try { $RegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\AdminUI\Connection" $CMSiteServer = Get-ItemProperty $RegKey -ErrorAction "Stop" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Server try { $CMSiteCode = Get-CimInstance -ClassName "SMS_ProviderLocation" -Name "ROOT\SMS" -ComputerName $CMSiteServer -ErrorAction "Stop" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SiteCode } catch { Write-Warning ('Could not auto-populate variable $CMSiteCode, either set this yourself or pass -SiteCode to all functions (Reason: "{0}" while querying SMS_ProviderLocation on "{1}")' -f $_.Exception.Message, $CMSiteServer) $CMSiteCode = $null } } catch { Write-Warning ('Could not auto-populate variable $CMSiteServer, either set this yourself or pass -SiteServer to all functions (Reason: "{0}" while trying to read "Server" value from key "{1}")' -f $_.Exception.Message, $RegKey) $CMSiteServer = $null } enum SMS_DPContentInfo { Package DriverPackage = 3 TaskSequence = 4 DeploymentPackage = 5 OperatingSystemImage = 257 OperatingSystemInstaller = 259 BootImage = 258 Application = 512 } enum SMS_DPContentInfo_CMParameters { PackageID DriverPackageID = 3 DeploymentPackageID = 5 OperatingSystemImageId = 257 OperatingSystemInstallerId = 259 BootImageId = 258 ApplicationId = 512 } enum SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer_PackageType { Package DriverPackage = 3 DeploymentPackage = 5 Application = 8 OperatingSystemImage = 257 OperatingSystemInstaller = 259 BootImage = 258 } enum SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer_State { DISTRIBUTED DISTRIBUTION_PENDING = 1 DISTRIBUTION_RETRYING = 2 DISTRIBUTION_FAILED = 3 REMOVAL_PENDING = 4 REMOVAL_RETRYING = 5 REMOVAL_FAILED = 6 CONTENT_UPDATING = 7 CONTENT_MONITORING = 8 } enum SMS_Collection { OtherCollection UserCollection = 1 DeviceCollection = 2 } enum SMS_ConfigurationItemLatest_CIType_ID { ConfigurationBaseline = 2 ConfigurationItem = 3 } |