$script:DSCModuleName = 'xWebAdministration' $script:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xIISFeatureDelegation' #region HEADER $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Tests\MockWebAdministrationWindowsFeature.psm1') $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests InModuleScope $DSCResourceName { #region Function Get-TargetResource Describe 'MSFT_xIISFeatureDelegation\Get-TargetResource' { Context 'OverRideMode is present' { Mock Get-OverrideMode {return 'Allow'} $result = Get-TargetResource -SectionName 'serverRunTime' -OverRideMode 'Allow' $expected = @{ SectionName = 'serverRunTime' OverrideMode = 'Allow' Ensure = 'Present' } It 'should return the correct hashtable' { $result.SectionName | Should Be $expected.SectionName $result.OverrideMode | Should Be $expected.OverrideMode } } Context 'OverRideMode is absent' { Mock Get-OverrideMode {return 'Deny'} $result = Get-TargetResource -SectionName 'serverRunTime' -OverRideMode 'Allow' $expected = @{ SectionName = 'serverRunTime' OverrideMode = 'Deny' Ensure = 'Absent' } It 'should return the correct hashtable' { $result.SectionName | Should Be $expected.SectionName $result.OverrideMode | Should Be $expected.OverrideMode } } } #endregion #region Function Test-TargetResource Describe 'MSFT_xIISFeatureDelegation\Test-TargetResource' { Context 'OverRideMode is present' { Mock Get-OverrideMode {return 'Allow'} It 'should return true' { $results = Test-TargetResource -SectionName 'serverRunTime' -OverRideMode 'Allow' $results | Should Be $true } } Context 'OverRideMode is absent' { Mock Get-OverrideMode {return 'Allow'} It 'should return true' { $results = Test-TargetResource -SectionName 'serverRunTime' -OverRideMode 'Deny' $results | Should Be $false } } } #endregion #region Function Set-TargetResource Describe 'MSFT_xIISFeatureDelegation\Set-TargetResource' { Context 'Settings are correct' { Mock -ModuleName MSFT_xIisFeatureDelegation -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration -MockWith {} Set-TargetResource -SectionName 'mockName' -OverrideMode 'Allow' It 'should call all the mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName MSFT_xIisFeatureDelegation -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } } #endregion Describe 'MSFT_xIISFeatureDelegation\Get-OverrideMode' { $mockWebConfigOutput = @{ Metadata = @{ effectiveOverrideMode = $null } } $mockSection = 'NonExistant' Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'function is not able to find a value' { It 'Should throw an error on null' { Mock Get-WebConfiguration { return $mockWebConfigOutput } {Get-OverrideMode -Section $mockSection} | Should Throw ($LocalizedData.UnableToGetConfig -f $mockSection) } It 'Should throw an error on the wrong value' { $mockWebConfigOutput.Metadata.effectiveOverrideMode = 'Wrong' Mock Get-WebConfiguration { return $mockWebConfigOutput } {Get-OverrideMode -Section $mockSection} | Should Throw ($LocalizedData.UnableToGetConfig -f $mockSection) } } Context 'oMode is set correctly' { $mockWebConfigOutput.Metadata.effectiveOverrideMode = 'Allow' Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return $mockWebConfigOutput} $oMode = Get-OverrideMode -Section $mockSection It 'Should be Allow' { $oMode | Should Be 'Allow' } } } } #endregion } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |