function Start-Covid19Tracker { [CmdletBinding()] param( # US Filter [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('All', 'New England')] [string] $States = 'All' ) process { do { # I don't like this but I am going to do it since a lot of ya'll are living in the PS stone age... if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $esc = "`e" } else { $esc = [Char](0x1b) } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $cd = Get-COVID19Data Clear-Host switch ($States) { 'All' { $cd.where({$_.CountryOrRegion -eq 'US'}) | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @( @{N='CountryOrRegion';E={$_.CountryOrRegion}} @{N='ProvinceOrState';E={$_.ProvinceOrState}} @{N='LastUpdate';E={$_.LastUpdate}} @{N='Confirmed';E={ "$esc[38;2;255;128;0m" + $_.Confirmed}} @{N='Deaths';E={ "$esc[38;2;236;23;23m" + $_.Deaths}} @{N='Recovered';E={ "$esc[38;2;72;225;22m" + $_.Recovered}} @{N='Latitude';E={$_.Latitude}} @{N='Longitude';E={$_.Longitude}} ) } 'New England' { $table = $cd.where({$_.CountryOrRegion -eq 'US'}).where( { ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'Rhode Island') -or ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'Massachusetts') -or ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'Connecticut') -or ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'Maine') -or ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'Vermont') -or ($_.ProvinceOrState -eq 'New Hampshire') }) } Default {Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message 'Internal exception: Invalid case for "States" switch.'} } $table | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @( @{N='CountryOrRegion';E={$_.CountryOrRegion}} @{N='ProvinceOrState';E={$_.ProvinceOrState}} @{N='LastUpdate';E={$_.LastUpdate}} @{N='Confirmed';E={ "$esc[38;2;255;128;0m" + $_.Confirmed}} @{N='Deaths';E={ "$esc[38;2;236;23;23m" + $_.Deaths}} @{N='Recovered';E={ "$esc[38;2;72;225;22m" + $_.Recovered}} @{N='Latitude';E={$_.Latitude}} @{N='Longitude';E={$_.Longitude}} ) Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } until ($false) } } |