function Write-ErrorRecord { <# .SYNOPSIS Logs ErrorRecord message, including script StackTrace and exception StackTrace. .EXAMPLE $Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' try { ... } catch { Write-ErrorRecord } #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param( # Error record to log. If null, $_ will be used. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord, # If specified, exception will not be thrown at the end. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $NoThrow, # If specified, all log output will be available as return value. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $PassThru ) if (!$ErrorRecord -and (Test-Path Variable:_)) { $ErrorRecord = $_ } if ($ErrorRecord -and $ErrorRecord.Exception) { $exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception } else { $exception = $null } $messageToLog = '' if ($ErrorRecord -and $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo) { $callerInfo = $ErrorRecord.InvocationInfo if ($callerInfo.MyCommand -and $callerInfo.MyCommand.Name) { $callerCommandName = $callerInfo.MyCommand.Name } else { $callerCommandName = '' } if ($callerInfo.ScriptName) { $callerScriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $callerInfo.ScriptName } else { $callerScriptName = ''; } $callerLineNumber = $callerInfo.ScriptLineNumber $messageToLog += "[$callerScriptName/$callerCommandName/$callerLineNumber] " } if ($ErrorRecord) { $messageToLog += ($errorRecord.ToString()) + "`r`n`r`n" $messageToLog += "ERROR RECORD:" + ($ErrorRecord | Format-List -Force | Out-String) } if ($exception) { $messageToLog += "INNER EXCEPTION:" + ($exception | Format-List -Force | Out-String) } if (!$ErrorRecord -or !$ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace) { $psStack = Get-PSCallStack for ($i = 1; $i -lt $psStack.Length; $i++) { $messageToLog += ("Stack trace {0}: location={1}, command={2}, arguments={3}`r`n " -f ($i-1), $psStack[$i].Location, $psStack[$i].Command, $psStack[$i].Arguments) } } if ($PassThru) { $msg = $messageToLog -join "`r`n" Write-Output -InputObject $msg } else { Write-Error -Message $messageToLog -ErrorAction Continue } if (!$NoThrow) { throw } } |