# Localized 09/04/2013 09:53 AM (GMT) 303:4.80.0411 MSFT_ProcessResource.strings.psd1 # Localized resources for MSFT_xProcessResource ConvertFrom-StringData @' ###PSLOC FileNotFound=File not found in the environment path. AbsolutePathOrFileName=Absolute path or file name expected. InvalidArgument=Invalid argument: '{0}' with value: '{1}'. InvalidArgumentAndMessage={0} {1} ProcessStarted=Process matching path '{0}' started ProcessesStopped=Proceses matching path '{0}' with Ids '({1})' stopped. ProcessAlreadyStarted=Process matching path '{0}' found running and no action required. ProcessAlreadyStopped=Process matching path '{0}' not found running and no action required. ErrorStopping=Failure stopping processes matching path '{0}' with IDs '({1})'. Message: {2}. ErrorStarting=Failure starting process matching path '{0}'. Message: {1}. StartingProcessWhatif=Start-Process ProcessNotFound=Process matching path '{0}' not found PathShouldBeAbsolute="The path should be absolute" PathShouldExist="The path should exist" ParameterShouldNotBeSpecified="Parameter {0} should not be specified." FailureWaitingForProcessesToStart="Failed to wait for processes to start" FailureWaitingForProcessesToStop="Failed to wait for processes to stop" ###PSLOC '@ |