$CIMParameters = @{ Namespace = 'root\cimv2\power' Class = 'Win32_PowerPlan' } DATA localizedData { # same as culture = "en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData @' ElementName=Adding filter for Element Name of {0} FilterText=Adding the filter text ({0}) to the query. IsActiveFilter=Adding filter for IsActive = True NoFilterCriteria=No filter criteria. Making sure nothing is hanging around. Cruft=Found some cruft. Removing. MatchingActivePowerPlan=Found a matching active powerplan. NoMatchingActivePowerPlan=Did not a matching active powerplan. SettingActivePowerPlan=Setting active Power Plan to {0} CurrentPowerPlan=Current Power Plan is set to {0}. CheckingForActivePowerPlan=Checking for an active powerplan called {0}. ActivePlanNotSetTo=The active Power Plan is not set to {0}. ActivePlanSetTo=The active Power Plan is set to {0}. All good here. ActivePlanSetToAndShouldNotBe=The active Power Plan is set to {0}, and should not be. ActivePlanNotSetToAndShouldNotBe=The active Power Plan is not set to {0}, and should not be. All good here. '@ } if (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\en-us) { Import-LocalizedData LocalizedData -filename PowerPlanProvider.psd1 } function Get-TargetResource { [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present' ) $powerplan = Get-CIMPowerPlan -name $Name -active $Configuration = @{ Name = $Name } If ($PowerPlan) { #Needs to return a hashtable that returns the current #status of the configuration component Write-Verbose $LocalizedData.MatchingActivePowerPlan $Configuration.Ensure = 'Present' } else { Write-Verbose $LocalizedData.NoMatchingActivePowerPlan $Configuration.Ensure = 'Absent' } return $Configuration } function Set-TargetResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present' ) if ($Ensure -like 'Present') { Set-CIMPowerPlan -name $Name } else { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.CurrentPowerPlan -f $Name) switch ($Name) { 'Balanced' { Set-CimPowerPlan -name 'High Performance' } default { Set-CimPowerPlan -name 'Balanced' } } } } function Test-TargetResource { [OutputType([boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present' ) $Valid = $true Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.CheckingForActivePowerPlan -f $Name) $PowerPlan = Get-CIMPowerPlan -active -name $Name if ($Ensure -like 'Present') { if ( $PowerPlan -eq $null ) { Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.ActivePlanNotSetTo -f $Name) $Valid = $false } else { Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.ActivePlanSetTo -f $Name) } } else { if ( $PowerPlan -ne $null ) { Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.ActivePlanSetToAndShouldNotBe -f $Name) $Valid = $false } else { Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.ActivePlanNotSetToAndShouldNotBe -f $Name) } } return $valid } Function Get-CIMPowerPlan { param ([string]$name, [switch]$active) $FilterText = '' if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($name)) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilterText)) { $FilterText += ' and ' } Write-Debug ($LocalizedData.ElementName -f $Name) $FilterText += "ElementName like '$Name'" } if ($active) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilterText)) { $FilterText += ' and ' } Write-Debug $LocalizedData.IsActiveFilter $FilterText += "IsActive = 'True'" } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilterText)) { Write-Debug $LocalizedData.NoFilterCriteria if ($CIMParameters.ContainsKey('Filter')) { Write-Debug $LocalizedData.Cruft $CIMParameters.Remove('Filter') | Out-Null } } else { Write-Debug ($LocalizedData.FilterText -f $FilterText) $CIMParameters.Filter = $FilterText } Get-CimInstance @CIMParameters } function Set-CIMPowerPlan { param ($name) Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.SettingActivePowerPlan -f $Name) Get-CIMPowerPlan -name $name | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Activate } |