
   Describes how to use the xTokenize DSC Resource to transform files based on
   a token file for use with Release Management for Visual Studio.
   Tokenization is the process of introducing tokens (any word surrounded by
   double underscores "__") to a target file to be replaced during deployment.
   Here is an example of how to tokenize a portion of your web.config. Create
   a copy of your web.config file and name it web.config.token. Be sure as you
   continue development that you keep the files in sync. Open the
   web.config.token file and replace values that need to be changed during
   deployment with tokens. For example let's tokenize the connection string to
   the database. You would change the following line from:
   <add name="DemoDBEntities" connectionString="data source=.\sqlexpress;initial
      catalog=MyDevDatabase;integrated security=True" />
   <add name="DemoDBEntities" connectionString="data source=__Server__;initial
      catalog=__Database__;integrated security=True" />
   There are two techniques for creating token files. The first is to simply
   make a copy of the target file and introduce tokens. This will result in a
   token file being deployed with your application. This technique has a couple
   of advantages. First it is very simple. Second it allows the resource to
   more accurately test if the transformation has been performed or not.
   The second technique described here requires
   more work but results in a cleaner deployment because no second token file is
   placed in the deployed applications folder.
   Examples folder of this resource