about_PSCMContentMgmt_Delete SHORT DESCRIPTION An overview of the functions in PSCMContentMgmt used for deleting content from distribution points or distribution point groups. LONG DESCRIPTION As mentioned in about_PSCMContentMgmt, some functions in PSCMContentMgmt are wrappers for cmdlets in the Configuration Manager module. These functions are good examples of that. However the main benefit is pipeline support. This enables you to quickly take action with certain tasks. With the exception of Invoke-DPContentLibraryCleanup, this is a wrapper for the ContentLibraryCleanup.exe binary. COMMANDS * Remove-DPContent Removes content objects from a given distribution point. * Remove-DPGroupContent Removes content objects from a given distribution point group. * Invoke-DPContentLibraryCleanup As previously mentioned, this is simply a wrapper for the Content library clean up tool. Read more about the content library cleanup tool here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/core/plan-design/hierarchy/content-library-cleanup-tool |