Configuration PostInstallationConfiguration { param ( [PSCredential]$ShellCreds, [PSCredential]$CertCreds ) Import-DscResource -Module xExchange #This script shows examples of how to utilize most resources in the xExchange module. #Where possible, configuration settings have been entered directly into this script. #That was done for all settings which will be common for every server being configured. #Settings which may be different, like for DAG's, CAS in different sites, or for individual #servers, are defined in EndToEndExample-Config.psd1. #This first section only configures a single DAG node, the first member of the DAG. #The first member of the DAG will be responsible for DAG creation and maintaining its configuration Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'FirstDAGMember'}.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node #Create the DAG xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG { Name = $dagSettings.DAGName Credential = $ShellCreds AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers = $dagSettings.AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume = $dagSettings.AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeDatabases' AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeVolumes' DatacenterActivationMode = "DagOnly" DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = $dagSettings.DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses ManualDagNetworkConfiguration = $dagSettings.ManualDagNetworkConfiguration ReplayLagManagerEnabled = $dagSettings.ReplayLagManagerEnabled SkipDagValidation = $true WitnessDirectory = 'C:\FSW' WitnessServer = $dagSettings.WitnessServer } #Add this server as member xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember DAGMember { MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds DAGName = $dagSettings.DAGName SkipDagValidation = $true DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroup]DAG' } #Create two new DAG Networks xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNet1 { Name = $dagSettings.DAGNet1NetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Present' ReplicationEnabled = $dagSettings.DAGNet1ReplicationEnabled Subnets = $dagSettings.DAGNet1Subnets DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember]DAGMember' #Can't do work on DAG networks until at least one member is in the DAG... } xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNet2 { Name = $dagSettings.DAGNet2NetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Present' ReplicationEnabled = $dagSettings.DAGNet2ReplicationEnabled Subnets = $dagSettings.DAGNet2Subnets DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember]DAGMember' #Can't do work on DAG networks until at least one member is in the DAG... } #Remove the original DAG Network xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNetOld { Name = $dagSettings.OldNetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Absent' DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork]DAGNet1','[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork]DAGNet2' #Dont remove the old one until the new one is in place } } #Next we'll add the remaining nodes to the DAG Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'AdditionalDAGMember'}.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node #Can't join until the DAG exists... xExchWaitForDAG WaitForDAG { Identity = $dagSettings.DAGName Credential = $ShellCreds } xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember DAGMember { MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds DAGName = $dagSettings.DAGName SkipDagValidation = $true DependsOn = '[xExchWaitForDAG]WaitForDAG' } } #This section will handle configuring all non-DAG specific settings, including CAS and MBX settings. Node $AllNodes.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node $casSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.CASId] #Look up and retrieve the CAS settings for this node #Thumbprint of the certificate used to decrypt credentials on the target node LocalConfigurationManager { CertificateId = $Node.Thumbprint } ###General server settings### #This section licenses the server xExchExchangeServer EXServer { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds ProductKey = '12345-12345-12345-12345-12345' AllowServiceRestart = $true } #This imports a certificate .PFX that had been previously exported, and enabled services on it xExchExchangeCertificate Certificate { Thumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint Credential = $ShellCreds Ensure = 'Present' AllowExtraServices = $dagSettings.AllowExtraServices CertCreds = $CertCreds CertFilePath = $dagSettings.CertFilePath Services = $dagSettings.Services } ###CAS specific settings### xExchClientAccessServer CAS { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $casSettings.AutoDiscoverSiteScope } #Install features that are required for xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory to do Auto Certification Based Authentication WindowsFeature WebClientAuth { Name = 'Web-Client-Auth' Ensure = 'Present' } WindowsFeature WebCertAuth { Name = 'Web-Cert-Auth' Ensure = 'Present' } #This example shows how to enable Certificate Based Authentication for ActiveSync xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ASVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds AutoCertBasedAuth = $true AutoCertBasedAuthThumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint BasicAuthEnabled = $false ClientCertAuth = 'Required' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" WindowsAuthEnabled = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]WebClientAuth','[WindowsFeature]WebCertAuth','[xExchExchangeCertificate]Certificate' #Can't configure CBA until we have a valid cert, and have required features } #Ensures forms based auth and configures URLs xExchEcpVirtualDirectory ECPVDir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\ecp (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds BasicAuthentication = $true ExternalAuthenticationMethods = 'Fba' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/ecp" FormsAuthentication = $true InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ecp" WindowsAuthentication = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and for NTLM and negotiate auth xExchMapiVirtualDirectory MAPIVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\mapi (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/mapi" IISAuthenticationMethods = 'NTLM','Negotiate' InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/mapi" AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and add any OABs this vdir should distribute xExchOabVirtualDirectory OABVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\OAB (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/oab" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/oab" OABsToDistribute = $casSettings.OABsToDistribute AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and auth settings xExchOutlookAnywhere OAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Rpc (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' ExternalClientsRequireSSL = $true ExternalHostName = $casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Ntlm' InternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' InternalClientsRequireSSL = $true InternalHostName = $casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Ensures forms based auth and configures URLs and IM integration xExchOwaVirtualDirectory OWAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\owa (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds BasicAuthentication = $true ExternalAuthenticationMethods = 'Fba' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/owa" FormsAuthentication = $true InstantMessagingEnabled = $true InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint InstantMessagingServerName = $casSettings.InstantMessagingServerName InstantMessagingType = 'Ocs' InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/owa" WindowsAuthentication = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true DependsOn = '[xExchExchangeCertificate]Certificate' #Can't configure the IM cert until it's valid } #Turn on Windows Integrated auth for remote powershell connections xExchPowerShellVirtualDirectory PSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\PowerShell (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds WindowsAuthentication = $true AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's xExchWebServicesVirtualDirectory EWSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\EWS (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ShellCreds ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" AllowServiceRestart = $true } ###Transport specific settings### #Create a custom receive connector which could be used to receive SMTP mail from internal non-Exchange mail servers xExchReceiveConnector CustomConnector1 { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Internal SMTP Servers to $($Node.NodeName)" Credential = $ShellCreds Ensure = 'Present' AuthMechanism = 'Tls','ExternalAuthoritative' Bindings = '' MaxMessageSize = '25MB' PermissionGroups = 'AnonymousUsers','ExchangeServers' RemoteIPRanges = '','' TransportRole = 'FrontendTransport' Usage = 'Custom' } #Ensures that Exchange built in AntiMalware Scanning is enabled or disabled xExchAntiMalwareScanning AMS { Enabled = $true Credential = $ShellCreds } ###Mailbox Server settings### #Create database and volume mount points for AutoReseed xExchAutoMountPoint AMP { Identity = $Node.NodeName AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeDatabases' AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeVolumes' DiskToDBMap = $Node.DiskToDBMap SpareVolumeCount = 1 VolumePrefix = 'EXVOL' } #Create primary databases foreach ($DB in $Node.PrimaryDBList.Values) { $resourceId = "MDB:$($DB.Name)" #Need to define a unique ID for each database xExchMailboxDatabase $resourceId { Name = $DB.Name Credential = $ShellCreds EdbFilePath = $DB.EdbFilePath LogFolderPath = $DB.LogFolderPath Server = $Node.NodeName CircularLoggingEnabled = $true DatabaseCopyCount = 4 DeletedItemRetention = '7.00:00:00' IssueWarningQuota = '5120MB' ProhibitSendQuota = '5300MB' ProhibitSendReceiveQuota = '5500MB' AllowServiceRestart = $true DependsOn = '[xExchAutoMountPoint]AMP' #Can"t create databases until the mount points exist } } #Create the copies foreach ($DB in $Node.CopyDBList.Values) { $waitResourceId = "WaitForDB:$($DB.Name)" #Unique ID for the xWaitForMailboxDatabase resource $copyResourceId = "MDBCopy:$($DB.Name)" #Unique ID for the xMailboxDatabaseCopy resource #Need to wait for a primary copy to be created before we add a copy xExchWaitForMailboxDatabase $waitResourceId { Identity = $DB.Name Credential = $ShellCreds } xExchMailboxDatabaseCopy $copyResourceId { Identity = $DB.Name Credential = $ShellCreds MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName ActivationPreference = $DB.ActivationPreference ReplayLagTime = $DB.ReplayLagTime AllowServiceRestart = $true DependsOn = "[xExchWaitForMailboxDatabase]$($waitResourceId)" } } } } if ($ShellCreds -eq $null) { $ShellCreds = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter credentials for establishing Remote Powershell sessions to Exchange' } if ($CertCreds -eq $null) { $CertCreds = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter credentials for importing the Exchange certificate' } ###Compiles the example PostInstallationConfiguration -ConfigurationData $PSScriptRoot\PostInstallationConfiguration-Config.psd1 -ShellCreds $ShellCreds -CertCreds $CertCreds ###Sets up LCM on target computers to decrypt credentials. Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path .\PostInstallationConfiguration -Verbose ###Pushes configuration and waits for execution Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\PostInstallationConfiguration -Verbose -Wait |