# # xCluster: DSC resource to configure a Windows Cluster. If the cluster does not exist, it will create one in the # domain and assign the StaticIPAddress to the cluster. Then, it will add current node to the cluster. # # # The Get-TargetResource cmdlet. # function Get-TargetResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $StaticIPAddress, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $DomainAdministratorCredential ) $ComputerInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem if (($ComputerInfo -eq $null) -or ($ComputerInfo.Domain -eq $null)) { throw "Can't find machine's domain name" } try { ($oldToken, $context, $newToken) = ImpersonateAs -cred $DomainAdministratorCredential $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $Name -Domain $ComputerInfo.Domain if ($null -eq $cluster) { throw "Can't find the cluster $Name" } $address = Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster $Name -Name "Cluster IP Address" | Get-ClusterParameter "Address" } finally { if ($context) { $context.Undo() $context.Dispose() CloseUserToken($newToken) } } $retvalue = @{ Name = $Name IPAddress = $address.Value } } # # The Set-TargetResource cmdlet. # function Set-TargetResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $StaticIPAddress, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $DomainAdministratorCredential ) $bCreate = $true Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if Cluster $Name is present ..." try { $ComputerInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem if (($ComputerInfo -eq $null) -or ($ComputerInfo.Domain -eq $null)) { throw "Can't find machine's domain name" } $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $Name -Domain $ComputerInfo.Domain if ($cluster) { $bCreate = $false } } catch { $bCreate = $true } try { ($oldToken, $context, $newToken) = ImpersonateAs -cred $DomainAdministratorCredential if ($bCreate) { Write-Verbose -Message "Cluster $Name is NOT present" New-Cluster -Name $Name -Node $env:COMPUTERNAME -StaticAddress $StaticIPAddress -NoStorage -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Created Cluster $Name" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Add node to Cluster $Name ..." Write-Verbose -Message "Add-ClusterNode $env:COMPUTERNAME to cluster $Name" $list = Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $Name foreach ($node in $list) { if ($node.Name -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) { if ($node.State -eq "Down") { Write-Verbose -Message "node $env:COMPUTERNAME was down, need remove it from the list." Remove-ClusterNode $env:COMPUTERNAME -Cluster $Name -Force } } } Add-ClusterNode $env:COMPUTERNAME -Cluster $Name Write-Verbose -Message "Added node to Cluster $Name" } } finally { if ($context) { $context.Undo() $context.Dispose() CloseUserToken($newToken) } } } # # Test-TargetResource # # The code will check the following in order: # 1. Is machine in domain? # 2. Does the cluster exist in the domain? # 3. Is the machine is in the cluster's nodelist? # 4. Does the cluster node is UP? # # Function will return FALSE if any above is not true. Which causes cluster to be configured. # function Test-TargetResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $StaticIPAddress, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $DomainAdministratorCredential ) $bRet = $false Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if Cluster $Name is present ..." try { $ComputerInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem if (($ComputerInfo -eq $null) -or ($ComputerInfo.Domain -eq $null)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Can't find machine's domain name" $bRet = $false } else { try { ($oldToken, $context, $newToken) = ImpersonateAs -cred $DomainAdministratorCredential $cluster = Get-Cluster -Name $Name -Domain $ComputerInfo.Domain Write-Verbose -Message "Cluster $Name is present" if ($cluster) { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if the node is in cluster $Name ..." $allNodes = Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $Name foreach ($node in $allNodes) { if ($node.Name -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) { if ($node.State -eq "Up") { $bRet = $true } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Node is in cluster $Name but is NOT up, treat as NOT in cluster." } break } } if ($bRet) { Write-Verbose -Message "Node is in cluster $Name" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Node is NOT in cluster $Name" } } } finally { if ($context) { $context.Undo() $context.Dispose() CloseUserToken($newToken) } } } } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Cluster $Name is NOT present with Error $_.Message" } $bRet } function Get-ImpersonatetLib { if ($script:ImpersonateLib) { return $script:ImpersonateLib } $sig = @' [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool LogonUser(string lpszUsername, string lpszDomain, string lpszPassword, int dwLogonType, int dwLogonProvider, ref IntPtr phToken); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern Boolean CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject); '@ $script:ImpersonateLib = Add-Type -PassThru -Namespace 'Lib.Impersonation' -Name ImpersonationLib -MemberDefinition $sig return $script:ImpersonateLib } function ImpersonateAs([PSCredential] $cred) { [IntPtr] $userToken = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Token $userToken $ImpersonateLib = Get-ImpersonatetLib $bLogin = $ImpersonateLib::LogonUser($cred.GetNetworkCredential().UserName, $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Domain, $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password, 9, 0, [ref]$userToken) if ($bLogin) { $Identity = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity $userToken $context = $Identity.Impersonate() } else { throw "Can't Logon as User $cred.GetNetworkCredential().UserName." } $context, $userToken } function CloseUserToken([IntPtr] $token) { $ImpersonateLib = Get-ImpersonatetLib $bLogin = $ImpersonateLib::CloseHandle($token) if (!$bLogin) { throw "Can't close token" } } |