#requires -Version 4.0 # Suppressing this rule because IIS requires PlainText for one of the functions used in this test [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] param () $script:DSCModuleName = 'xWebAdministration' $script:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xWebAppPool' #region HEADER $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Tests\MockWebAdministrationWindowsFeature.psm1') $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests InModuleScope $script:DSCResourceName { Describe "$($script:DSCResourceName)\Get-TargetResource" { Mock Assert-Module Context 'Application pool does not exist' { Mock Get-WebConfiguration $result = Get-TargetResource -Name 'NonExistent' It 'Should return the Ensure property set to Absent' { $result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } } Context 'Application pool exists' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Started' autoStart = $true CLRConfigFile = '' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false enableConfigurationOverride = $true managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated' managedRuntimeLoader = 'webengine4.dll' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0' passAnonymousToken = $true startMode = 'OnDemand' queueLength = 1000 cpu = @{ action = 'NoAction' limit = 0 resetInterval = '00:05:00' smpAffinitized = $false smpProcessorAffinityMask = 4294967295 smpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 4294967295 } processModel = @{ identityType = 'SpecificUser' idleTimeout = '00:20:00' idleTimeoutAction = 'Terminate' loadUserProfile = $true logEventOnProcessModel = 'IdleTimeout' logonType = 'LogonBatch' manualGroupMembership = $false maxProcesses = 1 password = 'P@$$w0rd' pingingEnabled = $true pingInterval = '00:00:30' pingResponseTime = '00:01:30' setProfileEnvironment = $false shutdownTimeLimit = '00:01:30' startupTimeLimit = '00:01:30' userName = 'CONTOSO\JDoe' } failure = @{ orphanActionExe = '' orphanActionParams = '' orphanWorkerProcess = $false loadBalancerCapabilities = 'HttpLevel' rapidFailProtection = $true rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:05:00' rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 5 autoShutdownExe = '' autoShutdownParams = '' } recycling = @{ disallowOverlappingRotation = $false disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $false logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' periodicRestart = @{ memory = 0 privateMemory = 0 requests = 0 time = '1.05:00:00' schedule = @{ Collection = @( @{value = '04:00:00'} @{value = '08:00:00'} ) } } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $result = Get-TargetResource -Name $mockAppPool.Name It 'Should return the Ensure property set to Present' { $result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } It 'Should return the Name property' { $result.Name | Should Be $mockAppPool.name } It 'Should return the State property' { $result.State | Should Be $mockAppPool.state } It 'Should return the autoStart property' { $result.autoStart | Should Be $mockAppPool.autoStart } It 'Should return the CLRConfigFile property' { $result.CLRConfigFile | Should Be $mockAppPool.CLRConfigFile } It 'Should return the enable32BitAppOnWin64 property' { $result.enable32BitAppOnWin64 | Should Be $mockAppPool.enable32BitAppOnWin64 } It 'Should return the enableConfigurationOverride property' { $result.enableConfigurationOverride | Should Be $mockAppPool.enableConfigurationOverride } It 'Should return the managedPipelineMode property' { $result.managedPipelineMode | Should Be $mockAppPool.managedPipelineMode } It 'Should return the managedRuntimeLoader property' { $result.managedRuntimeLoader | Should Be $mockAppPool.managedRuntimeLoader } It 'Should return the managedRuntimeVersion property' { $result.managedRuntimeVersion | Should Be $mockAppPool.managedRuntimeVersion } It 'Should return the passAnonymousToken property' { $result.passAnonymousToken | Should Be $mockAppPool.passAnonymousToken } It 'Should return the startMode property' { $result.startMode | Should Be $mockAppPool.startMode } It 'Should return the queueLength property' { $result.queueLength | Should Be $mockAppPool.queueLength } It 'Should return the cpuAction property' { $result.cpuAction | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.action } It 'Should return the cpuLimit property' { $result.cpuLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.limit } It 'Should return the cpuResetInterval property' { $result.cpuResetInterval | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.resetInterval } It 'Should return the cpuSmpAffinitized property' { $result.cpuSmpAffinitized | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.smpAffinitized } It 'Should return the cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask property' { $result.cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask } It 'Should return the cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 property' { $result.cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 | Should Be $mockAppPool.cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask2 } It 'Should return the identityType property' { $result.identityType | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.identityType } It 'Should return the Credential (userName) property' { # Get-DscConfiguration returns MSFT_Credential with empty UserName $result.Credential.userName | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.userName } It 'Should return the Credential (password) property' { # Get-DscConfiguration returns MSFT_Credential with empty Password $result.Credential.Password | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.password } It 'Should return the idleTimeout property' { $result.idleTimeout | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.idleTimeout } It 'Should return the idleTimeoutAction property' { $result.idleTimeoutAction | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.idleTimeoutAction } It 'Should return the loadUserProfile property' { $result.loadUserProfile | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.loadUserProfile } It 'Should return the logonType property' { $result.logonType | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.logonType } It 'Should return the logEventOnProcessModel property' { $result.logEventOnProcessModel | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.logEventOnProcessModel } It 'Should return the manualGroupMembership property' { $result.manualGroupMembership | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.manualGroupMembership } It 'Should return the maxProcesses property' { $result.maxProcesses | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.maxProcesses } It 'Should return the pingingEnabled property' { $result.pingingEnabled | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.pingingEnabled } It 'Should return the pingInterval property' { $result.pingInterval | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.pingInterval } It 'Should return the pingResponseTime property' { $result.pingResponseTime | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.pingResponseTime } It 'Should return the setProfileEnvironment property' { $result.setProfileEnvironment | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.setProfileEnvironment } It 'Should return the shutdownTimeLimit property' { $result.shutdownTimeLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.shutdownTimeLimit } It 'Should return the startupTimeLimit property' { $result.startupTimeLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.processModel.startupTimeLimit } It 'Should return the orphanActionExe property' { $result.orphanActionExe | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.orphanActionExe } It 'Should return the orphanActionParams property' { $result.orphanActionParams | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.orphanActionParams } It 'Should return the orphanWorkerProcess property' { $result.orphanWorkerProcess | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.orphanWorkerProcess } It 'Should return the loadBalancerCapabilities property' { $result.loadBalancerCapabilities | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.loadBalancerCapabilities } It 'Should return the rapidFailProtection property' { $result.rapidFailProtection | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtection } It 'Should return the rapidFailProtectionInterval property' { $result.rapidFailProtectionInterval | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtectionInterval } It 'Should return the rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes property' { $result.rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes } It 'Should return the autoShutdownExe property' { $result.autoShutdownExe | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.autoShutdownExe } It 'Should return the autoShutdownParams property' { $result.autoShutdownParams | Should Be $mockAppPool.failure.autoShutdownParams } It 'Should return the disallowOverlappingRotation property' { $result.disallowOverlappingRotation | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.disallowOverlappingRotation } It 'Should return the disallowRotationOnConfigChange property' { $result.disallowRotationOnConfigChange | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.disallowRotationOnConfigChange } It 'Should return the logEventOnRecycle property' { $result.logEventOnRecycle | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.logEventOnRecycle } It 'Should return the restartMemoryLimit property' { $result.restartMemoryLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.memory } It 'Should return the restartPrivateMemoryLimit property' { $result.restartPrivateMemoryLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.privateMemory } It 'Should return the restartRequestsLimit property' { $result.restartRequestsLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.requests } It 'Should return the restartTimeLimit property' { $result.restartTimeLimit | Should Be $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.time } It 'Should return the restartSchedule property' { $restartScheduleValues = [String[]]@( @($mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.Collection).ForEach('value') ) $compareSplat = @{ ReferenceObject = [String[]]@($result.restartSchedule) DifferenceObject = $restartScheduleValues ExcludeDifferent = $true IncludeEqual = $true } $compareResult = Compare-Object @compareSplat $compareResult.Count -eq $restartScheduleValues.Count | Should Be $true } } } Describe "how '$($script:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource' responds to Ensure = 'Absent'" { Mock Assert-Module Context 'Application pool does not exist' { Mock Get-WebConfiguration It 'Should return True' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name 'NonExistent' | Should Be $true } } Context 'Application pool exists' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return False' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name | Should Be $false } } } Describe "how '$($script:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource' responds to Ensure = 'Present'" { Mock Assert-Module Context 'Application pool does not exist' { Mock Get-WebConfiguration It 'Should return False' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name 'NonExistent' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Application pool exists' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name | Should Be $true } } Context 'All the properties match the desired state' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Started' autoStart = $true CLRConfigFile = '' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false enableConfigurationOverride = $true managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated' managedRuntimeLoader = 'webengine4.dll' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0' passAnonymousToken = $true startMode = 'OnDemand' queueLength = 1000 cpu = @{ action = 'NoAction' limit = 0 resetInterval = '00:05:00' smpAffinitized = $false smpProcessorAffinityMask = 4294967295 smpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 4294967295 } processModel = @{ identityType = 'SpecificUser' idleTimeout = '00:20:00' idleTimeoutAction = 'Terminate' loadUserProfile = $true logEventOnProcessModel = 'IdleTimeout' logonType = 'LogonBatch' manualGroupMembership = $false maxProcesses = 1 password = 'P@$$w0rD' pingingEnabled = $true pingInterval = '00:00:30' pingResponseTime = '00:01:30' setProfileEnvironment = $false shutdownTimeLimit = '00:01:30' startupTimeLimit = '00:01:30' userName = 'CONTOSO\JDoe' } failure = @{ orphanActionExe = '' orphanActionParams = '' orphanWorkerProcess = $false loadBalancerCapabilities = 'HttpLevel' rapidFailProtection = $true rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:05:00' rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 5 autoShutdownExe = '' autoShutdownParams = '' } recycling = @{ disallowOverlappingRotation = $false disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $false logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' periodicRestart = @{ memory = 0 privateMemory = 0 requests = 0 time = '1.05:00:00' schedule = @{ Collection = @( @{value = '04:00:00'} @{value = '08:00:00'} ) } } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $mockUserName = $mockAppPool.processModel.userName $mockPassword = $mockAppPool.processModel.password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $mockUserName, $mockPassword $mockRestartSchedule = [String[]]@( @($mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.Collection).ForEach('value') ) $testParamsSplat = @{ Name = $mockAppPool.Name State = $mockAppPool.state autoStart = $mockAppPool.autoStart CLRConfigFile = $mockAppPool.CLRConfigFile enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $mockAppPool.enable32BitAppOnWin64 enableConfigurationOverride = $mockAppPool.enableConfigurationOverride managedPipelineMode = $mockAppPool.managedPipelineMode managedRuntimeLoader = $mockAppPool.managedRuntimeLoader managedRuntimeVersion = $mockAppPool.managedRuntimeVersion passAnonymousToken = $mockAppPool.passAnonymousToken startMode = $mockAppPool.startMode queueLength = $mockAppPool.queueLength cpuAction = $mockAppPool.cpu.action cpuLimit = $mockAppPool.cpu.limit cpuResetInterval = $mockAppPool.cpu.resetInterval cpuSmpAffinitized = $mockAppPool.cpu.smpAffinitized cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask = $mockAppPool.cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 = $mockAppPool.cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask2 identityType = $mockAppPool.processModel.identityType Credential = $mockCredential idleTimeout = $mockAppPool.processModel.idleTimeout idleTimeoutAction = $mockAppPool.processModel.idleTimeoutAction loadUserProfile = $mockAppPool.processModel.loadUserProfile logEventOnProcessModel = $mockAppPool.processModel.logEventOnProcessModel logonType = $mockAppPool.processModel.logonType manualGroupMembership = $mockAppPool.processModel.manualGroupMembership maxProcesses = $mockAppPool.processModel.maxProcesses pingingEnabled = $mockAppPool.processModel.pingingEnabled pingInterval = $mockAppPool.processModel.pingInterval pingResponseTime = $mockAppPool.processModel.pingResponseTime setProfileEnvironment = $mockAppPool.processModel.setProfileEnvironment shutdownTimeLimit = $mockAppPool.processModel.shutdownTimeLimit startupTimeLimit = $mockAppPool.processModel.startupTimeLimit orphanActionExe = $mockAppPool.failure.orphanActionExe orphanActionParams = $mockAppPool.failure.orphanActionParams orphanWorkerProcess = $mockAppPool.failure.orphanWorkerProcess loadBalancerCapabilities = $mockAppPool.failure.loadBalancerCapabilities rapidFailProtection = $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtection rapidFailProtectionInterval = $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtectionInterval rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = $mockAppPool.failure.rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes autoShutdownExe = $mockAppPool.failure.autoShutdownExe autoShutdownParams = $mockAppPool.failure.autoShutdownParams disallowOverlappingRotation = $mockAppPool.recycling.disallowOverlappingRotation disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $mockAppPool.recycling.disallowRotationOnConfigChange logEventOnRecycle = $mockAppPool.recycling.logEventOnRecycle restartMemoryLimit = $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.memory restartPrivateMemoryLimit = $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.privateMemory restartRequestsLimit = $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.requests restartTimeLimit = $mockAppPool.recycling.periodicRestart.time restartSchedule = $mockRestartSchedule } It 'Should return True' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @testParamsSplat | Should Be $true } } Context 'Test the State property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' State = 'Started' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Started' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Stopped' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the autoStart property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' autoStart = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoStart $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoStart $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the CLRConfigFile property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' CLRConfigFile = '' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -CLRConfigFile '' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -CLRConfigFile 'C:\inetpub\temp\aspnet.config' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the enable32BitAppOnWin64 property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -enable32BitAppOnWin64 $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -enable32BitAppOnWin64 $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the enableConfigurationOverride property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' enableConfigurationOverride = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -enableConfigurationOverride $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -enableConfigurationOverride $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the managedPipelineMode property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedPipelineMode 'Integrated' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedPipelineMode 'Classic' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the managedRuntimeLoader property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedRuntimeLoader = 'webengine4.dll' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedRuntimeLoader 'webengine4.dll' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedRuntimeLoader '' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the managedRuntimeVersion property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedRuntimeVersion 'v4.0' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -managedRuntimeVersion 'v2.0' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the passAnonymousToken property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' passAnonymousToken = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -passAnonymousToken $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -passAnonymousToken $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the startMode property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' startMode = 'OnDemand' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -startMode 'OnDemand' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -startMode 'AlwaysRunning' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the queueLength property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' queueLength = 1000 } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -queueLength 1000 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -queueLength 2000 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuAction property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ action = 'NoAction' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuAction 'NoAction' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuAction 'KillW3wp' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ limit = 0 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuLimit 0 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuLimit 90000 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuResetInterval property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ resetInterval = '00:05:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuResetInterval '00:05:00' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuResetInterval '00:10:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuSmpAffinitized property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpAffinitized = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpAffinitized $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpAffinitized $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpProcessorAffinityMask = 4294967295 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask 4294967295 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask 1 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 4294967295 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 4294967295 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 1 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the identityType property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ identityType = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -identityType 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -identityType 'NetworkService' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the Credential property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ identityType = 'SpecificUser' password = '1q2w3e4r' userName = 'CONTOSO\JDoe' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when both the userName and the password properties match the desired state' { $mockUserName = $mockAppPool.processModel.userName $mockPassword = $mockAppPool.processModel.password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $mockUserName, $mockPassword Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -identityType 'SpecificUser' -Credential $mockCredential | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the userName property does not match the desired state' { $mockUserName = 'CONTOSO\GFawkes' $mockPassword = $mockAppPool.processModel.password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $mockUserName, $mockPassword Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -identityType 'SpecificUser' -Credential $mockCredential | Should Be $false } It 'Should return False when the password property does not match the desired state' { $mockUserName = $mockAppPool.processModel.userName $mockPassword = '5t6y7u8i' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $mockUserName, $mockPassword Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -identityType 'SpecificUser' -Credential $mockCredential | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the idleTimeout property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ idleTimeout = '00:20:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -idleTimeout '00:20:00' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -idleTimeout '00:15:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the idleTimeoutAction property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ idleTimeoutAction = 'Terminate' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -idleTimeoutAction 'Terminate' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -idleTimeoutAction 'Suspend' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the loadUserProfile property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ loadUserProfile = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -loadUserProfile $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -loadUserProfile $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the logEventOnProcessModel property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ logEventOnProcessModel = 'IdleTimeout' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logEventOnProcessModel 'IdleTimeout' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logEventOnProcessModel '' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the logonType property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ logonType = 'LogonBatch' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logonType 'LogonBatch' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logonType 'LogonService' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the manualGroupMembership property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ manualGroupMembership = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -manualGroupMembership $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -manualGroupMembership $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the maxProcesses property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ maxProcesses = 1 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -maxProcesses 1 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -maxProcesses 2 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the pingingEnabled property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingingEnabled = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingingEnabled $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingingEnabled $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the pingInterval property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingInterval = '00:00:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingInterval '00:00:30' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingInterval '00:01:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the pingResponseTime property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingResponseTime = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingResponseTime '00:01:30' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -pingResponseTime '00:02:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the setProfileEnvironment property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ setProfileEnvironment = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -setProfileEnvironment $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -setProfileEnvironment $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the shutdownTimeLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ shutdownTimeLimit = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -shutdownTimeLimit '00:01:30' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -shutdownTimeLimit '00:02:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the startupTimeLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ startupTimeLimit = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -startupTimeLimit '00:01:30' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -startupTimeLimit '00:02:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the orphanActionExe property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanActionExe = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanActionExe '' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanActionExe 'C:\inetpub\temp\orphanAction.exe' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the orphanActionParams property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanActionParams = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanActionParams '' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanActionParams '/orphanActionParam1' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the orphanWorkerProcess property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanWorkerProcess = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanWorkerProcess $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -orphanWorkerProcess $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the loadBalancerCapabilities property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ loadBalancerCapabilities = 'HttpLevel' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -loadBalancerCapabilities 'HttpLevel' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -loadBalancerCapabilities 'TcpLevel' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the rapidFailProtection property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtection = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtection $true | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtection $false | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the rapidFailProtectionInterval property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:05:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtectionInterval '00:05:00' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtectionInterval '00:10:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 5 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes 5 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes 10 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the autoShutdownExe property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ autoShutdownExe = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoShutdownExe '' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoShutdownExe 'C:\inetpub\temp\autoShutdown.exe' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the autoShutdownParams property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ autoShutdownParams = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoShutdownParams '' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -autoShutdownParams '/autoShutdownParam1' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the disallowOverlappingRotation property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ disallowOverlappingRotation = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -disallowOverlappingRotation $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -disallowOverlappingRotation $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the disallowRotationOnConfigChange property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -disallowRotationOnConfigChange $false | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -disallowRotationOnConfigChange $true | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the logEventOnRecycle property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logEventOnRecycle 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -logEventOnRecycle 'Time,Memory,PrivateMemory' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the restartMemoryLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ memory = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartMemoryLimit 0 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartMemoryLimit 1048576 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the restartPrivateMemoryLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ privateMemory = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartPrivateMemoryLimit 0 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartPrivateMemoryLimit 1048576 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the restartRequestsLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ requests = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartRequestsLimit 0 | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartRequestsLimit 1000 | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the restartTimeLimit property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ time = '1.05:00:00' } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartTimeLimit '1.05:00:00' | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartTimeLimit '2.10:00:00' | Should Be $false } } Context 'Test the restartSchedule property' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ schedule = @{ Collection = @( @{value = '04:00:00'} @{value = '08:00:00'} ) } } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should return True when the property matches the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartSchedule @('04:00:00', '08:00:00') | Should Be $true } It 'Should return False when the property does not match the desired state' { Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -restartSchedule @('') | Should Be $false } } } Describe "how '$($script:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource' responds to Ensure = 'Absent'" { Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Application pool exists and is started' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Started' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} Mock Stop-WebAppPool Mock Remove-WebAppPool Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name It 'Should call Stop-WebAppPool' { Assert-MockCalled Stop-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should call Remove-WebAppPool' { Assert-MockCalled Remove-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should throw if Stop-WebAppPool fails' { Mock Stop-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name} | Should Throw } It 'Should throw if Remove-WebAppPool fails' { Mock Stop-WebAppPool Mock Remove-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name} | Should Throw } } Context 'Application pool exists and is stopped' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Stopped' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} Mock Stop-WebAppPool Mock Remove-WebAppPool Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name It 'Should not call Stop-WebAppPool' { Assert-MockCalled Stop-WebAppPool -Exactly 0 } It 'Should call Remove-WebAppPool' { Assert-MockCalled Remove-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should throw if Remove-WebAppPool fails' { Mock Remove-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Name $mockAppPool.name} | Should Throw } } } Describe "how '$($script:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource' responds to Ensure = 'Present'" { Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Application pool does not exist' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration Mock New-WebAppPool -MockWith {$mockAppPool} Mock Start-Sleep It 'Should call New-WebAppPool' { Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.Name Assert-MockCalled New-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should throw if New-WebAppPool fails' { Mock New-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.Name} | Should Throw } } Context 'All the properties need to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Started' autoStart = $true CLRConfigFile = '' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false enableConfigurationOverride = $true managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated' managedRuntimeLoader = 'webengine4.dll' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0' passAnonymousToken = $true startMode = 'OnDemand' queueLength = 1000 cpu = @{ action = 'NoAction' limit = 0 resetInterval = '00:05:00' smpAffinitized = $false smpProcessorAffinityMask = 4294967295 smpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 4294967295 } processModel = @{ identityType = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' idleTimeout = '00:20:00' idleTimeoutAction = 'Terminate' loadUserProfile = $true logEventOnProcessModel = 'IdleTimeout' logonType = 'LogonBatch' manualGroupMembership = $false maxProcesses = 1 password = '' pingingEnabled = $true pingInterval = '00:00:30' pingResponseTime = '00:01:30' setProfileEnvironment = $false shutdownTimeLimit = '00:01:30' startupTimeLimit = '00:01:30' userName = '' } failure = @{ orphanActionExe = '' orphanActionParams = '' orphanWorkerProcess = $false loadBalancerCapabilities = 'HttpLevel' rapidFailProtection = $true rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:05:00' rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 5 autoShutdownExe = '' autoShutdownParams = '' } recycling = @{ disallowOverlappingRotation = $false disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $false logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' periodicRestart = @{ memory = 0 privateMemory = 0 requests = 0 time = '1.05:00:00' schedule = @{ Collection = @( @{value = '02:00:00'} @{value = '04:00:00'} ) } } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $mockUserName = 'CONTOSO\GFawkes' $mockPassword = '5t6y7u8i' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $mockUserName, $mockPassword $setParamsSplat = @{ Name = $mockAppPool.name State = 'Stopped' autoStart = $false CLRConfigFile = 'C:\inetpub\temp\aspnet.config' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $true enableConfigurationOverride = $false managedPipelineMode = 'Classic' managedRuntimeLoader = '' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v2.0' passAnonymousToken = $false startMode = 'AlwaysRunning' queueLength = 2000 cpuAction = 'KillW3wp' cpuLimit = 90000 cpuResetInterval = '00:10:00' cpuSmpAffinitized = $true cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask = 1 cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 1 identityType = 'SpecificUser' Credential = $mockCredential idleTimeout = '00:15:00' idleTimeoutAction = 'Suspend' loadUserProfile = $false logEventOnProcessModel = '' logonType = 'LogonService' manualGroupMembership = $true maxProcesses = 2 pingingEnabled = $false pingInterval = '00:01:00' pingResponseTime = '00:02:00' setProfileEnvironment = $true shutdownTimeLimit = '00:02:00' startupTimeLimit = '00:02:00' orphanActionExe = 'C:\inetpub\temp\orphanAction.exe' orphanActionParams = '/orphanActionParam1' orphanWorkerProcess = $true loadBalancerCapabilities = 'TcpLevel' rapidFailProtection = $false rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:10:00' rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 10 autoShutdownExe = 'C:\inetpub\temp\autoShutdown.exe' autoShutdownParams = '/autoShutdownParam1' disallowOverlappingRotation = $true disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $true logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Memory,PrivateMemory' restartMemoryLimit = 1048576 restartPrivateMemoryLimit = 1048576 restartRequestsLimit = 1000 restartTimeLimit = '2.10:00:00' restartSchedule = @('06:00:00', '08:00:00') } Mock Stop-WebAppPool Mock Invoke-AppCmd Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @setParamsSplat It 'Should call all the mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Stop-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 52 } } Context 'The State property needs to be set to Started' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Stopped' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should call Start-WebAppPool' { Mock Start-WebAppPool Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Started' Assert-MockCalled Start-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should throw if Start-WebAppPool fails' { Mock Start-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Started'} | Should Throw } } Context 'The State property needs to be set to Stopped' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' state = 'Started' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} It 'Should call Stop-WebAppPool' { Mock Stop-WebAppPool Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Stopped' Assert-MockCalled Stop-WebAppPool -Exactly 1 } It 'Should throw if Stop-WebAppPool fails' { Mock Stop-WebAppPool -MockWith {throw} {Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Name $mockAppPool.name -State 'Stopped'} | Should Throw } } Context 'The autoStart property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' autoStart = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name autoStart = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/autoStart:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The CLRConfigFile property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' CLRConfigFile = '' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name CLRConfigFile = 'C:\inetpub\temp\aspnet.config' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/CLRConfigFile:C:\inetpub\temp\aspnet.config'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The enable32BitAppOnWin64 property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/enable32BitAppOnWin64:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The enableConfigurationOverride property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' enableConfigurationOverride = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name enableConfigurationOverride = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/enableConfigurationOverride:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The managedPipelineMode property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedPipelineMode = 'Integrated' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name managedPipelineMode = 'Classic' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/managedPipelineMode:Classic'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The managedRuntimeLoader property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedRuntimeLoader = 'webengine4.dll' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name managedRuntimeLoader = '' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/managedRuntimeLoader:'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The managedRuntimeVersion property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' managedRuntimeVersion = 'v4.0' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name managedRuntimeVersion = 'v2.0' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/managedRuntimeVersion:v2.0'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The passAnonymousToken property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' passAnonymousToken = $true } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name passAnonymousToken = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/passAnonymousToken:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The startMode property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' startMode = 'OnDemand' } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name startMode = 'AlwaysRunning' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/startMode:AlwaysRunning'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The queueLength property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' queueLength = 1000 } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name queueLength = 2000 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/queueLength:2000'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuAction property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ action = 'NoAction' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuAction = 'KillW3wp' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.action:KillW3wp'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ limit = 0 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuLimit = 90000 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.limit:90000'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuResetInterval property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ resetInterval = '00:05:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuResetInterval = '00:10:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.resetInterval:00:10:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuSmpAffinitized property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpAffinitized = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuSmpAffinitized = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.smpAffinitized:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpProcessorAffinityMask = 4294967295 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask = 1 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask:1'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' cpu = @{ smpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 4294967295 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name cpuSmpProcessorAffinityMask2 = 1 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/cpu.smpProcessorAffinityMask2:1'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The identityType property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ identityType = 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name identityType = 'SpecificUser' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.identityType:SpecificUser'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The idleTimeout property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ idleTimeout = '00:20:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name idleTimeout = '00:15:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.idleTimeout:00:15:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The idleTimeoutAction property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ idleTimeoutAction = 'Terminate' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name idleTimeoutAction = 'Suspend' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.idleTimeoutAction:Suspend'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The loadUserProfile property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ loadUserProfile = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name loadUserProfile = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.loadUserProfile:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The logEventOnProcessModel property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ logEventOnProcessModel = 'IdleTimeout' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name logEventOnProcessModel = '' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.logEventOnProcessModel:'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The logonType property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ logonType = 'LogonBatch' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name logonType = 'LogonService' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.logonType:LogonService'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The manualGroupMembership property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ manualGroupMembership = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name manualGroupMembership = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.manualGroupMembership:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The maxProcesses property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ maxProcesses = 1 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name maxProcesses = 2 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.maxProcesses:2'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The pingingEnabled property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingingEnabled = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name pingingEnabled = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.pingingEnabled:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The pingInterval property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingInterval = '00:00:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name pingInterval = '00:01:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.pingInterval:00:01:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The pingResponseTime property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ pingResponseTime = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name pingResponseTime = '00:02:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.pingResponseTime:00:02:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The setProfileEnvironment property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ setProfileEnvironment = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name setProfileEnvironment = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.setProfileEnvironment:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The shutdownTimeLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ shutdownTimeLimit = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name shutdownTimeLimit = '00:02:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.shutdownTimeLimit:00:02:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The startupTimeLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' processModel = @{ startupTimeLimit = '00:01:30' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name startupTimeLimit = '00:02:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/processModel.startupTimeLimit:00:02:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The orphanActionExe property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanActionExe = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name orphanActionExe = 'C:\inetpub\temp\orphanAction.exe' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.orphanActionExe:C:\inetpub\temp\orphanAction.exe'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The orphanActionParams property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanActionParams = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name orphanActionParams = '/orphanActionParam1' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.orphanActionParams:/orphanActionParam1'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The orphanWorkerProcess property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ orphanWorkerProcess = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name orphanWorkerProcess = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.orphanWorkerProcess:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The loadBalancerCapabilities property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ loadBalancerCapabilities = 'HttpLevel' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name loadBalancerCapabilities = 'TcpLevel' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.loadBalancerCapabilities:TcpLevel'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The rapidFailProtection property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtection = $true } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name rapidFailProtection = $false } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.rapidFailProtection:False'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The rapidFailProtectionInterval property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:05:00' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name rapidFailProtectionInterval = '00:10:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.rapidFailProtectionInterval:00:10:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 5 } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes = 10 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes:10'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The autoShutdownExe property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ autoShutdownExe = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name autoShutdownExe = 'C:\inetpub\temp\autoShutdown.exe' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.autoShutdownExe:C:\inetpub\temp\autoShutdown.exe'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The autoShutdownParams property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' failure = @{ autoShutdownParams = '' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name autoShutdownParams = '/autoShutdownParam1' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/failure.autoShutdownParams:/autoShutdownParam1'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The disallowOverlappingRotation property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ disallowOverlappingRotation = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name disallowOverlappingRotation = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.disallowOverlappingRotation:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The disallowRotationOnConfigChange property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $false } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name disallowRotationOnConfigChange = $true } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.disallowRotationOnConfigChange:True'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The logEventOnRecycle property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Requests,Schedule,Memory,IsapiUnhealthy,OnDemand,ConfigChange,PrivateMemory' } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name logEventOnRecycle = 'Time,Memory,PrivateMemory' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.logEventOnRecycle:Time,Memory,PrivateMemory'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The restartMemoryLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ memory = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name restartMemoryLimit = 1048576 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.periodicRestart.memory:1048576'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The restartPrivateMemoryLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ privateMemory = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name restartPrivateMemoryLimit = 1048576 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.periodicRestart.privateMemory:1048576'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The restartRequestsLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ requests = 0 } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name restartRequestsLimit = 1000 } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.periodicRestart.requests:1000'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The restartTimeLimit property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ time = '1.05:00:00' } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name restartTimeLimit = '2.10:00:00' } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq '/recycling.periodicRestart.time:2.10:00:00'} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -Exactly 1 } } Context 'The restartSchedule property needs to be set' { $mockAppPool = @{ name = 'MockAppPool' recycling = @{ periodicRestart = @{ schedule = @{ Collection = @( @{value = '04:00:00'} ) } } } } Mock Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$mockAppPool} $setParamsSplat = @{ Ensure = 'Present' Name = $mockAppPool.name restartSchedule = @('08:00:00') } Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq "/-recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.[value='04:00:00']"} Mock Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq "/+recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.[value='08:00:00']"} Set-TargetResource @setParamsSplat It 'Should call Invoke-AppCmd' { Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq "/-recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.[value='04:00:00']"} -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AppCmd -ParameterFilter {$ArgumentList[-1] -eq "/+recycling.periodicRestart.schedule.[value='08:00:00']"} -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "MSFT_xWebAppPool\Get-Property" { It 'Should return the value of $appPool.property1' { $appPool = @{ property1 = 'result' } $path = 'property1' Get-Property -Object $appPool -PropertyName $path | Should Be 'result' } It 'Should return the value of $appPool.property1.property2' { $appPool = @{ property1 = @{ property2 = 'result' } } $path = 'property1.property2' Get-Property -Object $appPool -PropertyName $path | Should Be 'result' } It 'Should return the value of $appPool.property1.property2.property3' { $appPool = @{ property1 = @{ property2 = @{ property3 ='result' } } } $path = 'property1.property2.property3' Get-Property -Object $appPool -PropertyName $path | Should Be 'result' } } } #endregion } finally { Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment } |