd.Confirmed, $cd.Deaths, $cd.Recovered, $cd.Latitude, $cd.Longitude ) ) } Write-Output -InputObject $output $ProgressPreference = 'Continue' } |