
# DSC Resource for IIS Server level MIME Type mappings
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData @'
NoWebAdministrationModule=Please ensure that WebAdministration module is installed.
AddingType=Adding MIMEType '{0}' for extension '{1}'
RemovingType=Removing MIMEType '{0}' for extension '{1}'
TypeExists=MIMEType '{0}' for extension '{1}' already exist
TypeNotPresent=MIMEType '{0}' for extension '{1}' is not present as requested
TypeStatusUnknown=MIMEType '{0}' for extension '{1}' is is an unknown status


# The Get-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This function will get the Mime type for a file extension
function Get-TargetResource


        [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]
    # Check if WebAdministration module is present for IIS cmdlets

    $mt = GetMapping -extension $Extension -type $MimeType 

    if ($mt -eq $null)
        return @{
            Ensure = 'Absent'
            Extension = $null
            MimeType = $null
        return @{
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Extension = $mt.fileExtension
            MimeType = $mt.mimeType

# The Set-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This function will add or remove a MIME type mapping
function Set-TargetResource
        [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]
        [string]$Ensure = 'Present',



        [string]$psPathRoot = 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST'
        [string]$sectionNode = 'system.webServer/staticContent'

        $mt = GetMapping -extension $Extension -type $MimeType 

        if ($mt -eq $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Present')
            # add the MimeType
            Add-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath $psPathRoot  -filter $sectionNode -name '.' -value @{fileExtension="$Extension";mimeType="$MimeType"}
            Write-Verbose($LocalizedData.AddingType -f $MimeType,$Extension);
        elseif ($mt -ne $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Absent')
            # remove the MimeType
            Remove-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath $psPathRoot -filter $sectionNode -name '.' -AtElement @{fileExtension="$Extension"}
            Write-Verbose($LocalizedData.RemovingType -f $MimeType,$Extension);

# The Test-TargetResource cmdlet.
# This will test if the given MIME type mapping has the desired state, Present or Absent
function Test-TargetResource
        [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]
        [string]$Ensure = 'Present',


    [bool]$DesiredConfigurationMatch = $true;

    $mt = GetMapping -extension $Extension -type $MimeType 

    if (($mt -eq $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Present') -or ($mt -ne $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Absent'))
        $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false;
    elseif ($mt -ne $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Present')
        # Already there
        Write-Verbose($LocalizedData.TypeExists -f $MimeType,$Extension);
    elseif ($mt -eq $null -and $Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        # TypeNotPresent
        Write-Verbose($LocalizedData.TypeNotPresent -f $MimeType,$Extension);
        $DesiredConfigurationMatch = $false;
        Write-Verbose($LocalizedData.TypeStatusUnknown -f $MimeType,$Extension);
    return $DesiredConfigurationMatch

Function CheckIISPoshModule
    # Check if WebAdministration module is present for IIS cmdlets
    if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name WebAdministration))
        Throw $LocalizedData.NoWebAdministrationModule

Function GetMapping([string]$extension,[string]$type)
    [string]$filter = "system.webServer/staticContent/mimeMap[@fileExtension='" + $extension + "' and @mimeType='" + $type + "']"
    return Get-WebConfigurationProperty  -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -filter $filter -Name .

Export-ModuleMember -function Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, Test-TargetResource