function Test-WritePermission { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if it's possible to create file in given location (path) .DESCRIPTION Creates a random file in given location. Deletes if it was created. Returns Boolean True or False .PARAMETER Path Location where test write should occur .EXAMPLE Test-WritePermission -Path c:\SomePath Will create random file in given location. Will return True or False .INPUTS Path to test .OUTPUTS Boolean True or False #> [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Provide path where to test write possibility')] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -IsValid -PathType Container})] [string[]] $Path ) foreach ($testPath in $Path) { $testFileName = "TestFile_{0}" -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHss') $testfile = New-Item -Path $testPath -Name $testFileName -ItemType File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $testfile) { Write-Log -Error -Message "Unable to write in Path {$testPath}. Verify your permissions." $false break } else { Remove-Item -Path $testfile -Force $true } } } |