# a Powershell script to create MySqlDatabase resource using xDSCResourceDesigner tool $friendlyName = "xMySqlGrant" $resourceName = "MSFT_$friendlyName" $classVersion = "1.0.0" $scriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $originalModuleRoot = join-Path $scriptroot "..\.." $originalModuleRootPath = Resolve-Path $originalModuleRoot $moduleRoot = Join-Path $env:temp "$($originalModuleRootPath.path | split-path -Leaf)Temp" $resources = @() $schemaPath = (join-path $scriptRoot "$resourceName.schema.mof") #Key properties $resources += New-xDscResourceProperty -Name UserName -Type String -Attribute Key -Description "Name of MySQL user." $resources += New-xDscResourceProperty -Name DatabaseName -Type String -Attribute Key -Description "MySql database name to grant permissions." #Write properties $resources += New-xDscResourceProperty -Name ConnectionCredential -Type PSCredential -Attribute Write -Description "MySql connection credential used for the root." $resources += New-xDscResourceProperty -Name PermissionType -Type String -Attribute Write -Description "Ensure given grant to mySql database present or absent." -ValidateSet @("ALL PRIVILEGES", "CREATE", "DROP", "DELETE", "INSERT", "SELECT", "UPDATE", "EXECUTE") $resources += New-xDscResourceProperty -Name Ensure -Type String -Attribute Write -Description "Ensure given grant to mySql database present or absent." -ValidateSet @("Present","Absent") Write-Host Resource is being created... # Create a New template resource to a temporary folder New-xDscResource -Property $resources -ClassVersion $classVersion -Name $resourceName -Path $moduleRoot -FriendlyName $friendlyName |