
function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Ensure = 'Present',

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ((get-service wecsvc).Status -ne 'Running') {throw 'The xWEFSubscription resource requires that the Wecsvc service be in a running state. Set the xWEFCollectorService resource to Ensure = Present or use wecutil qc.'}

    $EnumSubs = wecutil es
    if ($EnumSubs -contains $SubscriptionID) {
        [xml]$GetSub = wecutil gs $SubscriptionID /format:xml

    $returnValue = @{
        SubscriptionID = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.SubscriptionId
        Ensure = if ($Ensure -eq 'Present' -AND $EnumSubs -contains $SubscriptionID) {[System.String]'Present'} else {$null}
        SubscriptionType = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.SubscriptionType
        Description = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.Description
        Enabled = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.Enabled
        DeliveryMode = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.Delivery.Mode
        MaxItems = [System.Int32]$GetSub.Subscription.Delivery.Batching.MaxItems
        MaxLatencyTime = [System.UInt64]$GetSub.Subscription.Delivery.Batching.MaxLatencyTime
        HeartBeatInterval = [System.UInt64]$GetSub.Subscription.Delivery.PushSettings.Heartbeat.Interval
        ReadExistingEvents = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.ReadExistingEvents
        TransportName = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.TransportName
        ContentFormat = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.ContentFormat
        Locale = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.Locale.Language
        LogFile = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.LogFile
        CredentialsType = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.CredentialsType
        AllowedSourceNonDomainComputers = [System.String[]]$GetSub.Subscription.AllowedSourceNonDomainComputers
        AllowedSourceDomainComputers = [System.String]$GetSub.Subscription.AllowedSourceDomainComputers
        Query = [System.String[]]$GetSub.Subscription.Query.'#cdata-section'

# Get-TargetResource -SubscriptionID TestSub -Ensure Present -SubscriptionType CollectorInitiated

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Ensure = 'Present',

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $Enabled = 'true',

        $DeliveryMode = 'Push',

        $MaxItems = 1,

        $MaxLatencyTime = 20000,

        $HeartBeatInterval = 20000,

        $ReadExistingEvents = 'false',

        $TransportName = 'HTTP',

        $TransportPort = '5985',

        $ContentFormat = 'RenderedText',

        $Locale = 'en-US',

        $LogFile = 'ForwardedEvents',

        $CredentialsType = 'Default',


        $AllowedSourceDomainComputers = 'O:NSG:NSD:(A;;GA;;;DC)(A;;GA;;;NS)',

        $Query = @('Application:*','System:*'),

        $Address = @('source.wef.test')
    if ((get-service wecsvc).Status -ne 'Running') {throw 'The xWEFSubscription resource requires that the Wecsvc service be in a running state. Set the xWEFCollectorService resource to Ensure = Present or use wecutil qc.'}

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') {
    $Create = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Subscription xmlns="">
    <Delivery Mode="$DeliveryMode">
                <Heartbeat Interval="$HeartbeatInterval"/>
        <![CDATA[<QueryList><Query Id="0">

    foreach ($q in $Query){
        $h = Convert-QueryString $q
        $Create += @"
<Select Path="$($h.Path)">$($h.Select)</Select>


    $Create += @"
    <Locale Language="$Locale"/>

    if ($SubscriptionType -eq 'CollectorInitiated') {
    $Create += @"

    foreach ($a in $Address) {
    $Create += @"
       <EventSource Enabled="true">

    $Create += @"


    if ($SubscriptionType -eq 'SourceInitiated') {
    $Create += @"


    $Create += @"

    Write-Verbose "SubscriptionID: $SubscriptionID"
    $TempFileName = "$([system.guid]::newguid().guid).tmp"
    $Create | Set-Content $env:TEMP\$TempFileName

    $EnumSubs = wecutil es
    if ($EnumSubs -contains $SubscriptionID) {
        WecUtil ds $subscriptionid
    WecUtil cs $env:TEMP\$TempFileName

    Remove-Item $env:TEMP\$TempFileName -Force

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') {
        $EnumSubs = wecutil es
        if ($EnumSubs -contains $SubscriptionID) {
            wecutil ds $SubscriptionID
# Set-TargetResource -SubscriptionID TestSub -Ensure Present -SubscriptionType CollectorInitiated

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Ensure = 'Present',

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $Enabled = 'true',

        $DeliveryMode = 'Push',

        $MaxItems = 1,

        $MaxLatencyTime = 20000,

        $HeartBeatInterval = 20000,

        $ReadExistingEvents = 'false',

        $TransportName = 'HTTP',

        $TransportPort = '5985',

        $ContentFormat = 'RenderedText',

        $Locale = 'en-US',

        $LogFile = 'ForwardedEvents',

        $CredentialsType = 'Default',


        $AllowedSourceDomainComputers = 'O:NSG:NSD:(A;;GA;;;DC)(A;;GA;;;NS)',

        $Query = @('Application:*','System:*'),

        $Address = @('source.wef.test')
    if ((get-service wecsvc).Status -ne 'Running') {throw 'The xWEFSubscription resource requires that the Wecsvc service be in a running state. Set the xWEFCollectorService resource to Ensure = Present or use wecutil qc.'}

    $Get = Get-TargetResource -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID -SubscriptionType $SubscriptionType
    $result = [System.Boolean]$true

    foreach ($g in $Get.Keys) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.$g) {
            $test = $Get.$g -eq $PSBoundParameters.$g
            if ($test -eq [System.Boolean]$false) {$result = [System.Boolean]$false}
# Test-TargetResource -SubscriptionID TestSub -Ensure Present -SubscriptionType CollectorInitiated

function Convert-QueryString {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    return @{Path=$($string.split(':')[0]);Select=$($string.split(':')[1])}

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource