.summary Test suite for ExportToHtml.psm1 #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $xPhpModuleRoot = "${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\xPhp" if(!(test-path $xPhpModuleRoot)) { md $xPhpModuleRoot > $null } Copy-Item -Recurse $PSScriptRoot\..\* $xPhpModuleRoot -force -exclude '.git' $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' Set-StrictMode -Version latest function Suite.BeforeAll { # Remove any leftovers from previous test runs Suite.AfterAll } function Suite.AfterAll { } function Suite.BeforeEach { } try { Describe 'xPhpProvision' { BeforeEach { Suite.BeforeEach } AfterEach { } It 'Should import without error' { { import-module "$xPhpModuleRoot\DscResources\xPhpProvision\xPhpProvision.Schema.psm1" }| should not throw } It 'Should return from Get-DscResource' { $xphp = Get-DscResource -Name xPhpProvision $xphp.ResourceType | should be 'xPhpProvision' $xphp.Module | should be 'xPhp' $xphp.FriendlyName | should BeNullOrEmpty $xphp.ImplementedAs | should be 'Composite' } } } finally { Suite.AfterAll } |