
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
# Common
NoKeyFound = No Localization key found for ErrorType: '{0}'.
AbsentNotImplemented = Ensure = Absent is not implemented!
TestFailedAfterSet = Test-TargetResource returned false after calling set.
RemoteConnectionFailed = Remote PowerShell connection to Server '{0}' failed.
TODO = ToDo. Work not implemented at this time.

# SQLServer
NoDatabase = Database '{0}' does not exist on SQL server '{1}\{2}'.
SSRSNotFound = SQL Reporting Services instance {0} does not exist!
RoleNotFound = Role '{0}' does not exist on database '{1}' on SQL server '{2}\{3}'."
LoginNotFound = Login '{0}' does not exist on SQL server '{1}\{2}'."
FailedLogin = Creating a login of type 'SqlLogin' requires LoginCredential