Configuration xFileUpload { <# .SYNOPSIS Configuration uploads file or folder to the smb share .DESCRIPTION .EXAMPLE xFileUpload -destinationPath "\\machine\share" -sourcePath "C:\folder\file" -username "domain\user" -password "password" .PARAMETER destinationPath Upload destination (has to point to a share or it's existing subfolder) e.g. \\machinename\sharename\destinationfolder .PARAMETER sourcePath Upload source e.g. C:\folder\file.txt .PARAMETER credential Credentials to access share where file/folder should be uploaded .PARAMETER certificateThumbprint Thumbprint of the certificate which should be used for encryption/decryption .NOTES #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $destinationPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $sourcePath, [PSCredential] $credential, [String] $certificateThumbprint ) $cacheLocation = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Configuration\BuiltinProvCache\MSFT_xFileUpload" if ($credential) { $username = $credential.UserName # Encrypt password $password = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($getEncryptedPassword)) -ArgumentList $credential, $certificateThumbprint } Script FileUpload { # Get script is not implemented cause reusing Script resource's schema does not make sense GetScript = { $returnValue = @{ } $returnValue }; SetScript = { # Generating credential object if password and username are specified $credential = $null if (($using:password) -and ($using:username)) { # Validate that certificate thumbprint is specified if(-not $using:certificateThumbprint) { $errorMessage = "Certificate thumbprint has to be specified if credentials are present." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "CertificateThumbprintIsRequired", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } Write-Debug "Username and password specified." # Decrypt password $decryptedPassword = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:getDecryptedPassword)) -ArgumentList $using:password, $using:certificateThumbprint # Generate credential $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $decryptedPassword -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($using:username, $securePassword) } # Validate DestinationPath is UNC path if (!($using:destinationPath -as [System.Uri]).isUnc) { $errorMessage = "Destination path $using:destinationPath is not a valid UNC path." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathIsNotUNCFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } # Verify source is localpath if (!(($using:sourcePath -as [System.Uri]).Scheme -match "file")) { $errorMessage = "Source path $using:sourcePath has to be local path." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "SourcePathIsNotLocalFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } # Check whether source path is existing file or directory $sourcePathType = $null if (!(Test-Path $using:sourcePath)) { $errorMessage = "Source path $using:sourcePath does not exist." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "SourcePathDoesNotExistFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } else { $item = Get-Item $using:sourcePath switch ($item.GetType().Name) { "FileInfo" { $sourcePathType = "File" } "DirectoryInfo" { $sourcePathType = "Directory" } } } Write-Debug "SourcePath $using:sourcePath is of type: $sourcePathType" $psDrive = $null # Mount the drive only if credentials are specified and it's currently not accessible if ($credential) { if (Test-Path $using:destinationPath -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-Debug "Destination path $using:destinationPath is already accessible. No mount needed." } else { $psDriveArgs = @{ Name = ([guid]::NewGuid()); PSProvider = "FileSystem"; Root = $using:destinationPath; Scope = "Private"; Credential = $credential } try { Write-Debug "Create psdrive with destination path $using:destinationPath..." $psDrive = New-PSDrive @psDriveArgs -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $errorMessage = "Cannot access destination path $using:destinationPath with given Credential" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathNotAccessibleFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } } } try { # Get expected destination path $expectedDestinationPath = $null if (!(Test-Path $using:destinationPath)) { # DestinationPath has to exist $errorMessage = "Invalid parameter values: DestinationPath doesn't exist, but has to be existing directory." Throw-TerminatingError -errorMessage $errorMessage -errorCategory "InvalidData" -errorId "DestinationPathDoesNotExistFailure" } else { $item = Get-Item $using:destinationPath switch ($item.GetType().Name) { "FileInfo" { # DestinationPath cannot be file $errorMessage = "Invalid parameter values: DestinationPath is file, but has to be existing directory." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathCannotBeFileFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } "DirectoryInfo" { $expectedDestinationPath = Join-Path $using:destinationPath (Split-Path $using:sourcePath -Leaf) } } Write-Debug "ExpectedDestinationPath is $expectedDestinationPath" } # Copy destination path try { Write-Debug "Copying $using:sourcePath to $using:destinationPath" Copy-Item -path $using:sourcePath -Destination $using:destinationPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $errorMessage = "Couldn't copy source path $using:sourcePath to $using:destinationPath : $($_.Exception)" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "CopyDirectoryOverFileFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } # Verify whether expectedDestinationPath was created if (!(Test-Path $expectedDestinationPath)) { $errorMessage = "Destination path $using:destinationPath could not be created" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathNotCreatedFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } # If expectedDestinationPath exists else { Write-Verbose "$sourcePathType $expectedDestinationPath has been successfully created" # Update cache $uploadedItem = Get-Item $expectedDestinationPath $lastWriteTime = $uploadedItem.LastWriteTimeUtc $inputObject = @{} $inputObject["LastWriteTimeUtc"] = $lastWriteTime $key = [string]::Join("", @($using:destinationPath, $using:sourcePath, $expectedDestinationPath)).GetHashCode().ToString() $path = Join-Path $using:cacheLocation $key if(-not (Test-Path $using:cacheLocation)) { mkdir $using:cacheLocation | Out-Null } Write-Debug "Updating cache for DestinationPath = $using:destinationPath and SourcePath = $using:sourcePath. CacheKey = $key" Export-CliXml -Path $path -InputObject $inputObject -Force } } finally { # Remove PSDrive if($psDrive) { Write-Debug "Removing PSDrive on root $($psDrive.Root)" Remove-PSDrive $psDrive -Force } } }; TestScript = { # Generating credential object if password and username are specified $credential = $null if (($using:password) -and ($using:username)) { # Validate that certificate thumbprint is specified if(-not $using:certificateThumbprint) { $errorMessage = "Certificate thumbprint has to be specified if credentials are present." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "CertificateThumbprintIsRequired", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } Write-Debug "Username and password specified. Generating credential" # Decrypt password $decryptedPassword = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:getDecryptedPassword)) -ArgumentList $using:password, $using:certificateThumbprint # Generate credential $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $decryptedPassword -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($using:username, $securePassword) } else { Write-Debug "No credentials specified" } # Validate DestinationPath is UNC path if (!($using:destinationPath -as [System.Uri]).isUnc) { $errorMessage = "Destination path $using:destinationPath is not a valid UNC path." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathIsNotUNCFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } # Check whether source path is existing file or directory (needed for expectedDestinationPath) $sourcePathType = $null if (!(Test-Path $using:sourcePath)) { $errorMessage = "Source path $using:sourcePath does not exist." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "SourcePathDoesNotExistFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } else { $item = Get-Item $using:sourcePath switch ($item.GetType().Name) { "FileInfo" { $sourcePathType = "File" } "DirectoryInfo" { $sourcePathType = "Directory" } } } Write-Debug "SourcePath $using:sourcePath is of type: $sourcePathType" $psDrive = $null # Mount the drive only if credentials are specified and it's currently not accessible if ($credential) { if (Test-Path $using:destinationPath -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-Debug "Destination path $using:destinationPath is already accessible. No mount needed." } else { $psDriveArgs = @{ Name = ([guid]::NewGuid()); PSProvider = "FileSystem"; Root = $using:destinationPath; Scope = "Private"; Credential = $credential } try { Write-Debug "Create psdrive with destination path $using:destinationPath..." $psDrive = New-PSDrive @psDriveArgs -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $errorMessage = "Cannot access destination path $using:destinationPath with given Credential" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathNotAccessibleFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } } } try { # Get expected destination path $expectedDestinationPath = $null if (!(Test-Path $using:destinationPath)) { # DestinationPath has to exist $errorMessage = "Invalid parameter values: DestinationPath doesn't exist or is not accessible. DestinationPath has to be existing directory." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathDoesNotExistFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } else { $item = Get-Item $using:destinationPath switch ($item.GetType().Name) { "FileInfo" { # DestinationPath cannot be file $errorMessage = "Invalid parameter values: DestinationPath is file, but has to be existing directory." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($using:throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DestinationPathCannotBeFileFailure", $errorMessage, "InvalidData" } "DirectoryInfo" { $expectedDestinationPath = Join-Path $using:destinationPath (Split-Path $using:sourcePath -Leaf) } } Write-Debug "ExpectedDestinationPath is $expectedDestinationPath" } # Check whether ExpectedDestinationPath exists and has expected type $itemExists = $false if (!(Test-Path $expectedDestinationPath)) { Write-Debug "Expected destination path doesn't exist or is not accessible" } # If expectedDestinationPath exists else { $expectedItem = Get-Item $expectedDestinationPath $expectedItemType = $expectedItem.GetType().Name # If expectedDestinationPath has same type as sourcePathType, we need to verify cache to determine whether no upload is needed if ((($expectedItemType -eq "FileInfo") -and ($sourcePathType -eq "File")) -or (($expectedItemType -eq "DirectoryInfo") -and ($sourcePathType -eq "Directory"))) { # Get cache Write-Debug "Getting cache for $expectedDestinationPath" $cacheContent = $null $key = [string]::Join("", @($using:destinationPath, $using:sourcePath, $expectedDestinationPath)).GetHashCode().ToString() $path = Join-Path $using:cacheLocation $key Write-Debug "Looking for cache under $path" if (!(Test-Path $path)) { Write-Debug "No cache found for DestinationPath = $using:destinationPath and SourcePath = $using:sourcePath. CacheKey = $key" } else { $cacheContent = Import-CliXml $path Write-Debug "Found cache for DestinationPath = $using:destinationPath and SourcePath = $using:sourcePath. CacheKey = $key" } # Verify whether cache reflects current state or upload is needed if ($cacheContent -ne $null -and ($cacheContent.LastWriteTimeUtc -eq $expectedItem.LastWriteTimeUtc)) { # No upload needed Write-Debug "Cache reflects current state. No need for upload." $itemExists = $true } else { Write-Debug "Cache is empty or it doesn't reflect current state. Upload will be performed." } } else { Write-Debug "Expected destination path: $expectedDestinationPath is of type $expectedItemType, although source path is $sourcePathType" } } } finally { # Remove PSDrive if($psDrive) { Write-Debug "Removing PSDrive on root $($psDrive.Root)" Remove-PSDrive $psDrive -Force } } return $itemExists }; } } # Encrypts password using the defined public key $getEncryptedPassword = @' param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $certificateThumbprint ) $value = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $cert = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($getCertificate)) -ArgumentList $certificateThumbprint $encryptedPassword = $null if($cert) { # Cast the public key correctly $rsaProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider]$cert.PublicKey.Key if($rsaProvider -eq $null) { $errorMessage = "Could not get public key from certificate with thumbprint: $certificateThumbprint . Please verify certificate is valid for encryption." Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "DecryptionCertificateNotFound", $errorMessage, "InvalidOperation" } # Convert to a byte array $keybytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UNICODE.GetBytes($value) # Add a null terminator to the byte array $keybytes += 0 $keybytes += 0 # Encrypt using the public key $encbytes = $rsaProvider.Encrypt($keybytes, $false) # Return a string $encryptedPassword = [Convert]::ToBase64String($encbytes) } else { $errorMessage = "Could not find certificate which matches thumbprint: $certificateThumbprint . Could not encrypt password" Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "EncryptionCertificateNot", $errorMessage, "InvalidOperation" } return $encryptedPassword '@ # Retrieves certificate by thumbprint $getCertificate = @' param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $certificateThumbprint ) $cert = $null foreach($certIndex in Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\My) { if($certIndex.Thumbprint -match $certificateThumbprint) { $cert = $certIndex break } } if(-not $cert) { $errorMessage = "Error Reading certificate store for {0}. Please verify thumbprint is correct and certificate belongs to cert:\LocalMachine\My store." -f ${certificateThumbprint}; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($throwTerminatingError)) -ArgumentList "InvalidPathSpecified", $errorMessage, "InvalidOperation" } else { $cert } '@ # Throws terminating error specified errorCategory, errorId and errorMessage $throwTerminatingError = @' param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $errorId, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $errorMessage, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $errorCategory ) $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null throw $errorRecord '@ # Decrypts password using the defined private key $getDecryptedPassword = @' param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $certificateThumbprint ) $cert = $null foreach($certIndex in Get-Childitem cert:\LocalMachine\My) { if($certIndex.Thumbprint -match $certificateThumbprint) { $cert = $certIndex break } } if(-not $cert) { $errorMessage = "Error Reading certificate store for {0}. Please verify thumbprint is correct and certificate belongs to cert:\LocalMachine\My store." -f ${certificateThumbprint}; $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "InvalidPathSpecified", "InvalidOperation", $null throw $errorRecord } $decryptedPassword = $null # Get RSA provider $rsaProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider]$cert.PrivateKey if($rsaProvider -eq $null) { $errorMessage = "Could not get private key from certificate with thumbprint: $certificateThumbprint . Please verify certificate is valid for decryption." $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "DecryptionCertificateNotFound", "InvalidOperation", $null throw $errorRecord } # Convert to bytes array $encBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($value) # Decrypt bytes $decryptedBytes = $rsaProvider.Decrypt($encBytes, $false) # Convert to string $decryptedPassword = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($decryptedBytes) return $decryptedPassword '@ |