function Invoke-MySqlCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS This function runs the given command with the given arguments. This is done so that the function can be mocked for unit testing. .EXAMPLE Invoke-MySqlCommand -CommandPath "C:\somepath.exe" -Arguments "test", "test2" .PARAMETER CommandPath This is the path to the command you want to run. .PARAMETER Arguments These are the arguments you want to supply to the command. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $CommandPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $Arguments ) if (Test-Path -Path $CommandPath) { & $CommandPath $Arguments } else { Throw "$CommandPath does not exist" } } function Get-MySqlInstallerConsole { <# .SYNOPSIS This function returns the path for the MySQL Installer Console. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlInstallerConsole C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows\MySQLInstallerConsole.exe #> $mySqlInstallerConsole = Join-Path -Path "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\MySQL\MySQL Installer for Windows" -ChildPath "MySQLInstallerConsole.exe" # Throw an exception if MySQL Installer for Windows isn't installed if (-not (Test-Path -Path $mySqlInstallerConsole)) { Throw 'Please ensure that MySQL Installer for Windows is installed' } return $mySqlInstallerConsole } function Get-MySqlExe { <# .SYNOPSIS This function takes in a version number and returns the path of mysql.exe for that version. It checks to see if the x64 version is installed and then if the x86 version is installed. If neither is installed it throws an error. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlExe -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlExe -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe .PARAMETER MySqlVersion The version of MySQL you want the mysql.exe path for. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $MySqlVersion ) $shortVersion = Get-ShortVersion -MySqlVersion $MySqlVersion $mySqlExeX64 = Join-Path -Path "$(${env:ProgramFiles})\MySQL\MySQL Server $shortVersion\bin" -ChildPath "mysql.exe" $mySqlExeX86 = Join-Path -Path "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\MySQL\MySQL Server $shortVersion\bin" -ChildPath "mysql.exe" # Throw an exception if the path doesn't exist if (Test-Path -Path $mySqlExeX64) { return $mySqlExeX64 } elseif (Test-Path -Path $mySqlExeX86) { return $mySqlExeX86 } else { Throw "Please ensure that MySQL Version $shortVersion is installed" } } function Get-MySqlVersionInstalled { <# .SYNOPSIS This function takes in a version number and determines if that version of MySQL is installed. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlVersionInstalled -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" True .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlVersionInstalled -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" False .PARAMETER MySqlVersion The MySQL version you want to know about. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $MySqlVersion ) $MySqlInstalled = $false $arguments = "community", "status" $statusResults = (Invoke-MySqlCommand -CommandPath $(Get-MySqlInstallerConsole) -Arguments $arguments) -split "`r`n" ForEach ($statusResult in $statusResults) { if ($statusResult -eq "MySQL Server $MySqlVersion") { $MySqlInstalled = $true } } return $MySqlInstalled } function Get-MySqlAllInstalled { <# .SYNOPSIS This function returns all of the versions of MySQL that are installed. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlAllInstalled 5.6.17 5.7.8 .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlAllInstalled 5.6.17 #> $allVersionsInstalled = @() $arguments = "community", "status" $statusResults = (Invoke-MySqlCommand -CommandPath $(Get-MySqlInstallerConsole) -Arguments $arguments) -split "`r`n" ForEach ($statusResult in $statusResults) { if ($statusResult -match "^MySQL Server") { # get the version number from the $statusResult $splitStatus = $statusResult.Split(" ") $allVersionsInstalled += ,$splitStatus[2] } } return $allVersionsInstalled } function Get-ShortVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS This function takes in a version number and returns the shortened version of it. .EXAMPLE Get-ShortVersion -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" 5.6 .EXAMPLE Get-ShortVersion -MySqlVersion "5.7.8" 5.7 .PARAMETER MySqlVersion This is the long version number that you want shortened. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $MySqlVersion ) $splitVersion = $MySqlVersion.Split(".") $shortVersion = [string]::Join(".",$splitVersion,0,2) return $shortVersion } function Read-ErrorFile { <# .SYNOPSIS This function reads an error file and throws an error if there is a line that starts off with ERROR. .EXAMPLE Read-ErrorFile -ErrorFilePath "C:\errorfile.txt" .PARAMETER ErrorFilePath This is the path of the error file you want read. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ErrorFilePath ) if (Test-Path -Path $ErrorFilePath) { ForEach ($line in (Get-Content $ErrorFilePath)) { if ($line -match "^ERROR") { Remove-Item -Path $ErrorFilePath Throw "$line" } } Remove-Item -Path $ErrorFilePath } } function Get-MySqlPort { <# .SYNOPSIS This function looks at the my.ini file of the version passed in and returns the port number from the file. .EXAMPLE Get-MySqlPort -MySqlVersion "5.6.17" 3306 .PARAMETER MySqlVersion This is the version you want the port number for. #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $MySqlVersion ) $myIniLocation = Join-Path "$(${env:ProgramData})\MySQL\MySQL Server $(Get-ShortVersion $MySqlVersion)" -ChildPath "my.ini" # Throw an exception if $myIniLocation doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path -Path $myIniLocation)) { Throw 'The my.ini file does not exist in the standard location' } ForEach ($line in (Get-Content $myIniLocation)) { if ($line -match "^port=") { $mySqlPort = ($line -split '=')[1] } } return $mySqlPort } function Get-ArchitectureName { <# .SYNOPSIS This function returns the architecture of the server. .EXAMPLE Get-ArchitectureName x64 .EXAMPLE Get-ArchitectureName x86 #> if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { return "x64" } else { return "x86" } } |