<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta-runner name="PSCI: Update config file (web/app.config or"> <description>Updates entries in config files (xml add key='' value='' / xml connectionStrings / ini-like key=value)</description> <settings> <parameters> <param name="config.files" value="" spec="text description='Newline- or comma delimited paths to the files that will be modified' validationMode='not_empty' label='Path to files to update' display='normal'" /> <param name="config.type" value="" spec="select label_1='Web.config properties (xml - add key=|'|' value=|'|')' description='Config file type' data_1='XmlAppKey' display='normal' label='File type' data_2='XmlConnectionString' label_2='Web.config connectionString' data_3='KeyValue' label_3='Properties file (.ini-like - key=value)'" /> <param name="config.values" value="" spec="text description='Newline- or comma-delimited properties to set (in |'key=value|' format)' validationMode='not_empty' label='Properties values' display='normal'" /> <param name="connection.nodes" value="" spec="text description='Newline- or comma-delimited list of remote servers where the files will be updated.' validationMode='any' label='Remote servers' display='normal'" /> <param name="connection.useHttps" value="" spec="checkbox checkedValue='$true' description='Check to use https (WinRM 5986) instead of http (WinRM 5985).' uncheckedValue='$false' label='Use HTTPS' display='normal'" /> <param name="connection.userName" value="" spec="text description='User name to use to connect to the remote servers. Can be empty only if HTTPS is not used.' validationMode='any' label='User name' display='normal'" /> <param name="connection.password" value="" spec="password description='Password to use to connect to the remote servers. Can be empty only if HTTPS is not used.' label='Password' display='normal'" /> <param name="run.condition" value="" spec="text description='Powershell expression that will be evaluated to decide whether to run this build step. For example, if you want to run the step only if parameter x is not empty, put |'%x% -ne ""|'' validationMode='any' label='Run condition' display='normal'" /> </parameters> <build-runners> <runner name="Update configuration file" type="jetbrains_powershell"> <parameters> <param name="jetbrains_powershell_bitness" value="x64" /> <param name="jetbrains_powershell_errorToError" value="true" /> <param name="jetbrains_powershell_execution" value="PS1" /> <param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_code"><![CDATA[. c:\PSCI\Boot\PSCI.boot.ps1 try { $runCondition = @' %run.condition% '@ if (!(Test-RunCondition -RunCondition $runCondition)) { return } $configFiles = Get-TeamcityArrayParameter -Param @' %config.files% '@ $configValues = Get-TeamcityArrayParameter -Param @' %config.values% '@ $connectionNodes = Get-TeamcityArrayParameter -Param @' %connection.nodes% '@ $configType = '%config.type%' $connectionParams = Get-TeamcityConnectionParameters ` -Nodes $connectionNodes ` -User '%connection.userName%' ` -Password '%connection.password%' ` -UseHttps:%connection.useHttps% Update-ConfigFile ` -ConfigFiles $configFiles ` -ConfigType $configType ` -ConfigValues $configValues ` -ConnectionParameters $connectionParams } catch { Write-ErrorRecord }]]></param> <param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_mode" value="CODE" /> <param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" /> </parameters> </runner> </build-runners> <requirements /> </settings> </meta-runner> |